Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

Congratulations on your 30 days EF.


Congrats on you 10 days B81!!!

Way to GOOO!!!

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49 days. My emotions are all over the place. Extreme anger, then intense sadness, anxiety wonā€™t stop. Jeez. I was never this way drinkingā€¦ I would just be numb. How do I deal with all these feelings?


2 days in. Hope I make it to my first 10 days.


DAY 12. Just checking in.


Nice!!! Keep it up!!

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Journaling helps, therapy helps, AA meetings and sharing helps

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Congrats on your 49 days Kris.
Yep. Good news is: we get out feelings back.
Bad new is: We get our feelings back.

Got to feel them. I use to let them out here and it always helped sharing my feelings on this thread. And tomorrow you got 50 days. Thatā€™s HUGE! Letā€™s just get through today. Feel what you got to feel today. Tomorrow your going to feel pretty proud of yourself and you will have a good day.
Edit @HeyImKris
Writing out a gratitude list help me a lot. Or just reading others gratitude on the gratitude thread help.


Checking in
Day 234
So my son and I had to go out and run some errands. Im feeling physically okay other than having no voice. Wow is it ever difficult to communicate with others. To be honest, not having a voice the past few days has really made me become a much gentler and kinder person. I know that sounds strange but I cant be rude or impatient with others bcuz it doesnt come across that way when im whispering lol My son says he misses my voice. Hes been trying to help me ā€œfind itā€ bcuz I told him I lost my voice. Its cute. But, not having a voice made me realize that by being super quiet when talking to him (even when hes upset), it actually calms him down easier and faster and makes him sort of listen better bcuz he has to really listen to what im saying since my voice is non existent. Interesting to see. As much as I miss talking, Ive actually learned alot by not having my voice. Ive even caught myself doing sign language to say thank you etc and using other ways to communicate like my phone to type what i need in. Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day!


Thank you very much!!!

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Thank you very much!!! Kind regards!!!

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Way to go on 1 whole month!!! Fantastic work!

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Thank you very much, trying to do my best!

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Day 656

Started some meds for stabilizing the effect of my PTSS. Didnā€™t want them at first, but they noticed I can be good at one appointment and the next not so good. It is a low dose which should take the edges off and improve sleep. But still exactly where I need to be, worst day sober is better than best day in addiction. Finished biggest part of my home office, still some details to do. ADHD treatment stops since my symptoms are related to the trauma.

Received an update on my reintegration at work. One if the directors takes it on him, didnā€™t met him a lot but itā€™s a great guy. That he takes it on him makes me feel heard and taken seriously. Start next week with two times two hours.

A shot of my home office:


Checking in. I have 12 days sober! I feel great! :relaxed:


20 days sober. Officially the longest Iā€™ve gone in 20 years of drinking. Was feeling great until I caught some sinus infection. Oh well, still feel better now than I did most mornings while drinking. Onward and upward one day at a time. God bless yā€™all, couldnā€™t have made it this far without this place.


Congratulations mate.
How blessed are we to have such great support.keep up the great work.


Doin what we do, but only because you Sober Peepsā€¦thx for all the help along the way.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for youā€‹:clap::clap:

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Day 128. Got offered a job in my hometown, Iā€™m really tempted to take it so I can be back with my girls. Although im doing well my two counselors donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea, they think I should stay longer and continue building myself. They say the job will still be there and my girls will like me better this way. Iā€™m very lost about what to do, the choice is mine but listening to my heart on this one is hard. Much love