Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

Thank you! Allow me to bore you with a short story: I was kind of a social outcast in high schools, like nerds usually are. But I found my tribe, or thought I did. Me and the other weirdos were just like the kids on Stranger Things, without the “saving the world” stuff. Then I realized they were also making fun of me behind my back. :cry: I’m still, at the age of 52, anxious about interaction but I know I isolate right before I relapse so I try to stay in touch with everybody. Like they say, “The best way to have a friend is to be one.”

Same here. You’re always welcome to talk about it if you want.

I know, right? This whole sobriety thing would be a cakewalk if we didn’t have those darn feelings to deal with. :face_with_monocle:

@SoberWalker Incredible, more photos please! :camera_flash:
@Nordique Congratulations on your 800! :partying_face: :tada:
@Piglet86 Congrats on almost 2 months, I’m going to eat a taco for you!
@ArdieB Thank you; I’m a swell guy, but I’d stop short of “amazing”. :wink:

Been an incredibly average morning. Having coffee, about to make breakfast. It’s weighing on me lately that my “me time” isn’t helping at all. It’s gone from “self care” to “getting nothing accomplished”. Aside from the escalating financial woes, my mindset is getting restless and discouraged. In other words, relapse warning signals.
Some good news: I’m in no danger of losing my apartment. I got the lease renewal form yesterday. I just have to sign it and drop it off.
I found out yesterday that a friend of mine from rehab has been incarcerated. Last time I saw her, she was living on the street. I wondered what became of her and after a brief search, found out she’s going to be in jail until 2025! :astonished: Much as I don’t like writing letters by hand, I know it’ll make her day to hear from me.
Well, I guess that’s it for now. Meeting with case mgr. at 10, maybe something good will happen. I’ll let you know. Have a great sober day, peeps! :v:


Hey y’all. I am blessed to be checking in w/ 2 years, 6 months and 1 day. I am happy today. I love waking up clean and sober and talking to my HP first thing in the morning. I never wake up in a bad mood, that’s a blessing. I am happy with my life atm. I started EMDR yesterday and did my first reprocessing session and I can’t believe how it went. It is VERY interesting. I can’t believe how our minds work. Well I am proud of myself for being honest w my therapist and being willing to work on my mental health. I am going to do a lot of self-care and take it easy. I also had school start and I have completed 3 assignments. I have one more for this week but I actually love school. I’m happy I got to this point, I never thought I would reach it. I am gonna miss my home group tonight bc I am going to my parents for a few days. I also want to say my parents home can be kind of triggering. The way they communicate is hard for me to be around. I hope it will be fine. I just wanna practice driving so I can get my license back and I want to see them and have them see how good I am doing. Well, have a good day! Just For Today


Hang in there. You have been doing so good! Try to have some positive self-talk… that helps me a lot. Just say “Eric you have been doing so good I am so proud of you. I care about you and I love you” or whatever you are comfortable w/ saying. And remember this too shall pass, as all things do. I hope you feel better


Congratulations on your 4th day! That is a miracle. I know you are hurting and that is ok.

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You know what is really strange: you’ve been always exactly 100 days ahead of me. Recently I caught up 2 days. :grimacing::crazy_face: My counter says 1388.

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Congrats man

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checkin in myself. have a blessed day

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There it is, the 800 hundo club! Congrats man. You’ve been a consistent, kind, supportive person for all 800 of them. I’m really glad to be on this journey with you. Enjoy your milestone my friend.


I actually thought about that! So ur definitely on the right track :slight_smile: I appreciate the suggestion. We will get him a bike helmet for sure. The other helmet that I have seen other medical kiddos wear isedical equipment so I’ll see if we can get funding for those… unless a normal helmet would be fine (which it might be). He’s just soo fast and I don’t think honestly that the staff there are used to having a student that moves quickly. When we did the tour of the school not too long ago, alot of the kiddos were very slow moving due to their disability. So I think it will be a learning curve for everyone. And my son needs to slow down also so he’s safe and for the safety of other kids too that can’t move out of the way very quickly.


I love ur post Mike! Its so very positive and it really sounds like u are enjoying life! This is soo great to hear. Love that ur into crystals too. If u have a chance to grab an amethyst, they having amazing healing energy for addictions in particular. I have a raw amethyst at home and its a very comforting crystal :slight_smile: keep up with the amazing work Mike!!


Huge HUGE congratulations to you!!! Really proud of you! :star_struck:


day 88 AF
Ugggg I hate running out of likes! Super annoying. I dont want to read if I cant hit the like/love button. :roll_eyes: ok well if thats the worst thing that happens to me today I do believe I got it made :rofl:

I’m feeling more of a desire return to “want” to be sober, so thats good. Im glad I never lost the willingness. I know that in early sobriety, especially, its an emotional roller coaster. The desire to stay AF comes and goes. Its weather we choose to act upon those thoughts is what gets us through to the next 24 AF. Im grateful for both the knowledge and my higher power carrying me through the last several days because left to my own, I would have been drunk thats fer sure.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day out there.


@anon53116147, @Dan531 and @Butterflymoonwoman Thank you guys!! That means a lot and I would never have gotten this far without you all.


Congratulations to freaking 800 days! :tada:


Thank you!!

Taking it easy…step by step.


Hi Kat here checking in on Day 80

Things are good on a couple days off work. Took it easy yesterday but did go over and do NA stepwork with my sponsor have finished Step 1 and on to Step 2 next time I pick it up (later today!).

I’m enjoying the little things in life, getting chores done and making dinner for my ex and 14-year-old who is still living with me. Taking the dog to the dog park too is fun. Tonight is my homegroup meeting so looking forward to that!

Hope you all have a good clean and sober 24



Thanks girl. And yes I do have amethyst just didn’t take a pic with it lol but here is my little piece


Just staying focused today! Taking one minute at a time!!


Good to hear you’re doing so well!!

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