Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Hahaha… Here it is non of both :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:
It depends on your region :yum:


Day 11. Coffee and waking up. Bit of a headache this morning but not to bad. I’m hoping I can build on yesterday’s better mood. Honestly it felt weird to actually feel better. Now thinking ahead to the weekend and trying to plan a few things. I don’t do well with a lot of free time, but at the same time my depression makes it hard to get out and do stuff.


Day 98 free from alcohol :call_me_hand:t2::sunglasses:
Day 78 free from toxic relationships :pray:t2::heartpulse:
Day 15 regular eating :v:t2:

I am tired today, but weekend is near.
My 90 minute yoga class was reeeealy challenging yesterday… Our teacher noticed that we are all in a good form and so he made a class that required a loooot of strength.
Of cause Yoga is not about comparisons, but I was able to make it very well and he commended me :muscle:t2::woman_in_lotus_position:t2::sunglasses: Now I have real sore muscles… :rofl:

Let’s go on with swim workout tonight and another one Saturday at noon (with training partner :sunglasses:)… :swimming_woman:t2::man_swimming:t2:

Further plans for the weekend is cinema again… I booked a very cool 4D premium seat for the thriller “Smile”. Booked the show in the early evening and will pick-up some Sushi at a new recommended take away in my city afterwards :bento::sushi:

So I will enjoy some sushi at home in cozy place and just relax, nap, do some more yoga (maybe yin style as i am in pms mode).

On Sunday it’s family time :heart_eyes: what means eating is covered by “moms kitchen” :rofl::call_me_hand:t2::sunglasses:

No toxic relationships of cause…
Working on my online course. If my regular group therapy will come to end, I will maybe joyn a CoDa group, even if it’s just virtual, to go on working on this topic.

Eating is okay… Bit less, but no big dramas and overrating the whole thing.

Take care and stay sober all ya honeys out there


May the lord have mercy on my tattered psyche.


Yes it does! But you’ll get used to it Karen. ODAAT and all that. Keep going.


Hey all, checking in on day 866. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 504 first cup of coffee. Trying to drag my ass up on a cold dark morning to get the kids ready for school. Have a good Friday, all.


173, checking in.


Day 868. Had an amazing day yesterday and completed the loop yay! Total miles came out to be only 10.07 when I tracked it but I’m good with that! I faced my fears and was rewarded with so many beautiful views. Some were so pretty I almost cried. I want to live in the forest and never come back to the city again lmao. It changes everything for me mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am in love… Have an amazing day today, love you guys a lot!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 20

Good morning! Don’t have much time to check in. My alarm went off at midnight for some reason, so I’m running on less than usual amount of sleep. Today is my first payday! Yay! pay off all my stuff, get my meds refilled, and then… what?
Been having a lot of cravings lately. Anyway, gotta run. Take care! :v:


Monday and Tuesday. Holiday is on Tuesday.
2 days more weekend :relaxed:
Germany NRW, others may be different.


:exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: Brandenburg, Berlin? My condolences.


None? Oh no :face_with_spiral_eyes:


No Noooon :face_with_monocle: :flushed: :scream:
Hessia :sweat_smile:


Ah OK, NRW has Allerheiligen. In Lower Saxony it is Reformationstag.


Bjarne Mädel. :star_struck:

“Buba” and “Sörensen hat Angst” are great movies.


And in Hessia it is nothing :face_with_head_bandage::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Day 119 check in

Yesterday was sooo much better. I stayed busy at work so not much time to think about my own stuff. Two of my clients yesterday are attorneys so I was able to talk to them about the credit card company situation and one of them is going to call the law firm handling this on my behalf. Hopefully that pans out into an agreement I can handle financially.

My biggest sadness yesterday was for my precious mother. She hasn’t been alone in 45 years and her life is about to change drastically. It just hurts my heart so badly for her, knowing her grieving process is about to start. And that will include a great deal of loneliness. I am so thankful that we have an enormous, tight knit family that will help love on her and keep her included.

Yesterday was the first day I didn’t think about drinking in a week. So that’s a win in my book! I’m supposed to go to a concert with a friend tonight and that will be another sober first. Tomorrow morning, we are heading to the mountains for the weekend with another couple. And I am so looking forward to just relaxing, unplugging and trying to clear my mind.


25 km/h :upside_down_face::joy::grimacing:

1 Like

@Dtizz congrats on 60 days!
@icebear huge confrats on 500!
@Winny nice job on 6 months man!
@adrivdahl congrats on 6 months!
@Twizzlers getting the hands dirty always helps ground me, i use to do it for work, now just around the house and is super calming and therepeutic.
@KarenKW keep at it, it gets better soon, and I imagine already is!

Good to catch up, i havent checked in for about a week. I know I shouldnt get to comfortable, but everything had been going smooth! Just celebrated 6 months af a couple of days ago. I pulled the shit outa my calf the other day in a basketball game so ive been gimping around work, still sober, still happy. One time a while back I woke up hung over with 2 broken ankles, so this is certainly more manageable. Life’s easier this way, Im not going to drink today. Have a good one yall!