Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

That is a huge win man! Good job


Congrats on four years @HoofHearted

a billion tastes and tunes: my neighbor totoro animated gifs

I just watched My Neighbour Totoro for the first time the other day and am expecting/ hoping you might have seen some Studio Ghibli. This GIF is the bit where they jump around to make the plants grow. I feel like it is a good fit for our sober journeys here on TS - I know you have helped cheer on so many people and been part of their growth, as well as going through lots of your own. It is great to celebrate your achievement with you. Once you’ve stopped feeling like :poop: from COVID anyway!


And another four year congrats to @SoberWalker! Awesome Claudia!

Dance Dancing GIF - Dance Dancing Walk - Discover & Share GIFs

I have learned so much from you and really appreciate you sharing all your experience from your first time around sober as well as this one! Smashing it girrrrlll :sparkles:


So many cool milestones! Great thing to log in to and so nice to think about.

Got an appointment booked today to speak to a counsellor about something I don’t think I’m ready to move forward with. It’s been on my mind for weeks and months and now I have set it all up to try and work my way through it… MASSIVE RESISTANCE. Not sure if it is avoidance, not being ready to make a decision, or feeling like a counsellor is not what I need. Likely a combination of all three. Very tempted to cancel but I’m not going to.

But yea seeing everyone’s milestones helps puts it into perspective. The thing that right now feels impossible won’t feel like that in a few months, a year, whatever. Just got to keep putting one foot in front of the other and see where it takes me.


Yes, got a message back from her. She was open and direct about it, but she heared me as well. She was irritated like I thought she was and defined her borders, but that’s ok. We’re good now.
And the Maria is for me a spiritual token. I’m not religious. I see her as an example for womens strenght I guess. Hope I do not offend anyone by it. I was in Lourdes twice and that was an impressive environment. Would like to return to it some day.


:sunglasses: Thank you so much!! :blush::+1:

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Heyyy guys day 788 I think.
It’s been two weeks since I gave birth. They say sleep when the baby sleeps but I am having trouble falling back to sleep. I haven’t had coffee in weeks but am thinking about having a cup just to get through today because my kids both have doctors appointments and my dad just got here from CA to visit. I don’t want to start the vicious caffeine cycle again, I guess that’s how it sucks you in. The birth was traumatic but baby is healthy. I could give you details on the birth if you want but I would probably need some kind of trigger warning for you all. Let’s just say I will never be the same. But baby is healthy! So that’s all that matters. I’m struggling with some resentments and some postpartum depression at the moment. I would like to get back to feeling like myself again someday. I know it just takes time. Glad to be sober I guess, love you guys. :revolving_hearts:


6 days down. Feeling pretty good today. Taking the family camping this weekend which usually means drinking from the time I wake up until the time I pass out. Not this time. First time I will ever go camping in my adult life, and I go about 4-5 times a year, without drinking. Going to be a big trigger event but luckily I won’t have the ability to drink. Will be a good test and good time to see how I react. Let’s all go kick today’s ass! God bless all.


That’s awesome, Ben. It will be a big deal in your mindset too. I was the same when I would go up north to visit; always a drinkie time, lol. This time going up will be about my 4th time without drinking. Doesn’t faze me one way or the other.
Have fun!


Hey all, checking in on day 830. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,518.



Day 832 clean and sober. Went for a short hike after work yesterday. I love being off at 3:00 pm because there is still so much time to do cool stuff. I swear I feel like a little kid that gets to go out and play after school lol, it’s AWESOME! I hope everyone has a fantastic day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I hope you have a fabulous time with full and active days, early nights, good sleeps, early mornings and wonderful memories!

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Sounds like you have a great weekend planned! I took my first beach vacation without alcohol in 35 years!! Best. Vacation. Ever. I know you are so going to enjoy being 100% connected with your family and nature. A brand new experience. Hope you have a blast!!


Thank you very much. I am looking very much forward to sitting down in a lawn chair, watching the kids play, with a lemonade or tea in my hand instead of the usual poison.


We usually do a couple beach trips a year and I’ve ran the scenario in my head a few times of how that will go. Usually all of my vacations are filled with me drinking most the day. Looking back, I’m sure it was tons of fun for the family to witness. Every vacation in my head is linked to drinking=relaxation. Have to rewire those nerons in my head. Lol.


@Imcrafty thanks!

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Happy 200 days of sobriety!:tada::confetti_ball::tada:


…1644. Sitting next to my camper. Reflecting on the past. Reminding myself of who I was, what I did 1645 days ago.

I dont dwell in the past…who i was then, if I get lost in thought is enough to induce depression. But, its good to open the door and remind myself. Not only of who I was…

But what it took to get this point today. I failed at sobriety more times than I would like to admit. I was an egotistical asshole, wh didnt need to listen to one person.

It took attempt then failure, then attempt, ect ect ect…luckily, so far…i made it.

This is an exercise I do, everyonce in awhile. To remind myself of what it took to get to this point. It helps when I find my compassion of those on this journey being…like I was.

Stay sober friends…I am on my way to a 12 hour, day 1 of 4, rock festival…woohooo!


Nice picture, again.:+1:

How many statues do you want to buy and why isn’t one enough?:wink:

Ah,OK. It’s not your second, it’s your second hand one.:person_facepalming: