Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Thank you :pray:

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Day 10
Day 10 still going strong. No urges to drink and trying to stay positive S/O stayed the night at a different manā€™s house after there date. I am still trying to find the courage to stay to keep a roof over her head and know she has food and is safe while she is carrying my child. Her actions are irrational and makes me concerned for the babyā€™s safety. Pretty broken inside but drinking is NOT an option. Everyone says to leave but I know she will use the child to hurt me if I doā€¦ just trying to stay focused on the baby to come and take it one day at a time.


I also found it beneficial and utilized natrexilone, itā€™s a generic prescription you can get from the doctor and it has reduced the urges tremendously my buddy reccomended it when her quit drinking so Iā€™m trying it and it seems to work. Hopefully this dosent violate guidelines or anything just figured Iā€™d share. And glad your kid reached out !


Checking in 211 days.
Trying to get as much vitamin D before the fall and winter is coming. Its going to be really nice and Sunny today and tomorow.


Thanks I may look into that and appreciate the kind words about my boy itā€™s made my day, week, month :pray:

Good morning @Piglet86 what a beautiful sunrise!!! Super proud of you I know how tough it can be to reach out! Have an amazing day today!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 775. I hope everybody has a good one!


@Charlie_C what a nice change of pace! I really hope that helps! Love that ur yrying new things! How do u feel already after getting some exercise in? It almost always helps my mood if I can get up early to workout :slight_smile:
@Piglet86 Iā€™m glad ur reaching out! You made such an impactful statement just now:

I literally used to not reach out bcuz deep down inside I had already made up my mind about using and no one was stopping me. I wasnā€™t ready to let it go like u said. Things are very different now for me thankfully. But I really think uv had a good glimpse at what recovery can do for u and I know that u donā€™t want to go back :slight_smile: so Iā€™m proud of you girl ā˜†
@Rockstar24777 Love the number!!! Certain numbers are just so nice lol Iā€™m finding my number today (165) very soothing actually lol :laughing:
@bry84 I absolutely love ur post! Recovery is showing u little glimpses of what miracles can happen of we stay clean and sober :slight_smile: proud of u for not caving yesterday
@juli1 congratulations on 1 week! Really proud of u and love the positivity in ur post! Iā€™m glad ur getting back to doing what u love :slight_smile:
@EFountains a huge congratulations to you on 10 days!!! Way to go :slight_smile:


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 165
Morning TS fam! I feel like today is going to be a good day! :+1: I oddly enough love my clean day number today. Theres something soothing about it :rofl: Today, I struggled to get up for my workout, but did and killed it in the gym. Sumo squats are not my fav exercise to do but I really pushed myself today. I ate a healthy breakfast and am drinking my coffee now. Will do my prayer and readings. Then off to the pharmacy for my 4th covid shot. Hope it doesnā€™t effect me too bad bcuz I have work this weekend. I am determined to have a better day today as I hope everyone else has a good, addiction free day also! :heartpulse::butterfly:

  1. Ireland is beautiful


I think day two is very challenging! Is there something else you can do to make you feel good? Go for a walk or do some more intense physical exercise to raise endorphins? Do you have any hobbies like gardening or drawing or music?

Good morning friends. Checking in on day 413. I had a doctorā€™s appointment yesterday. Afterwards, I read my chart and saw the entry ā€œmajor depression comorbid with alcohol use disorder in remissionā€. What a weird thing to read. Maybe I should put it on my resume :rofl:

Slow start this morning. Having coffee and reading TS. I am proud of everyone. Some days are tough and it takes motivation and care to be
be here.

I agree @Butterflymoonwoman. I feel like today is going to be a good day!


Sorry I donā€™t mean to interfere and I totally could be wrong but I thought that perhaps you said you had covid recently and I believe youā€™re supposed to wait getting your fourth shot if you have had it recently. Maybe just check with the health nurse. Iā€™m sure you probably have, but I just thought Iā€™d mention it. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re feeling so positive today :heart:

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Omg u made me laugh so hardā€¦ something to put on the resume lol. I remember looking at my file when I was much younger and being appalled by what was written (of course half of it I didnā€™t understand at the time lol). Anyway, enjoy ur day Drew! :smiley:


Oh interesting! We had covid about 4 weeks ago. I should check then! Thanks for the heads up! I wonder if Google would know haha my pharmacist I donā€™t think knows that we had it. I canā€™t recall if I told her :woman_shrugging:

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@Butterflymoonwoman Thank you so much. Donā€™t know why but means so much to me when someone I donā€™t even know says they are proud. Really kind words and really appreciate them. Wishing you a lovely and wonderful day :pray::blush:


Okay guys I have to come out and be completely honest. I had a friend over for dinner I told her I wasnā€™t drinking but I bought some alcohol free wine. She decided to bring her own vodka coolers, which I thought would be fine but I decided ā€œokay Iā€™m going to have a glass of alcohol free wine thenā€ and as soon as I had a sip I wanted something more so I added a half a shot of vodkaā€¦ Saying it out loud makes me think I need to reset, but thatā€™s all I hadā€¦ I really didnā€™t feel affected and I really feel like if I reset my timer is going to affect my motivation to keep going so I think Iā€™m NOT going to reset. I just want you guys to know. Please feel free to share your opinion. I feel like if this is just one little blip and it doesnā€™t affect me further Iā€™m just going to keep going with my clock. If I slip again (even just a little bit) I promise to be honest with myself and reset, even if itā€™s the same amount because I know it can snowball quickly. Iā€™m also going to make sure I get rid of that vodka because my husband said he already did but he just hid it and I found itā€¦ He didnā€™t hide it that well.!


Google told me (:rofl:) that I can get my booster shot as long as I donā€™t have symptoms, which I donā€™t. But I will clarify with the pharmacist as she is the one giving it to me

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Maybe each province has different suggestions. I would just phone a nurses hotline or at least tell them before you get your shot.

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Iā€™m so proud of you for being honest and open about what happened. I will share what my opinion is based on if I was in ur shoes. Honestlyā€¦ I would reset my timer. But I say that bcuz of the intention behind the drink. If it was an honest accident where I truly didnā€™t know what I was drinking (say someone served me a drink by accident and I took a sip) then I wouldnā€™t reset bcuz my intention to drink wasnā€™t there. Butā€¦ Iā€™ll be honest Miranda amd plz donā€™t be mad at me :frowning:

This sounds like justification to me. I have done this before where I have used a less harmful drug or used a lesser amount of my DOC than I normally would, and then bcuz I felt bad about it, I would try to justify my using.

I think in ur heart u know what the answer is. We often have the answers within us already but our mind plays games with us. You obviously have the choice in determining what to do about ur timer. I can understand how it could potentially effect ur motivation. But at the same time, if u truly in ur heart feel like it was a minor slip, then continuing on (without a reset) may end up having some negative effect mentally and emotionally on u. And again thatā€™s speaking from my own experience. When I lied about my slip a long time ago, I was so embarassed and guilty etc that I was trying to convince myself that it wasnā€™t really a slip. When Iā€™d reach milestones, I felt sooo bad bcuz I knew in my heart that it wasnā€™t true. And that dishonesty actually made me relapse again :frowning: we are different people of course and Iā€™m not saying that will happen to u. But Iā€™m just wanting to share that so that u have all the information u need to make the decision thatā€™s right for u :slight_smile: hugs my friend. Iā€™m glad ur posting about this and asking for opinions :slight_smile: