Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

I’m so sorry they are sick I hope they feel better soon and i hope you can stay healthy too♥️

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Day 84. During this past week, each day feels like 100. I am in the eye of the storm, knowing this will pass, and peace in my life will prevail . I will not give in. Grateful to all of you who understand exactly how it feels. Blessings.


This is the coffee I remember really liking that’s decaf and strong… I don’t know if you can get it where you are?? Oh I was going to post a picture but it’s not letting me do it for some reason. It’s Tribal organic coffee it’s called Serene spirit and it’s dark organic decaf. Maybe you can look it up and see if it’s available.

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For me was/is a daily meeting something that grounds me and the more I take part the better I get to know all regular participants. This is nice, because of this it’s feeling like coming home.

Yes, to see the group of people as a higher power is a perfect way to enable atheists and so on to take part easier. For myself it didn’t fit, but I found my own way in reading lots of grapevine literature.

Alma, the dog, is a little suicidal and tried to kill herself with mushrooms and after that with the filling of her Teddy bear at the age of 11 weeks.:wink: Luckily, we had to drive to the ER just once at midnight.


I am also on day 84. And I completely understand what you’re feeling…I had the same situation a couple of weeks ago. You DO know that it will pass. And it WILL. Hang in there, you’ve got this today!


That’s probably a fair assessment. I don’t know that I’ve totally given up on alcohol in my mind. I’m having a hard time finding my “why.” I’m still sober today. I will stay sober today. Just not really motivated because my entire life is in pieces.


Day63 alcoholfree
Day44 toxfree

Checking in :sunglasses:

Had a productive day at work and am in a very positive mood. Joynd positive contacts.

Despite of grocery shopping afterwork…
Grumpy people… Sometimes it seems as my smiling seems spookey to these people in the grumpy mood :ghost::rofl:

Bought just a few additional foods for the weekend. At the checkout there was an older man behind me… He had a package (6 bottles) of wine…

My regular ration for the weekend at least before sobriety! The man didn’t wear a mask… And he was looking sooooo fucking sad and empty! Reminded me so hardly on the inner world of my past self.

Glad to leave the shop with my tomatoes, avocado, chicken and Haloumi stuff :pray:t2::sunglasses:

Very happy that it’s weekend, having time to relax, for myself, sports and healing…
I really love being around just with myself more and more… Becoming a good and reliable friend to myself! I am wearing a calm smile most time of the day :cherry_blossom::white_flower::cherry_blossom:

Sending LOVE! :heartpulse:
Take care, choose the cool way
and stay sober! :v:t2::sunglasses:


…1645. Day 2 of Louder than life. Great music so far…found this booth

A rare find amongst the alcohol booths and pot smoke in the air. They have meetings at 3 and 6. Went to the 3 oclock meeting yesterday. It was fun.

Stay sober friends!


Day 606. My workweek starts today. Not really ready for it, but luckily I enjoy my job. I’m grateful to have left my last job of 10 years, that was my primary reason for drinking.


Day 22
So much anxiety this morning! Doing my best to get through it wish I could go for a walk or a run but my hip is too bad I’m trying to keep busy and focused on other things…


That’s really cool. I’ve never seen anything like that at a concert/festival.


“Sometimes it seems as my smiling seems spookey to these people in the grumpy mood”
That’s because misery loves company.:grin:


Day 29. Checking in


That is really awesome of them to do this.


How rock n roll is that? Brilliant. :man_dancing: :+1:


Hey, Happy friday everyone :raising_hand_man:. I dont get the friday feeling as i work saturdays. I am having a happy dryday tho. :grinning::+1:.


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,519.



This sounds lovely, im hoping to build something like this for myself or to join something and be apart of this, and this feeling sounds like just what i need.

Im so glad Alma is okay, oh dear i cant imagine her after eating a mushroom that must have been so scary for you :hugs:


Ive worked in retail and food service most of my life and I’d always look at people like they were nuts when they were like “yay! Finally Friday! Am I right?” And I go this is my Tuesday bro. My Friday is Monday :joy::joy: but I’m happy for you.


Thats amazing to see the booth, im so happy to see it exists.
I have heard if you go out, the tables with yellow balloons are for non drinkers but dont take my word for it.