Checking in daily to maintain focus #47

How did today go? Hope your feeling good and have a good rest of the day x
Its 10pm here I’m heading to bed soon and going to read I think. I’m very tired.


Thank you so much Dana! :cherry_blossom::hugs:


I just got home from work and it was really good. It’s only 3pm for me so I haven’t been to my appointment yet. I’ll post an update after though. I appreciate you checking in, I hope you sleep well!


Just try and stay strong through it, and when its over with, try and move on with you day maybe something you enjoy like play the piano, or something you enjoy to keep your mind from making you feel low.
You have th strength I know you do :hugs: thinking of you .
I usually wake during the night so if I do il pop on see if you have posted and how your doing.


I appreciate it I’ll for sure keep busy with music or video games or something along those lines afterwards. I’m also probably gonna hang out with my best friend so if I’m doing badly he’ll be there


That’s great you will have company :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m glad you have your friend who you can be open with. That’s very special.


2 things. 1- Good job. It sounds like you still managed to do a lot of good things for yourself even though you were super tired. 2- you have pet eels?


Hey friends Kat here checking in on Day 83.

Finished Day 3 of 5 at work I am grateful to have a job with full time hours and to have gotten paid today. Feel like I earned it!

Have taken a week off the gym because it was that time of the month. I will try not to next month just use different products (lol sorry fellas). It has been a rest, anyway.

No desire to drink/use in fact the thought repulses me. I have developed a fear of and hatred of relapsing and this time round am resolved to do whatever it takes not to.

Meeting on Zoom tonight. Need to start sharing more at meetings because I hear my inner addict voice telling me not to. Grrr. Fuck you, addict voice!

Love :heart: Kat


Good evening friends, day 650. Busy day + very hot and sweaty at Disney Animal Kingdom. It was nice being with Emily’s family, but now I remember why us experienced and seasoned Floridians never go to WDW in the summer. It was miserable. Linda and I got to our hotel in the afternoon, took showers and then a nice 2 hr nap!

We just got back from dinner with the family and now in our pj’s relaxing at the hotel.

Have an awesome evening! I am going to finish mine sober!


Friday evening here, the last of my summer days off as a teacher. It has been a delightful sober summer. I’ve had many excellent adventures. I camped, hiked, biked, swam, gardened, cooked, ate, slept, enjoyed friends and family, and I enjoyed my own company quite a bit. My husband has joined me on the sober journey and we are growing closer in our marriage. We have both done a lot of work on our mental health this summer as part of the sobriety journey and I’m genuinely excited about starting my 36th year in public education. My husband just accepted his first position of working in a school so I’m excited to be a part of his journey as well.

I’m pleased with the results of my 301 days of sobriety and I intend to continue this streak until I’m at least 90 years old. :joy:

Next week I have 5 days of professional development and then I welcome at least 30 new learners into my life. I teach English as a second language to 6th graders this year. It is challenging and rewarding work and I’m grateful to have that in my life. I’m a lot calmer and able to be more patient with the kids now that I’m off the booze. We are all lucky to get to be together.

Have a good weekend everyone and for those of us in schools, “Happy New Year!”


Thank you :slight_smile: and yes we have 1 fire eel, 3 dwarf frogs, 2 red line sharks, 2 Bala sharks, 2 rainbow sharks, 3 plecos (one of them 18" long and was a rescue that we took in from another tank), a bunch of glow tetras, and 6 other fish that I don’t know what they are lol here’s a pic of our eel. I named her eelee lol my husband feeds her:


Don’t sweat it. Cake for breakfast counts as “self care”. :rofl:

Absolutely! Remember that clouds come and go, but the sun is always there.

I feel like this all the time. I think it may have something to do with my Christian upbringing. My parents made me feel like happiness was a sin. Still dealing with that. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
@Claire_Quit Awesome, you should post more of your art!
@SadMemeQueen I’m glad you’re enjoying your job; keep up the good work!

That’s the spirit!!

Day 18
Been an okay day. Haven’t really kept up with my earlier promise about laying off the electronics, but still smoke-free.
Aside from going to library nothing really happened today. My Neighbor Joe came over. We usually talk on the porch, so when he starts yammering about nothing I can just go back in. But when he comes in here for “just a minute” I’m trapped in my own house.
Anyway, does anyone still use the Abundance Checks? Tomorrow is a new moon and I’ve only used it once. (It did work though). I’d love to hear from anybody on the subject.
Have a great sober night, fam! :v:


Tonight will be day 178 of no self harm.

Work was good. The kid that bites bit 4 kids in the first hour of the day but other than that it was much calmer than yesterday. The kids are starting to listen to me now.

Had my ultrasound. Invasive and I dissociated the whole time. I may be missing an ovary. The tech couldn’t find it and I was there for about 20 minutes. I’ll get a call about the results so we’ll see.

Pretty spaced out right now but I’m going to hang out with my best friend tonight. Looking forward to resting this weekend. Haven’t had this much physical activity or movement in years. Although I suppose that’s expected when you’re watching 9 one year olds.

I also ate a good lunch today. Peanut butter sandwich (no jelly I don’t like the texture of the two together I’m a monster), Doritos, and a granola bar. This job has also made me drink way more water than I normally would. It’s exercise, and making me eat and stay hydrated. It feels like exactly what I need.


I love doing family puzzles too! We haven’t for a while because the cat likes to get too involved :rofl:


I have that voice about not sharing too much too. I hope you can share a little more tonight. I always admire those that do♥️


Wow beautiful photos!


Ur post is very insightful. Thank you for this! Its helping me too :slight_smile: I think alot of us are used to feeling awful for periods of time at one point in our lives (I know I did too). So much so that it becomes normal for us and then uncomfortable when we do feel good. I know I actually had to watch for self-sabotaging within myself. When things would be going good for some time, I started to wonder… when is everything going to come crashing down? I was literally self-sabotaging myself by putting myself in the mindset of waiting for things to mess up. And I think that’s where living in the moment helps. I like what u said about enjoying ur meal. I think ur doing amazing with finding balance. I defintily need help in that department lol


I understand that all or nothing thinking. Good for you taking note and moving on❤️
(P.S, I had oat ice cream and Oreo cookies for dinner last night…I started to think I might as well finish the box because there was only half left when I started, but I stopped and moved on too- at least we didn’t drink or use!!:raised_hand::clap:)


U know… ur absolutely right! Like in the grand scheme of things… staying clean and sober is my 1ST priority also. Even tho I managed to somewhat stop eating at that 1 piece of cake and nor overeat at lunch… I did way overeat on supper grrrr and now feeling sick. But I will try again tmrw :slight_smile: progress not perfection. Congratulations on ur huge decision also! Wow that’s not easy. I’ve heard that “finish the box, might as well” voice too and thats another hard one to break. But way to girl!!!


@DryIn785 How has ur day been mark?