Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

On day 65. Still feeling like I need a good sleep. When willlit happen? :thinking:
Washing all my bed linen to get out on the line. Iā€™ve decided to clean out my kitchen cupboards and drawers. Wonder what Iā€™ll find? :joy:
Keep on keeping on x


Probably a lot of spices with expired shelf-life. We had to get rid of many of those. :wink:

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Day 18 :muscle: just woke horrible sleep panky was playing up I donā€™t think itā€™s likes this heat at all so tired :sleeping: Netflix here I come :popcorn:


Hey all, checking in on day 791. 26 months! Woooo :partying_face:

I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes that is definitely my plan! And most of the time there is ore there is a stash of chocolat because that helps as well. But now there was nothing šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 181
I want to thank everyone so much for the congratulations :confetti_ball: It still feels very surreal that I have 6 months! Itā€™s kind of mind blowing :exploding_head: for me lol
Woke up feeling pretty good. Got my coffee and Iā€™m heading to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful, addiction free day. ODAAT we got this!


Wow Iā€™m really grateful that u didnā€™t drink. U fought and won! I love what u said:

I love this! In the problem I ALWAYS felt like I HAD to follow thru with every thought and urge. My emotions and urges to use dictated what I was going to doā€¦ which always ended up with using. Itā€™s different today but it was a huge change of thinking. You challenged those thoughts and were able to actually see that addictive thinking trying to pull u backā€¦ and u didnā€™t let it.
So freaking proud of u!


Wow thatā€™s some deep inner work that you are about to embark on. Imagine how freeing u will feel when u have worked thru those things in ur past. Thinking of u as u go thru all this :slight_smile:


Big Congrats @Butterflymoonwoman i see you putting in the work on your recovery journey! Im so proud of you. Its a pleasure to read your shares and see your personal growth. You are a rockstar and spread your experience, strength and hope to others here on the forum. Yay you!


Day 793 clean and sober. Up early and at work. Today is my Friday and Iā€™m going to see Rob Zombie tonight after work. Have an amazing day I love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


5 months 4 days about to go from an impatient treatment to sober living house feeling confident got everything set up ready to live instead of exist moving to a new town where I know no one starting completely over Iā€™m looking forward to having all new.clean experiences and not be reminded by those places hope everyone is doing good I feel like the sky is limit!!!


Day 260

This is my first post for 6 days and itā€™s written with a very heavy heart and tear in my eye.

My partners mum passed away 5 days ago, sheā€™d been poorly but it was unexpected having only been medically fit for discharge from hospital 6 days earlier.

She collapsed in front of my partner and I tried my best to resuscitate her but couldnā€™t all my training and effort could not save our queen. Even though only 7% of people survive with early CPR I feel guilty for not being able to keep her with us. I hope and pray that she knows I did everything I could. Rest in peace mum. I loved you more than youā€™d ever know and just like I love my own mum too! X :heart::broken_heart:

Iā€™m not struggling with my sobriety, Iā€™m thankful I can be there for my partner and children and help them through this.

Hug your loved ones closer than ever!

Much love to you all.


Day 10081

Something turned. Donā€™t know what exactly. Perhaps it was finally opening up about being in a dark place for over a week. Iā€™m not 100% yet but I feel so much better. I think I was riding a health related pink cloud and it burst into thunderstorms. Someone I highly respect reminded me to live in the moment. Thatā€™s all we really have and letting fear focused thoughts of the future ruins this moment we dwell in. So although itā€™s difficult to live with uncertainty I am going to do my best to put one foot in front of the other and focus on today.

@Butterflymoonwoman oh honey congrats on six months! You have come so far and I love watching your journey :heart:

Borrowed my daughterā€™s car to run to the store last night. Was only gone ten minutes. Thank god! A trip to Walmart would have been a bigger disaster. I walked into my room and my 50 gallon tank sprang a leak. The pressure had it spraying three feet across the room. I flew around grabbing buckets, pans and towels. My oldest grandson dumped the buckets as I filled more until I got the water level below the leak. Then we cleaned up the mess. Sealed the tank and had to leave it to cure overnight. Poor babies are midsize angelfish who love deep water. I worried they wouldnā€™t make it overnight but they are still alive. Crazy ending to my night lol.

I had to make a decision to drop out of the fitness thread. I canā€™t fulfill my promise to walk every day because I donā€™t know from day to day what my strength level is going to be. Iā€™m okay with that. It is what it is and no sense throwing extra stress my way.

Have a blessed day everyone :heart:


Iā€™m so sorry for that happening, that must have been traumatic. Take care of all of you and fight the good fight. :heart:


My deepest condolences on the passing of ur family member. U did everything u could and I truly feel like she knows this. Most people I feel are not even trained in CPR so the fact that u knew this and was able to provide her with this as soon as u could, is remarkable. And she was very lucky to have both of u there with her :rose:


I am so happy to hear that ur feeling better! This is such wonderful news! Iā€™m also grateful that ur beautiful fish are alive after the tank leaking. Omg I couldnā€™t even imagine the panic u mustā€™ve felt trying to fix this! Hope u have a fantastic day lady! Hugs!


Oh hun, Iā€™m so sorry about your loss. That had to have been so hard. Iā€™m grateful it hasnā€™t affected your recovery and that you are there to provide that much needed support for your loved ones.


Day 26
Wellā€¦ days 26 shitty day S/O says sheā€™s moving back home which is 200 miles away ā€¦ looks like I wonā€™t get to see my child very much when itā€™s born ā€¦ life sucks


Thank you Dana! :kiss:

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Day 327 checking in