Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

20 mins late but congratulations Dana I’m so proud of you xx you know how I think your amazing and an extremely strong woman, who always put other before her own needs.
I’m glad to see you starting to have self love and making sure your okay too you so deserve to be okay.
Again another huge milestone I get to witness you reach, although we are in other parts of the world your in my heart. :two_hearts:


Hope so :hugs::heartpulse:
It’s so hot over here … I guess our hot is like a normal day to you?
Its 5:30am I havent had the best sleep in 2 days and this always knocks me back a bit so I decided hey no I’m going to try and not let it knock me back as much, easier said than done I know but a bit of self care and then not doing anything that puts too much pressure on myself and il be fine.
Iv woken up absolutely hungry, what have you eaten today?

Edit: just seen your post, I love the piano. Something I use to play when I was younger.

Your doing great with your 165 days :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

I’m sorry to hear what you have been through, my mum also went through similar and had to still sit with him at dinner times etc… I cant say I know what to say really, as with my mum there isnt anything I can say to help her or that she finds helpful. She does always tell me to tell a fiend of mine to get help quicker as possible from professionals as she is 56 and it just hit her real bad all the emotions- when I read your posts sometimes it sounds so similar the feelings you both share.
I’m always here if you want to talk but I know from my mum it’s such a sensitive subject and I dont know how to help you or what to say, but I am here for you, so if you do ever need me you let me know what I can do to help even if it’s just cheer you up I’m sure I can do that :hugs::hugs::hugs:
(I know you are trying with professionals already, I’m proud of you how you manage)


I hope you have a great sleep! I’m day 5 tomorrow!
Glad you are here.


Yay Dana! So proud of you♥️


@Faugxh huge congratulations on your 3 years :dizzy::dizzy: that’s amazing.


Congratulations on your 6 months. That is really amazing with all the change you made visible here with us.
Have a good night and be proud of yourself because you can :sunflower::slightly_smiling_face:




Huge congrats to you! The impacts of staying clean and working so hard on your wellness are obvious to us readers :kissing_heart:


You’re doing great! So wonderful to see.


Good evening all. Checking in on day 358. Haven’t checked in for a few days, was in a bad headspace but snapped out of it and back into my routine. Hope everyone has a good day or night and stay safe!


Checking in on day 147. Feeling good, don’t often think about alcohol.


Congratulations @BrianP nice to see you check in :slightly_smiling_face:

@PinkyP congrats too !!


Glad you feeling better.
That year is right around the corner :dizzy::grin:


Still here, 28 days free of booze! Haven’t been online much as I’ve just returned to work, and I’m on night shift, so sleeping the days away! :star2:


Congratulations @Butterflymoonwoman Dana!! :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

@Benwa10 and you’ve got your first week in you’re pocket!! Well done! :facepunch:

#Day 1425 :seedling:
Had one of the biggest cravings since years!
And didn’t see it coming.
I had a beautiful first holiday. Went with my daughter to a jewlery shop near the beach to get both a “forever bracelet”. Both found a lovely one and after that we enjoyed a beachwalk and a lunch, so far so good.
That night I went to the casino with my hubby and youngest son. And that’s where the trouble began. I wasn’t been in a casino for at least 25 years. Forgot how many alcohol there is around. But also noticed my mind making the old connections. Putting the dots together trying to make me drink: holiday, night out, having fun but also feeling a bit out of place…and triggered by seeing all those glasses of wine everywhere!
I told my hubby about the craving. Telling get’s the edge off for me.
At home I wanted something better to drink than water. Hubby took a beer but there was nothing in the house for me beside oatmilk :dizzy_face:
Found applejuice in my pantry but it had an old date so I trow it away. I felt like back in the old days when I needed a drink but there was nothing in my house. Discomfort, irritated, a bit angry, sad, all that. Hubby could drink that beer and I could not. You know what I mean.
So there I was…cravings and drinking water.
But I’m not going to die if I do not get what I want. I had such a lovely day beside those cravings. And today I can reflect on them without a hangover ore blackout to spoil it.

Today I will buy some stuff I need for our upcoming holiday. Going to wander around in Turkye for 2 weeks. Living in AirBNB houses.
Just basic, no luxery.
That’s all for now!
Alive and sober :heavy_heart_exclamation:


@Butterflymoonwoman It has been a privilege to watch your progress. I am so damn proud of you! You work hard and you reaped what you sow. Congratulations :clap::tada:!

@SadMemeQueen Baby steps to get to where you want to be. Try to eat food with nutrients not just any old thing.

@SoberWalker Well done on beating that craving! The little sods to pop up from time to time. But you were strong even if you only had water to tide you over.

Day 733

Not sure if it was the result of the talk last night, or if it was because my son’s friend was with us most of the day, but my husband was like a different person today. Almost like, mate, are you okay? You will not be able to sustain this level of change, perhaps you should pace yourself a little bit? :rofl::joy::rofl: Even my daughter asked “why didn’t you daddy fight today?” But just tried to be appreciative.


Coffee. Rather warm outside. Not to say bloody hot. Thinking if I’ll do the same as yesterday, having my bike with me on the train to work and biking home tonight. It was very nice last night. Interesting how much the temperature differentiates between the open country and the concrete jungle of the city.

In other news, I got myself a new work book that deals with recovering from (early) trauma, recommended by my therapist. Didn’t get beyond the introduction last night as I had to cry about every two sentences I read. Also, this Friday, I got an intake for a psychotherapy group dealing with child sexual abuse. It’s going to be quite a trip trying to deal with this too. But I’m working on it. One day at a time.

Nothing of this would happen if it wasn’t for me being sober and clean. So grateful for that. It’s the foundation of all that has happened in my life in the last 3+ years. All that I made happen in my life. ODAAT. It’s loads of work but it’s so worth it. Have as good a Sunday as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from Amsterdam.

@Butterflymoonwoman Huge congrats on 6 months Dana!!! You worked so hard for this!
@Minatasha Belated happy birthday!
@SadMemeQueen That’s some great keys Megan! Enjoy 'm!
@BrianP They keep adding up don’t they? Congrats!


Congratulations everyone on each day that you have not used your drug or whatever of choice, be it addiction, self harm, porn, sex, food, the list goes on.
Congrats to all the people who are here who may still be using but are here on these pages wanting to stop. The help is here for you!

@CNevarezN Big congrats to you for your thought processes and for being the days stopped that you are. Congrats for using the big vacuum when you needed to.

@SoberWalker I think it’s time for you to get some special liquids for you to have in your house. Something special that you will feel like you are special when you want some thing!

@BrianP congrats on your 16 weeks.

@Butterflymoonwoman happy six months!
Yes, the heart is for everyone, but especially with you in mind!
You give so much just like the tree shows. You’re growing, blossoming and reaching out far, in wonderful ways, in your sobriety.
Thanks for everything. Celebrate your day today.
I’m glad you have everything ready for your Monday. Thinking about you with all of it. Big hugs, love, and big congrats!

Editing to congratulate @Misokatsu on your big anniversary! Congrats and thanks for so much!
Another edit for @Mno who also posted while I was writing. Lots of good work you’ve done. Hugs for your healing. Continued healing.


I had the same problem, that I need something “special” to drink. Some time ago this was a topic in this thread. And now I’ve so many different flavours of sparkling water that I could bath in it. :wink:


Congratulations Dana for a half year of freaking sobriety! You did it! :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada: