Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Huge congratulations on 3 months!!! Woo hoo!!!


Definitely understand and it isnt silly :hugs: the smallest effort from him means a big thing to you :hugs: theres nothing wrong with you feeling how you do so dont think that.
I hope your meds work out okay for you.

Apologies for s short message, im so tired i csnt keep my eyes open and didnt want to read your post and not reply :hugs::purple_heart:


That makes me sooo glad and happy :smiley:
If one of us is out of flow we can share some swim motivation again. It has soo many benefits. It’s really my favorite sport.
Enjoy the flow :heartpulse::swimming_woman:t2::muscle:t2:

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She looks soooo cool :black_heart:


Thank you… This is super inspiring to me! :walking_woman:
Especially the effects to your mood and the benefits you are writing about.

I would like to do more hiking…
But I am a bit afraid alone in the forest.

Will be on holiday in December and have the possibility to do some tours there.
Hope internet connection works to also document such cool routes :grinning::sunglasses:

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Day 11 after work. I felt off all day. Now craving a drink but I won’t go out and get anything. I think I’m bored, lonely, uninspired. Nothing really interests me right now so I struggle to pass the time. I don’t like so much time alone, but at the same time most interactions with others tire me out. I guess it’s still the depression hanging around.


Brilliant my friend, absolutely brilliant.
You be carefull with that ankle if you are playing basket ball again Menno.
Ive always loved “the Dam” the people, the shops, the cafes, the museum’s the architecture,
Unfortunately Ive only ever been there drunk, stoned or both. Which gives me something to work for.

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Checking in
Day 257
Sorry for being so blah today. Im really having a hard time. I feel alone. Im just so sad and what makes it all worse, is that my depressed mental state is bringing up my trauma from my past, which makes me more depressed. The only thing i truly care about today is staying clean and sober and my family. Ive basically said “fuck it” to my exercise or eating healthy for today. Just stoped caring whatsoever. I do my very best every single day to improve myself and my life. Theres so many sad, unhealthy thoughts in my head today and im struggling to have the energy to challenge every single one. Thankfully, none has popped up about using. Its more stuff related to myself, my past, and whatnot. Ive been trying to pull out of it. Apart of me just wants to sit in my own shit and sob and be depressed. But another part of me is trying to motivate me to get doing something or talk to my HP. Which i need to do bcuz me trying to solve this on my own isnt working. Will check in later. Am thinking of working on a dreamcatcher


I’m checking in at day 21


3 weeks kevin!!! Way to go my friend :smiley:


31 days. I was sick at the beginning of the week, so I have to catch up on work this weekend. Yay me.


Congratulations @Andrea4 :purple_heart::muscle::purple_heart:

@Butterflymoonwoman Which day in December? Fellow December baby here.


Day 40

Just a standard daily check in, currently watching my car get new window tint done, been for a good walk this morning and a bit of window shopping, once this is sorted ill go see mum and then off for a car wash and club meet/bbq this arvo.

Still clean and still happy being so!

Hope everyone has a great morning/day/night wherever you are.


Welcome to the world of miracles… now its your turn :+1:


Checking in day 43. It’s been a stressful week and today I’m very unfocused and sort of agitated. I’m not going to drink but I might get into the Halloween candy! Happy Friday.


No way! Im december 3rd :slight_smile: whens ur bday?

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Thank you!:sparkles::pray:t2::sparkles:

Instead of sitting home and feeling :tired_face: my friend took me to dinner.
She doesn’t even know anything about anything, but she was there for me today. :heart: I am blessed to call her my friend

She didn’t want to take a picture or I would have posted us sharing a meal


Thank you Dana!:kissing_heart: You’re doing AMAZING! So very proud of you!!:raised_hands:t2: It’s taken a few restarts but it’s sticking this time. #onemoretime


Thank you! I experienced the same initally. Thankfully we didnt give up on ourselves. Recovery is amazing!