Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Yes, right! With Lars Eidiger.

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How did you move with two broken ankles? :astonished:

It was new years day when i woke up. I lived woth my girlfriend and our 2 best friends. Anyways they were a gone when i woke up. I was moving on my hands and knees to get water and such. Not a great feeling. Girlfriend broke it off with me soon after. Not my best showing lol!


Sorry to read this. I hope your ankles and heart are heal again. :wink:

Thanks Matti,
This was 10 years ago. Ankles are much better, heart too! Lessons learned.


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,544.

God Bless!


Checking in for day 32 AF.


@Clarity Your story is similar to mine. I had to quit my job while supporting a household. I’m 19 months sober, never better, it all worked out.


Checking in day 54. I worked late last night, pretty tired today. Trying to work up the energy to get to the gym before work. I used those extra hours off I mentioned a few check ins ago to take off early tonight, so I can get some good sleep before my best friends wedding tomorrow (the happy couple is also sober so feeling fine about that). Todays a great reminder that being tired beats a hangover any day- I can still think and do things!


Checking in!! And I woke up so thankful for ALL OF YOU. Like seriously I LOVE this forum and all of you!! I have been a member for a couple of years but not as active as I am now. I am EXCITED to hop on a conversation. I’m EXCITED to post something and get a quick response from one of you!! So happy to be here almost ten days tomorrow! woot woot. But I will live for today just for today. But I want to wish you all a good day/night. Stay blessed, Stay Sober my friends.


Checking in on day 181.
My daughter has her school Halloween party this evening so we just got her all dressed up like Bellatrix Lestrange.

I’m a little apprehensive about the party as I rarely spend time at the school and I get a bit anxious around some of the parents.


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 257
Was feeling down last night (didnt even feel like doing an evening check in), as well as this morning :frowning: Im in a real funk. I felt so bummed out last night that i gave myself permission to not go to the gym this morning. I wanted to sleep in until 7am. Im fine with that. My sadness just comes from environmental stuff. Hubby woke up cranky bcuz he thought his pay cheque was off. Sent me $$ for rent but not for my lunch which he said he would. He was already stressed at how much tax got taken off so i didnt bother to mention it this morning. No big deal. Then he starts freaking out about xmas and him not having money to buy gifts. I tried to reassure him that everything will be fine. We have already started buying stuff for our boy and ill take care of our immediate families. But ill be honest, im most sad about my bday, which of course has to be in December. If he doesnt have money for xmas, he certainly wont have money for my bday. My birthday has always been a depressing time. Literally half the time, as a child, bcuz my birthday was in the same month as christmas, i often got the “we will celebrate it in the new year”, then sometimes it just got forgotten about. Then as i grew up and began being in relationships, they either ended up in jail in December (sending me homemade bday cards glued together with toothpaste lol… its the thought that counts), or we broke up in november leaving me alone for my birthday. Seriously the only gifts i got for my birthday in the past, were from Johns. The past 8 years wirh my husband hasnt been great for that either. Hes forgotten my birthday once or sometimes doesnt have any $$ for anything, not even a card. So idk. I hate my birthday honestly. Im trying not to predict things but i guess thats why im down. And honestly its ridiculously silly. I was hoping that since we were clean and sober that we could start celebrating the things we never had the money to celebrate. I dont even care if its store bought. Homemade is fine too! Just knowing that the effort was there I guess. But maybe hes not the homemade gift making type of person lol
I just need to take it easy today and remind myself of the things im grateful for. Turn on worship music and remember whats really important :slight_smile: i have a zoom mtg for work for 3 hours. Then my son and I are off to get our flu shots.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day! Sorry for the down post about silly things lol but its bothering me. I mean realistically there are worse things to be sad over. I think its just one of those days lol


thank you​:heart::heart:

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Checking in 1034 days.

Never in my life have I believed in myself. I have dimmed down my passions so that I wouldn’t be let down when things didnt work out. I have been afraid of judgement. I have been afraid of failure.

Recovery is teaching me that I need to feed my passions in order to stay alive, its teaching me that my passions are what feed my soul. I am still at a place where I jump both feet in and then become afraid so take a step back and watch from safety. I have found faith around so many other things in my life but I have not found complete faith in the worth of my creations. I am still learning humility. I am still accepting that I am just as capable as anyone else. I am still learning to trust who I am. I am still learning and I always will be.

For the last year I have been busy making stuff, lots of different stuff. I started an Etsy page to sell it and became overwhelmed trying to upload all the images and write ups etc so I stopped. I only uploaded 2 of the 20+ malas I have made. The universe decided to give me a nudge last night, so after the market that I am participating in next weekend I will spend some time posting all of my items.
If I believe in you, and you and I are the same then why wouldnt I believe in myself. Its illogical.


Me too, thats why I always made sure I hungout with the kids. Your daughter looks great, have fun. :heart:


Second Check in today
I’m laying on my couch, unable to move because I ate 6 chicken drumsticks and nearly half a butternut squash :grimacing: It was so good, forgot to make pictures bc I was busy eating :drooling_face:
I really enjoyed everything I did when I came home today, even cleaning the apartment.
Because I did it sober. I won’t be hungover tomorrow, I won’t do silly stuff on the internet, I’m fully aware of everything I do.
Yeah :muscle::heart:


Could you maybe have a little chat and say instead of doing something costly this year for your birthday that you would like a date night at home together ? This way he knows you are happy to just be together and your reminding him of your bday too.
:hugs::hugs: I hope you feel better soon and this passes so you can have a lovely day still.
And its not silly, its a time of year that you would like to have a good memory made.


Checking in Day 393

With all the walking and swimming the past 2 days i feel absolutely exhausted and it feels so good!! Its like i have earnt it so will sleep well tonight.

Cooking our favourite Dinner in a minute then watchijg the resident in bed with the electric blankey on and snuggled up with the dog and 3 cats having a few treats for friday night.

@Juli1 I always think of you when i try to talk myself out of going to my booked swimming and it really helps me to go thank you.
I am so happy in back into the flow !!


Day 90​:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles: Hope everyone is well!:white_heart:


Thank you for your comment and always being so compassionate. In the grand scheme of things… i do feel like me complaining about my bday and rarely having one celebrated, sort of silly to be honest. There are MANY worse issues in this world. I have been going about my day and i realized that i need to drop my expectations. Bcuz if i have expectations of others that i know, chances are, it wont be met… than i end up getting disappointed and hurt. I am very much about celebrating others on their special day. I love doing it! I love celebrating the people that I love. I guess bcuz i know what its like to not feel special on a birthday etc, i never want someone i love to feel that way. I always do something for my husband for his bday or for fathers day, as well as my son. Even if i dont have much $$, ill go to the dollarstore, get a card or make one, get decorations snd have a whole color theme, plan a meal, and buy a gift or two. Yet i have never once received a card or anything from my husband for mothers day since my son was born. My sons nurse this past mothers day bought me chocolates tho lol I received 1 gift for my birthday in 8 years from my husband. Im grateful for what i do get… dont get me wrong. But i do feel like he doesnt care enough to even put in a real effort. I also am gping thru an adjustment in my meds. Im at a very low dose right now. 3 days until i can increase it. So honestly my mood might be that too