Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Reached my one year sober on the 15th.
It’s my fourth time hitting a single year.
It’s different. As it should be.
I work in recovery. I confiscate paraphernalia, drugs and such. I witness myself in a lot of my clients.
I’ve been given so much opportunity to speak into pieces ofyself at different past seasons ofy active addiction. I’m constantly given opportunity to make amends.
I am constantly reminded I don’t know shit about shit and I’m not the shit and that’s ok.
Forever learning.
Grateful for another day clean and sober.
Be blessed.


Day 847 check in!
Going to see my 4 year old in her school thanksgiving parade today! Glad to be present for this thing called life. No need to hide myself anymore and worry if people can see the white shit on my nose or smell the alcohol on my breath.
@CATMANCAM glad to have you back!!
@Ooooops well done! It’s good to listen to our bodies and stretch! Way to go on 5 days!
@Dolse71 amen!! One day at a time!! :revolving_hearts:

  • 119 days free from alcohol
  • 100 days free from toxic relationships
  • 10 days of regular eating


Got my 100 days free from toxic relationships today! He is still trying to get in contact, other guy is just silent. My life is so much easier and much more calm without them! :black_heart:

By the way I am okay again, so far.

Will let my hair cut later and have a swim, very late… Yaaaap also against 8pm @Planipennia!
We have to get our butts up as @Twizzlers would say! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Hugs :hugs::panda_face::black_heart::panda_face:


Congratulations on your year 1yr+3days :dizzy:

@Clarity Congratulations on your 847 days.

@Brl81 Congratulations on your 53 days.

@Juli1 Hope today is going better for you :hugs::hugs:
Congratulations on 100 days from toxic relationships :dizzy:

@Nordique Congratulations on your 887 days.

@SoberGuyUSA Congrats on your 1575 days :slightly_smiling_face:

@Staringupfromthewell Congratulations on your 2 weeks.


Freaking awesome number, mate! :+1:t2:


Day 889 clean and sober. I hope everyone has an amazing day, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Nice catch @C_8 and congratulations!!! :tada::confetti_ball::balloon:


Day 7. Was able to wake up at 4am to go for a 3 mile run before work! I’m tired of this depressed and shameful bubble I been in.

Hope everyone else has a wonderful day!


@cjp Congratulations on your 200 days :grinning: i think i missed it yesterday :hugs: i try to congratulate as many people as i can so just incase i didnt i am so proud of you congratulations :dizzy::dizzy:

@Ktorres 7 days amazing Congrats :slightly_smiling_face:


Good to know! So I don’t have to ASK… :smile:

Have a nice and relaxing swimming! :wink:


Awww thank you, means a lot!

Sending much love a big virtual hug!!!


Your long run wow so early too !! That will definitely help with feeling happier inside.
I find sports really do help depression so much, if when were depressed its difficult to do the stuff that helps us so well done to you for doing it :hugs:
I like the feeling in the evening when i lay in bed and im mentally and physically tired and feel i earnt it. Have a lovely day.

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I agree!! I had to remind my self how beneficial it is this morning and I also watched motivational speakers while I ran. I’m so proud of my self.

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Thank u so much! I appreciate that!

Still having mood swings. Seems like it changes every few hours. It would be nice if my mood was just balanced permanently.

Neither a mood high nor a mood low gets me drinking. Not today.


Good morning all.
Your worth it. :sparkles: :heart: :sparkles:

We find that no one need have difficulty with the
spirituality of the program. Willingness, honesty and open
mindedness are the essentials of recovery. But these are

“There is a principle which is a bar against all informa-
tion, which is proof against all arguments and which can-
not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—
that principle is contempt prior to investigation.”
—Herbert Spencer



12 days. Check.


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 278
Just checking in today. Had a really good sleep bcuz i disnt wake up at 530 for the gym. I just couldnt do leg day that early lol I started a new crafting project and have been working on that this morning. Have some errands to run today also. My son had been good with his temp! So maybe he missed the outbreak at school :pray:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!




I am soo proud of you! You just have put sooo much energy and work into a healthier you! Im impressed. U inspire me honestly everyday. U really do!