Checking in daily to maintain focus #47

Day 8.
Feeling like $h*t
Lately I’ve been in so many arguments with so many people its like, I want things to get better and stuff keeps happening.
Idk man I’m in my night shift and I feel like sleeping but I can’t, 2 more nights and I’m done with this job but these nights feel like forever.
Maybe working 2 jobs wasn’t a good ideea after all. Stress can lead me back to my old habits.
Anyway I’ll get through this.
Hope you guys are good.


Hey man. I know what your saying, I was on night work for at least 10 years and some nights really felt like forever. Stress can lead you back to old ways but so can being over tired. Try and get as much sleep as you can during the day. Hopefully these next two nights go quick for ya.


I personally found that I needed to fill the void of not drinking with building new habits to replace the old ones. In the meantime keep your focus ahead and keep pushing through the daily muck. You can do it! Things change with time and patience. Congrats on Day 8!


@Noshame Congratulations, hope you have a wonderful life together.

@Petri Sending strength and patience. Remember keep your eyes in your side of the road, and don’t worry about what you can’t control. Easier said than done, I know


Wow thank you for sharing. You made me tear up with hopeful happy tears. To be sober that long does seem impossible at this point. I think I made it 90 days in the last ten years and 65 when I first joined this app. Today is day 6 again. I’ll just focus on today. Thank you for inspiring me. It is possible. Congratulations​:blush::heart:


Reached out to multiple therapists offices. Hoping to get something scheduled this week. Progress


Oh I hope your ok. I had a minor head injury once and I felt really off for a bit. Did you need to get it checked out? How are you feeling now?

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Oh I hate those nightmares. I hope you have a better peaceful sleep tonight​:crossed_fingers::purple_heart:

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Congrats on your 3 months clean!!! Fuck yeah! I’m so proud of you!

I think that I would feel like crying over the bike too, love that you are rising above it. Stories like that always bring me back to when I was a thieving pos kid, I am still living amends for those days.

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Congratulations on your 11 months.
You are an awesome asset to this community.
I’m glad you’re here.


Day 6

Feeling tired. Headache and a little nausea. It’s 3 pm. Have to teach another class at 5. Was kind of fantasizing about a drink after class. It’s hot. My daughter will be at work…NOPE
I sat down on the couch to veg out for bit. I stopped all other expectations of feeling like I need to walk the dog or do my laundry. I checked in here. I’m feeling better(not really physically better, but I’m not wanting a drink anymore) in fact, thinking about it now makes me feel sick. I do really wish I could cancel my class. I was reading posts about “mental health days”. Unfortunately, I can’t just cancel my classes as people pre pay…but I can take it easy and not expect myself to do the whole workout. It’s so so draining sometimes putting in so much energy to teach, encourage, and participate in classes when I feel completely wiped. Oh well, it’s only one more… Just one hour. Then I think I’ll cuddle up on the couch with some oatmilk ice cream and stevia chocolate chips​:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:
I’ll check in later after my class.
(Not to think too far ahead but it will be one week tomorrow so I know I can do this)… Saying that I guess gives me a bit of anxiety because I feel like it’s a lot of pressure so maybe I shouldn’t even say that but it’s written now and I know I’ll be okay.


Firstly HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your continued sobriety.
What an inspirational story you have. Thank you for coming back to post it. If I was wearing a hat I’d be tipping it at you now :tophat::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::full_moon_with_face:


Epic share Ely. Nice to see you check in.
That’s one hellova number you got there!
So many great things going on for you. I’m very happy for you.


Hi Kat here at 87 days

Had a crash day yesterday where I slept for like 20 hrs… it was not good. Dog didn’t get taken out. Had to order fast food for dinner to feed hungry 14 year old. Not ensuring household chores are done. Didn’t pack gym bag for the next day.

Have missed a few meetings due to fatigue and just not feeling like it.

Well today I realized, RED ALERT :rotating_light: :warning: :loudspeaker: :flushed: WARNING :warning: :flushed: this is how my relapses start. So pulled up my socks today. Talked to an NA friend and my sponsor about my realization that I was not doing all the things I needed to do and needed to change.

So today’s been pretty good worked this morning, shopped, took dog to dog park, made dinner, did dishes, swept floor. Now on my way to NA meeting.

Thanks guys for being here



I did not get it checked out no. I’ve had a few minor head injuries in the past (I should really crash my bikes less :face_with_head_bandage: :crazy_face:) and being taken in to hospitals was always a waste. They never seem to want to do any scans or anything unless Im showing obvious signs of a concussion.

Im definitely feeling off. Headache, light sensitivity (yet here I sit on a glowing electronic device), and (possibly related?) exhaustion. Just trying to take it easy.


Will I’m glad your ok and it’s not too bad. I hope you can rest a bit… And yes the phone in moderation would be good😄 LOL. I’ve actually been getting more headaches lately and I’m wondering if it’s because I’m on this app so much but I’d rather have a headache than drink. Have to make an appointment to get my eyes checked soon anyways- haven’t done that in a while.

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I appreciate you checking in on me and asking :heart: and I’m glad you’re back on here more again. not glad for the headaches but definitely better to be sober! Hopefully an eye check will help or it’ll go away on its own. Maybe blue light blocker glasses could help for all the screen time? :nerd_face:

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I don’t know if I believe in hell in general, but I do believe there is an especially terrible place where bike thieves go to rot in the end. I’ve definitely cried over having a bike stolen before. If you were closer I would borrow you one of mine!

Big congrats on your 3 months my friend. In case I haven’t said it to you enough, I am so stinking proud of you and your progress! :hugs: :yellow_heart:


That’s a super good idea about the blue light glasses! I’ve never had trouble with my eyes before or never needed any kind of glasses but I’m also getting to the age where I should get my eyes checked again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Also sorry I just have to check in to complain because I’m just about to start my class that I really was talking about not wanting to teach earlier and sometimes it’s hard for me not to feel resentful as two people called in late to cancel :exploding_head: I mean I don’t know what’s going on in their lives and I shouldn’t let it bother me but it’s just frustrating. I start to think in my head that they’re probably canceling for the same reason of wanting to sit out on the patio on the super hot day and have a drink but that’s probably not the case. I’m just fabricating that idea in my head to make an excuse so that after class I can drink and I’m not going to. I’m also hungry but didn’t want to eat right before teaching so as soon as I’m done I’m going to shower and make a quick dinner and then if I want to drink I will but I know I won’t so that’s my plan I just had to say it