Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Checking in for day 55.


Awe girl i hope this passes. Its one thing to work thru it while awake and its intentional but we never ask for trauma based dreams. I really hope ur day improves :people_hugging:


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 280
Really feeling this number today. Thought i had potentially caught that cold but Im feeling okay today! Thankfully. Just on my way to work. Really wanted to stay home. Almost didā€¦ but unless i have a good reason not to, i really should ā€œadultā€. Got the Christmas tree decorated with my boy last night. Can you tell what part my son did? :grin: He said Santa will love it!!

Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Thank you :hugs: i think its the time of year as well and teying to stay emotionally strong it just cones out in other ways either mentally or physically. Im try to suppress what needs to come out.
Your tree looks amazing too :grin:

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Checking in day 77! Slept in, and still tired. Though I can tell Iā€™m still on the upswing from this coldā€¦ feeling optimistic Iā€™ll feel better for the busy week of work and Thanksgiving ahead.

Had another dream about alcohol last night (third night in a row). Again I turned it down in my dream, but it was really stressful considering whether or not I wanted to (I was also in Vegas in the dream so temptation city haha). Anyway, hoping my subconscious gets that out of its system because Iā€™m ready to dream about something else.


Second check in, day 527. Made the kids crepes for breakfast. Trying to keep warm, as it is currently 15F/-9C outside :cold_face: Sorry to hear about the difficult dreams @Twizzlers and @MooseTracks . Dreams can really be jarring and set the tone for the day.


Thank you :hugs:
Just going to have something to eat then il catch up on here.
Planned a swim but hust nor up to it i actually am planning just have food and relax my body clearly needs it.


I can sit on my sofa and lean over the island and put the kettle on :rofl::rofl:


Checking in
Day 280
I just recently did a check in but wanted to check in again bcuz i cant believe how angry i got over someone insensitive comment on fb. On one the pages i belong to, there was this woman asking for help in locating something she lost. This man responds with such an insensitive comment and then begins to throw her kids into the comment by stating she should more responsible before having kids and birthing human beings. I normally pick my battles with people but i couldnt let this slide. Ended up having a conversation with this man on the group page. I surprisingly wasnt rude (especially with how disgusted i was with him) but i told him what i thought about being a decent human people and having compassion and maybe attempting to have some people skills. I was so upset over this for some reason! I literally had to end the conversation and then do 20 min of deep breathing and body scans to calm myself down. I cant be doing this and getting myself worked up. This wasnt even my issue. I couldve not responded to his inital comment to the OP and gone about my merry way. For whatever reason i decided to jump in on this (along with many others i might add bcuz he upset alot of people on there). Im so done with social media for today lol ugh


Gonna reach 30 days soon. Been feeling very tired.


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,577.

God Bless!


Day 101 AF!
Wow! I canā€™t believe I made it over 100 days! Iā€™m so proud of myself! Thanksgiving is in a few days and Iā€™m not even anxious about not drinking or being around people drinking. Iā€™m going to enjoy myself and leave if it becomes too much! Iā€™ve came a long way but still have a long way to go! Iā€™ve been debating about trying to drink socially but Iā€™m nervous so Iā€™m just going to continue not drinking for now! Thanks so much for all of you. Your encouragement and journeyā€™s definitely keeps me going. Everyone have a blessed sober Sunday! :two_hearts:


Oh my goodness!! Yā€™all made this tree look amazing! I especially love the ā€œiciclesā€ so it looks like it could be outside :blush:


Awe thats sweet!!! Thank you :smiley:

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Hi, well done for reaching and passing 100 days, youā€™re doing so well. Keep doing what youā€™re doing :sparkling_heart:


121 days free from alcohol
102 days free from toxic relationships
12 days regular eating

Had a relaxing Sunday with family, laughing, good food and a lot of naps. :yum::rofl::panda_face:
ā€œRest dayā€ today despite of a real small walk by the river. Tired already, trying to do nothing more that could excite me.

He tried to call againā€¦
Whatā€™s misunderstood after over 100 days? :flushed:

Will start new work week with another inner attitude. Keeping away from negative people and taking care to not dissociate by having a walk for lunch break, eating and drinking regular. Will be at office for three days and 2 days at homeoffice. Will write a little meal and sportsplan I can lean on.

Hugs :hugs::white_heart::heartpulse::purple_heart::black_heart::woman_in_lotus_position:t2:


@Scorpn wow that is a lot of stress for one day, let alone with only 2hrs of sleep! Bless you. Virtual hug :people_hugging: offered, and I hope today has been atleast a little kinder to you, but preferably a lot kinder! :blue_heart: Congrats on 40 days without substances :tada:
@JDHealing congrats on 40 days :tada:
@Lovelylisha congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Juli1 can you disable the function that notifies you when youā€™ve had calls from blocked numbers? Or even better, change your number like I had to recently. Itā€™s such a breath of fresh air not getting unwanted calls or texts. :raised_hands:t2:

832 days no alcohol.
297 days no cocaine.

Just got home from a 2 hour walk in the dark, it was for a mission on the Pokemon game I play, but atleast it got me out for some exercise.

I woke up today with the migraine lingering, but some pain killers, white tiger balm, and a nap definitely helped, it hasnā€™t been so disabling today and now it seems to have gone away.

Almost time for Iā€™m a celeb which I enjoy watching :blush:

I hope youā€™ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Thank you for this ideaā€¦
I canā€™t change to not receiving a notification that there was a call or message in the background. Was searching in various forums, but you canā€™t totally stop it, I think. Itā€™s a Huawei mate 20. Will give it a last chance tomorrow.

If notā€¦ Itā€™s an idea for sure to change the number! Because itā€™s triggering subconscious. :roll_eyes:

Hope you are doing better!
I love tiger balm although it smells a bit weird :rofl:
Atm i am using a pain oil, called Aconit from Wala, very nice.


Checking inā€¦
1057 days substance free
577 days self injury free
193 days sugar free

I canā€™t believe itā€™s been over 6 months since I have eaten sugar, crazy shit. My sugar cravings have gone away except of course when my cycle comes, then itā€™s on like donkey kong. My only saving grace is knowing why itā€™s happening and that it will pass.

These last few months have been different then the summer month had been. I am being challenged by life in a bunch of different ways. I am grateful that nothing seems too much to handle though, and that is simply because itā€™s all out of my hands anyways. What a novel idea hey? When you turn your life over to your HP, you get to turn all the shit that comes along with it over too. I am just keeping myself in check by doing what I know I need to daily to keep myself clean; stay connected, give selfless service, pray and meditate as much as needed, hit meetings and stay in my own lane. Itā€™s working so far so I think I will keep on doing it. Somedays I canā€™t look past an hour, and that isnā€™t because I want to get loaded itā€™s just because an hour is all I have in me that day. I am not ashamed to go hour by hour when I have to, I am an addict and I will always be an addict in recovery who needs do whatever it takes to stay on the right tracks. I have found this feeling inside me that I dont ever want to lose, itā€™s probably serenity. :heart:


Loving your numbers :smiley: youve come auch a long way! I always enjoy ur posts. Thank you for sharing :people_hugging: