Checking in daily to maintain focus #47

I had not heard of that. Thank you so much for the encouragement :yellow_heart:

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11 months is Amazing! :star_struck: I’m sorry your mum is not recognizing how much you have worked to get here and also how much you help others!

We can’t control others reactions but please don’t let it take away how proud you should be, I’m super proud of you too!

Enjoy your dinner with your son. :heart: :hugs:

And a HUGE congratulations on 11 months!! :partying_face:




Thank you so much for encouraging me. I ended up going to Pilates this morning. First time in the gym in forever. It felt really good to be around others and having a laugh. A friend and I are going to go to the spa today coz we’ve both been feeling sad.
I’ll keep checking in :yellow_heart:


Day 177

Im in a day long low grade panic attack.
Workday over the only productive thing i did was use the vegetables and leftover pasta before they went bad.

Idfk. I didnt do any of the shit i thought i was going to do. Im not in Crisis and ill still get paid Wednesday but this has fucked with me. Going to use a pto for this and have a 3 day week which i deserve. I laid my clothes out for tomorrow.

Clutter encroaches. I can say I want to forget about the why and be a better person, but i hid in my room and ate and watched my phone and now its nearly 7pm.

Going to set the timer before I post this so I can at least end the post on a note that im trying instead of stewing in misery. Ok…go:

Well, my room isnt that much better but bed is made, pot is washed, dishes are in dishwasher, some small items put away. A significant change can happen in 15 minutes. I wanted to get more done but i am not giving up.

What do you do to change lethargy into motivation?

Thanks for reading.


Welcome back! Im sorry you relapsed but it is good to keep checking in here. Please be good to yourself (caring, not enabling)

You can do this!


And there’s a great thread about it.



Good evening friends, day 653. Sober. Busy. Having to miss my meeting this evening as we are short a car. I’ll be OK.
Have an awesome evening! I am going to finish mine sober.


I guess I was asking for personal strategies, so that depends on what you get motivated for.

I struggle to move, clean, pay attention, finish personal projects, be in a gentler mindset with myself.


@moonchild7994 People are still people, so get busy, or forgetful, or lazy, etc. If you aren’t getting the support you need from your current sponsor, the only two options are talk to her about how you need extra support, or search for a new one. Well done on all your hard work on step 4!

@Deep Keep pushing forward, odaat!

@Twizzlers We all want acknowledgement from our loved ones, it’s not childish at all. I’m sorry your mum doesn’t realise what a MASSIVE deal 11 months is! But we do! Hope you have a nice dinner with your son.

@Jesile Congrats on one month!

@PiscesHoney Welcome to the forum. That is such a lot to go thru! You have got thru that, you are strong and can do this. The waits for mental health care are abominable. Have you ever tried AA, SMART, etc? You could walk into or log onto a meeting and get support straightaway.

@Minatasha That 15 minutes of tidying was great! Motivation cones after action not before. So do a little something then really appreciate that " it looks better, I did a good job, go me, " to get that motivation flowing for the next thing.


Thank you :dizzy:!

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Well it was a great weekend with my girls. Hit 3 months today. Also had my 1300 dollar bike that I just got stolen from the gym when I got back. Really wanna cry but need to stay strong. Much love


I’ve tried a couple AA meetings so far. One was great, I plan to continue going to that meeting weekly and another was so volatile and upsetting.
I’ll look into SMART.
Prior to all of this, drinking - I’d had an eating disorder from age 14.
I’m going to keep working toward this. I’m tired to my bones.
I just haven’t gotten it right, I feel like a waste of potential and so much opportunity.


Congrats on 3 months! Sorry about the bike. That blows

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Awwww thank you for caring and that’s good to hear that you called and are feeling better. Yeah we go through a lot of the same things you and I. I like what you said about taking small steps and that’s exactly what we’re doing even though it’s hard as fuck to do sometimes. I’m really grateful for you Mel and I’m glad we’re walking this path together, much love and respect :heart::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey Scot I’m in San Diego, Ca :sunglasses::metal:t2:

You and I are on exactly the same page. Sleep well! :sleeping:

Joining us is a great start, welcome to TS!

I wish I knew; I struggle with the same things. If you find something that works, please share it!

Congratulations to @Jesile for 30 days and @Scotie for 5 months! :partying_face:
@Twizzlers 11 months is awesome, and the Big One is only a month away. You are doing fantastic; don’t let anyone, not even family, take that from you!!
@Butterflymoonwoman Mondays are your favorite? Things are significantly different in Canada, eh? Seriously though I’m happy you’ve had a great day.

Day 21
A very nondescript day. Not a bad one though. A lady I met last week came through with the bus pass she promised. So no more excuses for sitting around the house. I have to get back into the real world. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
Met with my Peer Support guy and we hung out at the lake for a couple hours. Had taco burgers for dinner. The taco shells I got were all stale and chewy, so I used hamburger buns. I know that’s ghetto AF but it’s really good. Unfortunately, I ended up taking a nap, so I’ll be awake all night.
On the bright side, I may be able to hit the gym tomorrow. Have a great sober evening, friends. :v:


Hey! Mondays are MY favorite day of the week too. Apparently we’re oddballs for that. Lol. Go team Monday!


AA meetings can vary greatly. I have only done online, but some were definitely not for me. Glad you found one that jives. Not to the extent to call it a eating disorder, but I also suffer from disordered eating. They both stem from the same thing, I think. I just started OA meetings too. I also get tired. Why do I have to work so hard just to feel normal? You are not a waste of anything. You are just doing the best with what you have, like we all are.


Wow I’m sooo sorry sbout ur bike :frowning: that’s beyond devastating. I’m glad ur staying strong in ur recovery and not letting this effect u. Huge congratulations on 3 months. U have worked very hard to get here :slight_smile:

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Haha ur “eh” made me laugh haha yes Mondays are my fav. They are the days when I get to renew and refresh my routine. I guess thats bcuz I often screw up near the end of the week when it comes to my routine and also with how I eat. So Mondays are my reset days lol anyway they make me happy bcuz I usually do well on Mondays. Plus I get to work out after having 2 days off due to work :slight_smile: hope u had a good day too Mark!