Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

20 days sober. Officially the longest I’ve gone in 20 years of drinking. Was feeling great until I caught some sinus infection. Oh well, still feel better now than I did most mornings while drinking. Onward and upward one day at a time. God bless y’all, couldn’t have made it this far without this place.


Congratulations mate.
How blessed are we to have such great support.keep up the great work.


Doin what we do, but only because you Sober Peeps…thx for all the help along the way.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you​:clap::clap:

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Day 128. Got offered a job in my hometown, I’m really tempted to take it so I can be back with my girls. Although im doing well my two counselors don’t think it’s a good idea, they think I should stay longer and continue building myself. They say the job will still be there and my girls will like me better this way. I’m very lost about what to do, the choice is mine but listening to my heart on this one is hard. Much love


Yet, I’m so glad you are here.

Thank you for sharing.

Don’t lose hope.

I believe God will show you the way the works for you.

Go Bears!

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Yeah that’s what I meant by listening to my heart. Which also tells me to stay and build myself, just would like to be with my girls at the same time. Thanks girl


Sending wisdom, that’s a tough one. :purple_heart:


New day!! One day at a time !! We are never alone when we surrender . I stay in the moment which keeps my focus.


49 days. It’s not a beer … it’s better! No regrets.


Congratulations kevin!!! Proud of all the hard work your putting in!


I can understand that temptation and that “pull” to return home. I think u know in ur heart what the right course of action is to take. If you stay, there are plenty of jobs out there and ur daughters will sure thank u for furthering ur recovery there and being the amazing clean and sober dad that u are :slight_smile: its hard tho. But ur doing amazing Mike and making such progress in many ways


Wow what an accomplishment!!! Really proud of you!


You are doing amazing !! Congratulations!!

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Not that you ask me Mike. And I don’t know your financial situation and all that kind of stuff. But I think your counselors are right. It’s too soon. You got your whole new life ahead of ya. Why rush it to get back to where all this shit started. Your doing so well. Congratulations on your 128 days. Give it a year. You’ll be so much stronger. Just my opinion. But your doing so dang good.
Edit @Powerfulmikelamica
And you’re right. This is a tough decision. But you can be selfish to your recovery. It’s ok. :heart:


Glad to see you around Kris!

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Going strong so far. Hope you are as well!


Checking in! Today is day 5 for me! I worry about the weekend. I started reading the 12 steps on the Everything AA app. I know I can only take it one day at a time and that’s my plan. Not sure I am ready for AA meetings yet. But I am reading up on things about quitting, trying to stay busy and productive.
All is good for now!


Checking in. 21 days alcohol free for me. I downloaded this app back in the spring but only had a few streaks that only lasted 2 weeks. I have had longer periods of sobriety before though. I have been extremely burnt out from work and I have some challenging things going on with family. I’ve really felt like I’ve been crawling out of a hole for about a month. Finally starting to feel things and get my focus back. Trying to stay positive :blush: