Morning all. The sun is shining and my oldest Niece just arrived. Have a great day everyone and stay strong.
Let me share with you my fifty days of being sober, which means a period free of arguments with my family, boredom, hangovers,…, and all awful sides of the booze.
Let’s be proud of our path of sobriety.
Best regards.
Great! Half a year of sobriety! Nicely done!
Coffee. I slept in late as there were no neighbours doing noisy building activities this morning. Feeling pretty good. Clean and sober. One late shift to go, two days off after that, working the weekend and then off for nearly three weeks yay! I’m ready for that. Sober and clean.
Have a good Wednesday all, or at leass as good as you all can make it. Do it clean and sober, it’s why we’re here. Love from my little square.
@EFountains congrats on 50 days!
391 Days
Hello everyone
The last two days i have been so indecisive i just cant make up my mind about much.
I am gratefull for the fact i have choices but my mind just feels its working slower and i just cant make decisions atm.
I have decided to maybe just go into the garden and sweep up the leaves to do something productive il see how i get on.
Happy sober day to us all
@Butterflymoonwoman What do you buy for Christmas? Already gifts?
@Sabrina80 I’m glad, that your mood has changed in the end!
@Imcrafty You’re addicted to crocheting now? It’s a good thing, that cooking helps you to change your mindset.
Day 9. Another f*#%ing headache. Crying. I’m struggling to find anything positive right now.
During my first days I couldn’t do anything except looking short videos on YouTube and read sort news. Alcohol is a depressant and your body has to recalibrate. That’s the or one of the reasons because you’re depressed at the beginning of your sobriety.
I don’t know if I told you this already, but for me 24/7 AA marathons were a good distraction.
You’re here sharing Karen. You’re not giving up. That in itself is a big positive. Hugs.
Im sorry to hear you feel like this right now
This time will pass and the feelings with pass too try to stay strong you can do this.
It will get easier we have to ride the waves when they come but they do settle down.
I really hope you start to feel better soon.
Thanks @Planipennia @Mno and @Twizzlers . Your encouragement helps. It helps to know I’m not alone and that things will get better eventually. It’s just that my depression hasn’t been this bad in a long time. At least no thoughts of self harm or harm to others. So that’s something. Thanks again for being here.
Hey all, checking in on day 864. I hope everybody has a good one!
Day 3
Pretty tuff day to start.
So yesterday I said something to someone who is let say in a higher rank at work / older co-worker / tight in a wolf pack / respected. I just can’t stand when I feel injustice. So I’m like…
Well today director kicked me out from that object and send me to another one. I’m pretty sure this is connected…
Actually while writing this I already feel that tension of stress kicking in. Need to exhale slowly and accept it as it is. Not really sure what I need to learn from this situstion. I always try to spread positivity around, spread some love, but there is two pathways: of flesh and soul. Sometimes there is a big gap _____or | WALL | between theese two paths and < between > people [ so ] trying to send a good message over [[ it ]] is pointless. Sometimes we need to stand for ourselves. Maybe most of the part I bow down too much and other people stand on my head too much. Who knows. Maybe this is how we learn from each other. I just try to stay on the right path. I will not act on my drug and I will continue my journey. Sober.
Thank you
She thought that I’d find digging down deep into trauma too intense for me. I’ll keep looking for something suitable I’d got my hopes up that this was the perfect solution to my issues with one on one therapy nothing ever runs smooth, feeling better today x
Thank you for coming back and share what is going on!
I’m glad, that you made the decision to go into detox. It is going to be a big step and improvement for your life.
Congratulations to 50 sober days!
Day 866. Was up again at 2:30am and wide awake again. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Work has been intense and highly stressful for me and I’ve been completely exhausted mentally. I’ve been very foggy mentally with a weird pressure in my head and very very agitated by people which is unlike me. I have no idea what’s going on with me but it’s crazy. Today is my Friday so that means I’m trail bound first thing in the morning. I hope you all have a great day today, love you guys!!!
Checking in with 32 days sober. I feel good this morning. I have been taking care of tasks that I put off for a long time. It feels good to be productive. Have a blessed day everyone!
Day 96 AF
Day 76 toxfree
Day 13 regular eating
AF: sober of cause
I passed yesterday’s difficult emotions of feeling dirty and ashamed …
Just let them be there for a while, napped a while, got myself ready to go out for group therapy. I was wearing lipstick again since… I don’t know, very long time, in a dark chocolate tone. Was talking about my emotions and in group therapy for a while and it totally passed.
Toxfree: of cause…
All channels blocked…
Everything is silent.
Being aware of who I am in contact with…
Have a date for swimming again on Saturday, but that’s just a very slow flirty thing and it’s okay how it is and cultivates. It’s constant contact and no drama, and that is very healing.
Eating regulary: not bad but imperfect, and that’s okay, not putting big drama in it, just eating and sometimes not eating if I don’t want to.
Found a very cool YouTube short about body types over the centuries today that totally catched me! Recomandable for everybody struggling with body picture…
Maybe nature is just what u need to reset and “fill ur cup” again hope ur day is slightly better at work