Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

It’s day 239 for me. I have the next 4 days off to study for a professional exam and I hope I can find some motivation. It is my last career ladder rung to climb and I want it I’m just a procrastinator.
Today I felt kind of sad throughout the day and I think I’m mourning lost time and opportunities. I was handed a great education that I lost due to drinking and I’ve messed up a lot of close relationships due to alcohol too. I haven’t felt these losses since I was keeping myself mostly drunk the past two decades and that is sad in itself.
We can’t go back, nor would I want to. But some days the lost time gets to me. Tomorrow is a new day full of opportunities. I’ll do it sober and I’ll keep on trying to get better.


Day 5! Woohoo. Almost at the weekend. I’d normally be panicking about no wine and I’m sure my hairdresser tomorrow will be talking about wine and strictly. But it’s ok. I’m enjoying feeling well and I’m sleeping so well. I don’t feel poisoned anymore and my skin is already less red. Got to focus on the why it isn’t for me.
Happy Friday all x


Day 159, checking in.


Checking in as I’m super tired, and it’s Friday arvo. Used to be a big day of beers for me, and my pattern of relapsing is usually spurred on my exhaustion and caving on stupid Fridays when everyone’s having a beer after work. And it was my job to make sure the beers were in the fridge at work, for our workshop boys. I felt this pang, the memory of drinking many stubbies on a weekend, the familiar feeling bubbled up.

Just the universe testing me. But I’m exhausted so I’m checking in.


Finishing my coffee. Had a good busy day off yesterday. First concert I visited in 2.5 years was very nice. Therapy was helpful. Experiential expertise course was good. Now one more day off before working the weekend. Looking at a second hand car. Exciting. A bit stressful. I shouldn’t hurry right.

One of the perks of not using any substances (including nicotine) is the amount of money not spent. Combined with not going away on any big holidays in the last years I’ve got some savings now. While remaining sober and clean. One day at a time. As I expect from all of you. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from my little square.


Congratufuckinglations sweet friend!!! Wow you are doing so good, I am sooo PROUD OF YOU!!! Interesting fact I just realized is that we share the 13th for the day we got clean but I’m 6/13, cool anyways though! Have an amazing day Dana we all love you and are so happy you’re here and kicking ass!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


854 days = 28 months clean and sober today and I’m up early for no reason on my Sunday lol. Excited to see all of the milestones reached by everyone and I’m proud of you all everyday! Have a great day I love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 852. I hope everybody has a good one!

@Rockstar24777 Proud of you Rob!! :heart:


Thank you bro I’m proud of you too!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thanks man! Almost there with you, just a few more days like always lol


Have you still problems with your body or no time for a walk? Is there something special in Germany you want to drive to?

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Hell yeah man I love that we’re doing this together! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Congratulations to freaking 28 months of sobriety, mate! :tada: :confetti_ball:


9 months today alcohol free


Checking in on day 13 (Edited: tomorrow 14, today 13)

I’m on my way home, it’s fridaaaaay yaay :pray: I’m looking forward to some nice scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes and spinach :heart_eyes::yum: I like the healthy diet I do, I still miss a lot but well…when the belly is healthy again I sure will eat something bad sometimes. But not every other day as I used to.
Didn’t think about alcohol yet, still don’t miss it. I was better today at my job in a stressful situation as I ever was drunk or on any pills.
Another day where I won and alcohol loses.
Have a beautiful sober day friends :kissing_heart:


Checking in! 39 days down, on day 40. Have my first session with a new therapist this morning and work later. Going to try to make it to the gym in between.

I work into the night solo, and when there’s no responses to tend to I get bored. Last night that led to some overeating (definitely feels like a hint of a transfer addiction since getting sober). Trying to be kind to myself about that but also find ways to make sure I can reign it in when I’m ready. I’ll mention it in therapy but figured I’d mention here for my own accountability.

Have a beautiful, sober Friday y’all!


Started my day off with the serenity prayer. Trying to remember my power when in situations that steal my peace. I can take it back. I don’t have to be okay with it but I can be at peace with it.


day 21, just checking in.


Friday morning check-in

105 days AF

I haven’t really had time to sit and catch up with everybody’s posts in a couple of days. But man, how awesome it was to read about people’s milestones…whether it’s 5 days or 500 days, they’re all such a huge accomplishment! And I’m so happy for and proud of each of you!

People are struggling too. And I can also relate to a lot of the things I read. One struggle that resonates with me is being a bit envious of other people’s lives and the ease of it in some cases. I too have also struggled in every aspect of life since I was a child. NOTHING has ever been easy for me. And while I know others don’t always share transparently and tend to only spotlight the good things in their lives, it’s still hard to not feel a little bitter and jealous at times. I’m just super thankful that at this point in my sobriety, I at least know that me picking up a drink would only make my life more difficult and the bitterness would go to a very ugly place. SO not worth it!!

It’s been a shit week at work. Not very busy. Enough money for bills, but not much else. Just trying to stay positive and look at a potentially much better week next week. The nights and mornings are getting cold here in the south. Looking forward to some live music, outside fires with friends and warm snuggles with the honey and pups this weekend.

Congratulations to every single one of you that has stayed sober for another day. And that have struggled with a situation and made it through! You guys truly inspire me! :heart::v:t3:


Hello all

Checking in on Day 1,541.

God Bless!