Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Absolutely I will! Thank u so much :slight_smile:

I’m not mad at you at all and I appreciate your honesty :purple_heart::heart:


That’s :100: how I felt. How can others keep up, what’s wrong with me. It was so overwhelming.

You wrote it beautifuly and makes me feel better. You’re so right, I’m not offended if someone doesn’t respond to me, there’s so many wonderful people here that help. Thanks Miranda, I hope you have a great day and weekend! :heart: :hugs:


I realize it wasn’t alot that u drank and u didn’t feel anything at all from it
 but at the same time, I wonder why the need was there to add it? What do u think? What caused u to add that shot of Vodka in there? Alcoholism is very sneaky and I always found that once I add any sort of substance into my system, it releases the addiction all over again. Sometimes it’s not very obvious at 1st but it usually shows itself sooner than later. I just really care for u Miranda :slight_smile: I truly hope that ur Friday is amazing! Hugs to u!


This seems to be a common feeling for a lot of members in their first few months here. I know for me I had finally found my people. I understood them and they understood me. I wanted so bad to feel a sense of connection and that part of me that was still very insecure felt a bit of desperation when I thought I wasn’t making it happen. I was then filled with anxiety and negative self talk, slowly I started to see it for what it was
 my diseased mind. The forum is an amazing tool to use and a way in which we can see our progress unfold before our own eyes, but, it can also work against us. What has been my saving grace is just letting go, and not getting too caught up in the surface stuff. When I concentrate on the meat and potatoes I feel the most satisfied. :yum:

Super glad youre here and thanks for your honesty.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


It’s kinda like if you were to have caught your fiancĂ© kissing your bridesmaid the morning of your wedding. It fucks everything up.


LoL, but very true. Reset happening now💜


Love u lady :slight_smile: get right back on track! Huge hugs being sent ur way

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Hi Miranda, here’s how I would look at it if it was me. If I didn’t reset, I would always have it in the back of my mind with every milestone and it would take away from that and bother me. I’ve often thought about ‘who would know’ but I always came back to, I would. You came clean here, and I think you know the answer.

Only my opinion on Day 2. :hugs:


This fight you have signed up for is with the heavy weight champ. Addiction doesn’t mess around and you have had a taste of that. If you want to win this fight you have to mean business and be strict with yourself. No loop holes because addiction will find them everytime. You are starting to put some really good things into place, and your addict is going to push back so stay strong. Keep hitting those meetings, keep hooking in here, reaching out to recovering addicts via text :wink:. One thing I learned was I couldn’t make any wise choices for myself for at least a year. So I asked other addicts in recovery BEFORE i made a decision that could have put my recovery in danger. We want you to succeed we want you to have a beautiful life.

Keep coming back.


Good morning everyone! DAY 11 without weed and I realized how emotionally unstable I was. I am grateful to work with the people I do who understand my struggle because I probably would’ve already been fired. I’ve been overreacting at work at the most simplest problems that could’ve been avoided. My boss has given me ideas of approaching situations without any emotional conflict. Then the guilt of admitting that I was wrong had me crying at work. I hated crying infront of people. But once again I am determined to keep myself in check before overreacting. This journey is definitely an emotional struggle.


Thanks so much for reaching out 
 just learning how to live life one day at a time . I never did things the right way or grown up way so many things seem new to me . Everything will come together I hope


Got myself a few soberversary gifts


Hey man any recommendations in Ireland. My sister is heading there in a fee days.

2 years :scream:
Omg :scream: Jess. Congratulations I had no idea you had a birthday coming up.
Since your not doing cake. How about some balloons.
Congratulations!! What a big deal​:balloon::balloon: :balloon:
I’m so happy and proud of you.
Love the middle finger thingy.


Yay you Jess!!! massive congrats Lady, those are awesome numbers! Be proud ( I know you are), I am too!


Congratulations on 2 Years, that is awesome!! Enjoy your sober day! :star_struck:


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Wow!! Hell yes!!! Huge congratulations to you! Omg amazing work :clap:


Congratulations, Jess. I love the presents you got yourself. I hope your recovery goes well and you progress with your knee :innocent:


7/29/2020. Lord, you are one of the ones I admire so much! Getting and staying clean during a world wide pandemic. I don’t know if I could have with all the extra fear and stress. My hat is off to you. Congrats!!