Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

Day 5, rough night, about 3 hours of sleep, got through it, just checking in. Have a wonderful day everyone!


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,525.

God Bless!


Day 613! My son woke up early, as he usually does, but woke up in a surprisingly good mood. Usually he is grumpy and needs his mommy, as most 2 year olds do. Tonight is my home AA groups first speaker meeting with a chili dinner happening beforehand. Should be a good time!


@SelfLove_42 I hope ur able to get some rest in today. 3 hours of sleep is rough :frowning:
@planipennia ur so welcome! I like to share all kinds of moments of recovery with u all! U all feel like family to me :slight_smile:
@Rockstar24777 i hope everything goes well with ur new roommate. I remember having to live with others under the same roof and i sort of always felt on edge. Sharing the kitchen and bathroom, feeling like i needed to book my time to use them haha im sure it will be more comfortable over time. Sounds like u know him tho thru work so im going to assume he isnt a complete stranger to u. Have a great day!
@soberwalker ive heard diamond paintings are so much fun and very relaxing! Ur piece looks great so far!! Hope u still enjoy doing it. I have never done one but i have a paint by number app on my phone that really relaxes me. I guess kind of the same thing in a way haha Wishing u tons of relaxation today!


:high_brightness: Morning check in :high_brightness:
Day 227
Had a pretty rough sleep last night. Strange dreams. Nothing horrible just unsettling. I remember waking up at one point thinking of damn chocolate :chocolate_bar:, thinking i should go into the ktichen for a couple mini Halloween chocolate bars and how i can add that to my morning calories once i wake up. Like wtf?! Haha i didnt tho. Grateful i just fell back asleep. Just sitting here with my cup of coffee while my son has his feed. Will get him ready for school and then im off to do a lower body workout. Then to grab a smoothie and wrap from Booster Juice. Should be a good day!
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


For what reason should they cancel your flight? It doesn’t depent on LNG? :astonished:

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Yeh, I liked it but not for long because I can’t find a relaxed position :sweat_smile: But I worked 2 times at the piece and find a spot on the table so I can leave it there.


Good morning friends, day 684. Thinking about our friend Donna (@DLS ) this morning. The storm came on shore down her way. Maybe she checked in and I missed it.
We are ok up here in the NE corner of FL. Rainy and windy but nothing like the southern gulf coast of FL. We lost our power only about an hour ago, but it’s not sunny and muggy outside yet. Ours are minor problems.

Wishing a safe day for all our friends in the storm’s path.

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Thank you Dana you’re so nice!!! I’m glad that you found peace in nature, that makes my heart happy!!! Have a good day as well :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 208

Good morning.

Lots of emotions yesterday. Turning them off to just work. Ate some food. It was ok and it was also free! We are taking a long lunch as my coworker is watching netflix and i truly do not care.

This afternoon i might stop at the store, then house meeting with my roommates i hope goes well. I will shower and tidy for 15 min right when i get back bc im still happy about the clear floor and decent desk i left this morning.

Sometimes i get pangs when i pass wine and beer in the grocery store, sometimes i really dont mind.

Grateful for the weather today, and thinking about people facing violent weather.


It’s my 100 day completely sober! Fighting everyday. Just thought I would share. Everyone have a great day.


Congrats on your hundred days Rich.
Keep up the good fight.

It’s worth it.
And so are you.


Check out that Florida Peeps thread.
I’m glad you guys are well Charlie.


Thank you so much! It is absolutely worth it. I feel better everyday, I’m getting really healthy again, and my mind is getting more and more clear. Lived in cloudiness for so long, it’s nice to have clear thoughts and goals again.


And that calmness. :pray: I was and am still always grateful for that calmness that came with my clear hangover free head.


Absolutely. I have replaced alcohol with peace with mindfulness and meditation. So grateful for this peace of mind. :pray:


Checking in. Day 7


It’s beautiful that you took that opportunity to connect with God. You were having a tough morning. And you went out to take a break. And what did you do? You talked to God.

This connection to God is the most important connection of all. And you’ve opened yourself up to Him. It’s a secret to your recovery and sobriety. You found a gold nugget that many don’t find in their lifetimes.

Way to go.


Thanks Eric. I just got caught up on that thread.


Day 14 sober
Day 13 smokless