Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Good morning everyone. Still very dark here at just after 6am.
Feeling good this morning my wife and her friend had a drink last night I never bothered but I did cook for them and enjoyed doing it.
Im going into York this morning for a wander

It reminds a little bit of Amsterdam @Mno @SoberWalker
Hope you all have a good day today :full_moon_with_face::purple_heart::+1:


Yes it does a bit, besides the overhanging second floors from the buildings in the back. We do not have those in the Netherlands (ore I missed out).
Beautifull picture! A bit like Dickens!


It also is my favourite sport i hadnt been for years.
Il tell you a funny story:
Me and my cousin would go the gym together and she would use the gym and i would swim.
The gym has windows all around the pool so she could see down into the pool whilst i swam and she would use the gym.
Well one day i met her up in the gym after i had a good swim and she said to me

" wow your a really good swimmer iv been watching you from here"

I said thanks all proud like id done amazing and then she replied laughing her head off
ā€œoh it wasnt you iv been watching this whole time the lady is still in the poolā€ as we both looked down at this really amazing woman making swimming laps faster than i ever could :joy:


Day #67

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: Briefly reporting in for Day #67.

Not too much to comment today, but I indulged in a bit of ā€œme timeā€ yesterday. Went for a haircut and briefly did some Christmas shopping. The high streets are nowhere near as busy as I remember them being as a child. Itā€™s partially quite sad, but I suppose the world is moving fast, and times are changing. The department store here, Fenwicks, has announced their Christmas Window Display will be revealed on November 6th. Itā€™s a yearly tradition, and I remember going 20+ years ago as a kid. In recent years theyā€™ve had displays such as The Snowman, Wallace & Gromit & The Wind In The Willows, so Iā€™m looking forward to seeing what they have for this year!

Today, Iā€™m off to Parkrun this morning, which is a weekly Saturday tradition for me. Theyā€™ve said that fancy dress is optional, which is like telling a fool like me that you can light a fire with a lighter :see_no_evil: So, Iā€™m off upstairs soon to see what I can muster together out of the cupboard!

Also, Iā€™m off to see Fiji v. Scotland in the Rugby League World Cup later in Newcastle. Looking forward to the game & spending my afternoon doing something that I enjoy. I love being busy on my days off - Iā€™m very much a spontaneous creature; Iā€™ve got to have routine and purpose!

Other than that, not a great deal to report back. Iā€™m sleeping great, and overall, feeling pretty well & happy too :slightly_smiling_face: Have a fantastic day everybody - ODAAT.


Day 661
My heart hurts tonight. Iā€™m not on relapse watch or anything. Just Feeling the acheā€¦ My spirit is definitely not lifted. The good news is when you hit such a low, the up side is usually not far off. Iā€™ll get my drive and motivation back. Canā€™t allow life and/or people to keep me down for too long. The dawn is comingā€¦ it has to be.


Thats sounds very difficult at work.
I think maybe you need to have a meeting with the other teachers and explain what the child doing to other children and that the parent isnt acknowledging the seriousness of what her child is doing, this means you will get the support you need to help deal woth this situation and also the child doing this can get some support as there could be many reasons for this behaviour and early intervention is always best for everyone.
You also need support to know what steps to take and someone should be able to help you too. It could be the child just needs some extra support and help and he is struggling or it could be something more serious.
You have taken all the right steps but if it was me id bring it up to other teachers or the head of the department as you have done what your suppose to and more support is needed for the child.
I think your doing amazing at work, dont let a bad day make you feel you cant do it because you can :hugs::hugs: you have come so far and congratulations on 240 days that is brilliant :purple_heart:

Your Lego is coming along so well too.
Have a lovely weekend.


Greetings and a Happy Saturday from a damp and wet London :uk: !
Day 3 AF and off to a local Parkrun for 9am, its such a great initiative and now described as a social gathering masquerading as a 5km timed event. I couldnt agree more .
Wishing everyone a great day.
RB x


I couldnā€™t agree more!

Iā€™ve cut down on the amount of running compared to what I used to do, but I still love to do Parkrun on a Saturday morning. Everybody is kind & friendly, and itā€™s a fantastic way to start the day.

Have a good one :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Day 28
Saturday morning Check in. No hangover and not feeling blah because of any pills.
I slept long, I love that. Now itā€™s time to prepare breakfast. Canā€™t decide what to make, pancakes or scrambled eggs? :weary:
But first: tea.
Yes, I even banned coffee from my diet. My Hashimotos doesnā€™t like it.
See you later :hugs::kissing_heart:


Thank you for sharing. I donā€™t think that these are silly things!

I think they are even more important if you are sober, because then you can more value festivities, which arenā€™t behind a blurry screen.

I hope, that you will have a really nice celebratory December! :christmas_tree: :gift:


You mean ā€œeating into comaā€. :thinking: :wink:

1 Like

Haha yes! :grimacing:
I was looking forward to this meal since I got the butternut squash.
I have some leftovers from the squash, going to mash it with potatoes today :drooling_face:


@Andrea4 Wohoo, 3 months of soberness! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:


Hey @Cjp thanks for asking! I just went to bed super early last night. Thatā€™s my solution to rough days. At least I went to bed sober!


Just make a beautifull dreamcatcher again. It will destract you and in the end you will have something done, about you can be proud. :wink:


Belated happy birthday! :gift:


Free coffee makes every job better! :wink:


Grinding olives to get oil. Oil for toasts, salads and much more. All this stuff to enjoy more when you give up the booze. Mediterranean style!

Good morning!


Good morning all from a wet and cold England :roll_eyes: I pushed back my appointment to have fluid drained from my stomach because the water tablets seem to be doing a great job. Fingers crossed I can cancel the appointments altogether,itā€™s not the most comfortable procedure. Had it done 7 times since May and Iā€™d rather not have it done again.


Day 12 morning check in. The problem with going to bed so early is waking up before 5am on the weekend! So Iā€™m up having a little coffee and checking in. Thankfully no headache today. Iā€™ll be volunteering for a few hours this morning and that always feels good. Donā€™t really have much else planned for the weekend. Iā€™d been dating a guy since March but thatā€™s fizzling out. Iā€™m coming to accept that there is no long term potential with him. Itā€™s just hard to lose the companionship. Adds to the loneliness. Dating is so hard. Even more so at age 48. And itā€™s taken me this long to start learning about healthy boundaries and accepting that my needs are valid and not ā€œtoo much.ā€ Thatā€™s definitely a work in progress.