Checking in daily to maintain focus #47

Happy 11 sober months of freaking awesomeness! :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada:


Id love to lose 65lbs but I also want to build muscle and since muscle weighs more than fat, my goal number may change. I’m going to go more on how I feel but 180lb is my goal weight. I’m 5’10" and in the past 180lb on me, made me look like I was about 140lb. I dont want to be “skinny”… my goal is to be lean and have muscle and definition :slight_smile:


Thanks again everyone :hugs:

@Alycia congratulations on your 5 months today :slightly_smiling_face:

Been for a swim going to take an hour nap as it has worn me out :sweat_smile:

@Rockstar24777 keep going with your 809 days, thank you so much again for your support and that sounds so interesting about the moon phases, tonight i will be doing some research about this :face_with_monocle: . I love stuff like this and will keep my mind busy.
Have a good day :hugs:


Congratulations to one month of soberness! :tada:


@Angst-Berg I hope your okay, and your head too, hopefully its not related.
Sorry to hear your feeling down, i hope it passes very soon for you. A mental health day sounds like great idea sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

@Jesile i think i missed your 1 month mile stone yesterday, congratulations :grin::purple_heart:


Welcome to TS!


Thanks @Twizzlers! It’s funny (odd?) how many times I fell off my bike drinking and smacked my head but never once worried about it. One small tumble now and hyper aware of every little thing that might be a sign of concussion.

I hope you enjoy your nap!

Let us know if you learn anything interesting about the moon phases. Ive wondered about this myself at times and I think @Rockstar24777 might be on to something.


Hello guys. Just checking in day 4. Going to have dinner in a bit. Also watched she-hulk today. There is a big debate on this show, thats its too ‘woke’. I found it pretty decent but I have to admit that I did not like some of the scenes. But its just a show.

@Butterflymoonwoman @Minatasha @Misokatsu
Hey guys. Thanks for your kind words and support. I am actually very happy to be here again. Thanks again.
And I also thanks the community for your support.

Have a nice day. Peace.


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 197
Woke up irritable lol our sons nurse last night was sooo loud and woke up my son at 515am and me much earlier than I needed to wake up lol but my son is at school now and I am just finishing up my workout on the recumbent bike right now. Making sweat cry today… that’s for sure! Today consists of cleaning and healthy conscious eating. My recovery routine also which will include prayer and meditation. Grateful to be clean and sober today!
Hope everyone has am addiction free day!


Some people are very much open books about everything going on in their lives. But it is true that what is said or shown, may cause him to experience negative feedback. Not everyone understands and people definitly have their opinions :frowning: Maybe if he was told that his posts have caused some “commotion” and that ur hearing things that shouldn’t be said about him and his situation, and that u just wanted him to know so that he doesn’t end up getting hurt down the road… maybe that would make him re-think what he is doing. What he does with ur information is up to him then. If he chooses to broadcast his life after what u tell him, then it’s on him. Idk :woman_shrugging: I don’t think u saying something woukd make it worse. He may be completely clueless to how what he is doing is effecting him.

Just checking in for the day, getting some stuff off my mind.
Today is day 24 out of rehab, (and still new to this) but keeping getting knocked down on my job search. Guess just putting it out there helps a little bit so I’m trying.
Good thing is that I’m still sober, but having a hard time, trying very hard to get stuff out of my head.
Just looking for some good advice, and maybe someone to chat with.
Well thanks for letting me share…


I completely hear what ur saying. I hope thongs do work out for him :pray:

Day 146

Got merried yesterday
My wife is sleeping on my chest right now

Went to.a wicked nice hotel.over the weekend
Hot tub
Heated pool
King size bed and a coffee maker in the room

Work tomorrow and I can’t wait to do them dishes and make that money

Have a good day


Welp the universe apparently thought I needed the mental health day today. 5 minutes after I clocked in to work my internet went out and is staying out. Might go jump in the river.


You shall be forgiven!! :rofl: Thank you, by the way!

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Checking in on day 31
Today is more or less a copy of yesterday! But that’s ok! My therapist says that we can do so many things during the day, if we really try. Thinking about it now, today my routine was;
• nice breakfast out on the terrace
• a bit of reading
• workout challenge round midday
• lunch
• pool time
• finished reading my book at the pool
• went to recycle some stuff at the “green point” in town (took a bag of old clothes, books that I’ve read these weeks - there is a shelve for interchanging books)
• cleaned my car from the inside and outside
Now it’s dinner and TV time!
Not that I’ve done anything really exciting, but decluttering and cleaning feels good! :blush:
Another day sober on the books! :partying_face::muscle:t2::footprints:


Checking in day 126.
Going to a dhow tonight, not gonna drink.
Have a great day everyone.


Congrats on your marriage!!! :tada: May it be a happy and love filled life for you two


The universe is usually right. Hope you can find a way to have a nice relaxing re-boot. :green_heart::+1:


Oh shit! I hope you’re feeling better now Jess wtf I’m sorry that happened to you!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2: