Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

Almost day 10! Today I went out for a drive with my mom and the kids. We stopped for lunch which I normally would have had at least 2 tall beers. I wanted one so badly but I just put my head down and stuck to water. Afterwards my mom told me she was proud of me which I can’t remember her ever saying before (our family’s not big on sharing feelings or anything :roll_eyes:) but all in all it felt good to stop myself! I’m still having cravings honestly. Just have to keep pushing them out of my mind. This was not a hard day but I definitely need to get more tools to fight these cravings in the near future because I feel like they’re only going to get worse.


@SassyRocks @Misokatsu @Piglet86 @maxwell @Mbwoman @Matt
Thank u for ur comments. I really appreciate every single one! That’s just the thing… if I’m able to help I will. If someone is legitimately hungry or thirsty (and I am in a position to help), how can I honestly be judgemental and turn someone away. I have definitely been in his shoes where I needed help from a stranger in one way or another… and some of the looks I remember getting from others made me feel like I wasn’t even a human being. I honestly can not be that way to others. He is a human being first and not “some junkie asking for people to buy him stuff”. Her comment just really made me cringe :grimacing:


Wow Matt. I never thought of it like that! Thank u so much for shedding some light on this! Appreciate it!


I absolutely agree with this girl! U worded it perfectly! Sometimes the simplest of gestures can make the greatest impact :slight_smile:


Beautiful post @Matt. Thank you so much for the powerful reminders of the quiet and unconscious prejudice of every day life.


Hi everyone,
Its 2:25am and I cant sleep due to the party about 5 metres from my bedroom window.
It’s been going on for hours.
I just think at this time of night its respectful to think of others, turn the music down and close your back doors as we all have to live next to each other and respect eachother.
My me tal health goes so bad if I dont sleep and iv been trying so hard for 2 weeks to stay on track and been doing well until now.
I can feel the anxiety starting where in worrying already the knock on effect this is going to have on me.
I dont want to call the neghbourhood housing noise team, as I dont want to get them I to trouble. In kind of hoping one of the people in there flats will do ask them.
Its ridiculous, but they are young and it probably hasnt even crossed there minds.

Oh dear. I’m going to read and try to sleep through the noise.


Oh girl this awful!!! Do u have any ear plugs or anything? My husband uses those at times bcuz he’s a light sleeper. Unless u have to wake up to alarm, then that may be a problem :sweat_smile:


I think if I read il drop off to sleep with the book on me :joy:
I totally understand that it’s one of there 20th birthdays, and it really probably hasnt even crossed their minds, or dont realise how loud they are.
One thing I feel greatfull for is my son is 20 and I feel gratefull I isnt out doing stuff like that.
I probably put him off if I’m honest!
Il be okay I have to try not to let it get to me, that is what i can control how I react and let it effect me.
Iv brought quite a few books and I’m just going to read one I usually wake up with it in my face where iv fallen asleep.
I think the hard intense working out for 2 weeks twice a day is catching up with me too.

Gosh I remember when I used to party 2:30am was still early :joy:

Your doing so well, if been keeping up with your posts and I hope you know you really are a caring person. Your deeply put others before yourself and anytime you need me you know where I am x
Thank you for always being here x


Thank you for reminding me I have a sleeping blindfold with earphones in for meditation.
I’m sorted :hugs::grin::purple_heart:


It’s truly amazing, how we almost can see our “old” selves in other people or situations. Like urself, I was also one of those loud music, last one to stay up partying kind of girls, and ur post made me think how annoying I must’ve been too to others around me lol :woman_facepalming: And ur welcome about the earphones. Hope that helps :pray:

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Oh I love my sleeping eye mask / headphones. Heaven!!!


Good stuff.

Last year, in the beginning of the year, I stayed sober for 90 days. Jan, Feb, and March. I thought I had it under control. I was drinking every 2 weeks, sometimes every 3 or 4 weeks. I was doing okay. I also went out for drinks with my wife and got drunk, didn’t start any fights. We both had fun, we chilled, no drama, nothing. I told myself that I could handle it. I ended up getting fucked up for Father’s Day, blacked out. Hung over as fuck. Football season, another drunken night. Our 15 year anniversary ended up an argument instead of a celebration. In October, I drank at a friend’s house, drove home buzzed. Walked to a bar a couple of streets from here. Took shots, bought about 5 beers, bought about 10 shots for a party. A buncha random people. Walked back home and drank whatever I found in the fridge. My wife’s trulys, some old beers I had in a bucket from a party. It was a fucking disaster that night. So, yeah, this moderation shit does not work. It only takes that one beer. It was a learning experience for sure. I realized what I did wrong. Currently working on my longest sobriety streak. Almost 10 months. This app has helped alot. Thank you all. Much love.


Hello everyone. I posted yesterday saying I was having some serious difficulty and had a tough moment of almost relapsing. Honestly it was a really bad day yesterday, the worst in a long time.

The good thing is I told some friends and several of them were willing to talk about it. I was even open that it’s VERY very hard for me to open up to people and share my feelings, and they made me feel comfortable doing so and not judged at all. Today a friend actually drove an hour to come visit, and picked me up and we hung out for a while. It was much needed.

I took the day off work today and made it a mental health day. The self harm urges are not as strong today as yesterday, though I’m still thinking about it a lot.

I started reading a book today, “Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy” by David Burns. I’m hoping this can help me with my depression.


Hi, I hope when you’re reading this it’s morning. Yes, I’m sure I was an ass when I was 20 celebrating as well.

Seems we’ve all turned into the adults we rolled our eyes at when young. I hope you got some sleep. I’ve said it before, but you’re such a lovely person that I know we would be friends. :heart: :hugs: :pray::tulip:

Thank you for sharing, I think so many people can relate to your story. Myself included. :neutral_face:


Check in from the train to work. Glad to see the site back up. Such an important tool in our recoveries. One day at a time.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean as it is the only way to a liveable life for us all. Love from me.


Day 147. I went shopping for my new place. A lot of money but hopefully i can keep these things a while. Resting, then tonight ill be by to organize. Very tired. Need to bring.a tape measure, some art, some cleaning supplies to the new place.

Priming my desk from an ugly beige metal to a nice clean white. My roommates are so welcoming. I want to keep things clean and healthy. They do have alcohol and weed out in the open. I didnt have a problem with my last roommates doing this, and i dont have it in me to steal from them. I have stocked the fridge with seltzer and fruit juice and plan to hole up mostly in my room doing art.

Grateful for therapy. For feeling small. Thank you for listening


Good morning everyone. Day 6 and i can get out of bed now the site is up and running again. Its heavy rain where I live at the moment …well it would be wouldn’t it? It’s my day off. No worries we shall find something to keep me busy maybe a few hours in the greenhouse.
Today is the day I usually meet my dad in the pub for ‘a few beers’ well he would have a few I’d have as many as it took and come rolling home 10 hours later. That’s not happening today and even just saying that makes me smile. :slightly_smiling_face:. I hope you all enjoy your day today.


@BrianP You did well mate getting through give yourself a pat on the back.

When I did 2yrs off the drink I attended weddings, funerals etc I’d be sat sober trying to understand what people were saying to me. I’d be thinking if I was in your condition I’d be able to understand your slurred words perfectly. Drink was definitely the lubricant that enabled me to think that I was John Travolta.

Anyway I just wanted to say well done. :+1:


Nicieeeeeéé!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: :nine::zero: :tada::tada::tada: