Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

Congratulations to amazing 16 months!:confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


Day 32

Tried cold shower against phantom hangover feeling this morning again, it works.

I am fine, but having lot of nervous and anxious feelings in my stomach since yesterday. Don’t know why. I am doing my routines and will do meditation and Yoga today again.

I made a new friendship at the pool last week, we have exactly the same pace and were talking and laughing a bit in the water after workout. Yesterday we met again, made 2500 meters and we have an appointment again for Wednesday. I was always on the point that i want to and have to swim alone to have fun, but with him it’s a lot of fun and the pace is even faster. We are able to crawl synchronously. Very cool!

Tonight i have my regular group therapy meeting. Maybe I will talk about the anxious feelings in my stomach. :grimacing::panda_face:

I wish you a nice and sober day :palm_tree:
Sending love :revolving_hearts:
Take care :v:t2:


Dear Eric, i feel you with that f* feelings :face_with_hand_over_mouth:!
I am sure it will be okay again. If not today, maybe tomorrow.
You are doing great not even thinking about drinking! :muscle:t2:
Julia :panda_face:


Congratulations to 2 full weeks!:confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


No, they do this every morning. It’s a famous spot to do this because of the environment. Turkish people come here to ask there girlfriend to merry for example ore make wedding pictures.


Wow! Your photo report of this spot is sooo amazing!

Really cool thing. Thanks for the pictures! Really appreciate.

Checking in Day 1181 sober

Have been absent lately due to moving, cleaning and trying settle into our new place plus dealing with some issues with my eldest that are really stressing me out. By night time I’m just too exhausted to jump onto the forum but I’m missing you all and miss reading all the threads and posts. Should be back regularly again after this weekend.
BUT I am still sober and that is one positive always worth celebrating!


Well done on the move.
Terribly stressful time, every time. Moving sucks

Get the important stuff sorted then make time to do stuff that has nothing whatsoever to do with moving.
Doing nothing feels like such a reward after moving.


Checking in, day 655. I had a pretty good weekend, spent some time with my brother and his family, read a lot and watched some films. I don’t really have work at the moment which isn’t good financially, but at least I have some time for myself. Did some literary translation and sent to an online publisher. This is something I really like to work on, but rarely have the time and peace it requires.


Heck yeah @Piglet86 almost to your 60 YAY!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 802 clean and sober. Well yesterdays sunrise hike turned into a sunrise breakfast first and then it was over :rofl::rofl::rofl: came home and freaking napped and read all day. Oh well, self compassion is key to my daily mindset so there’s that. I hope everyone has an amazing day today I’m so proud of you all! Love you guys!!!


Happy 800 days @Nordique my sober almost twin HELL YEAH!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Your amazing keep it up

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Just like @Rockstar24777 said, I’m checking in on day 800 today! Thanks to everyone for all your support and help! And thanks Rob! So glad to have a sober twin :metal:

I hope everybody has a good one!


Good morning everyone. I’ve been super busy with things here around the half way house that I’ve been really lacking checking in. I’m doing well, I’m feeling beautiful inside and out, I’m grateful and just loving every little thing, doesn’t matter what gets thrown my way I’m gonna cherish it. I’ve been really getting into crystal lately and have these three, opalite, blue onyx, and blue goldstone, all have amazing healing and energy and help with so many things. I love meditating with them but anyways much love to every one hope you all have good days


Good morning friends, day 647. Slept crappy. Had the 2nd dose of our shingles vaccine (old person problems) yesterday. Maybe that is making me feel wonky…
Looking forward to a short week as we’re meeting Emily’s family at Disney’s Animal Kingdom this Friday. But also heavy heart for all that Elise is going through. There are no term limits on being a father.

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Checking in on the morning of day 438 drinking coffee. Then dragging my lazy ass into the shower so I can bike to work on time.

Congratulations on 800 days @Nordique! Way to go!


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hell yeah bro!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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