Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

30 days today!!! I’ve never been able to say that.


Morning of Day 5, had some very uncomfortable stress dreams.
I also made some irresponsible purchases, but at least it’s on something I can entertain myself for years with. Money is such an evil thing. Oh well!
Deprived of Dopamine
Starved for Serotonin


Day 869. Up at 2am and think this is becoming a sleep pattern now. Not saying I’m going to do it but if this keeps happening I might as well just start going to the gym in the early mornings and use my time wisely??? I think adaptation is the answer here so why not go with the flow and stop resisting and make the best use of my time. Today is the beginning of my work week and I’m ready. I hope everyone has a kick ass day today I’m proud of you and love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congrats! let’s go to other 30 days!


Well, that’s my weekend sorted! Rice ball makers arrived in the post while I was out at the farmer’s market. I saw a video of someone using them to make truffles so I’m going to experiment later today. I got to sample these flavoured sparkling waters and they’re lovely.


Did you buy it as a box set? Looks very good. :+1:t2:


Im new here and just wanted to share my progress. At 8am eastern i will have 4 days sober for the first time in many many years and its a struggle but im doing better both physically and mentally. Thank you


I stayed once in York as a backpacker. I’d got foul beer and thought it would be a thing of the brewery. I stayed the night in the hostel bathroom and was hoping to die quickly. :wink:

Sorry, I didn’t get it. Who is Hashimoto and why does it matter if he cares? :thinking: :wink:

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I’m glad go read about your progress! Look where are you now, after this small amount of sober time.

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Hey all, checking in on day 867. I hope everybody has a good one!


Agree :100:! :white_heart:

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Hashimoto is an autoimmune disorder. It affects the thyroid and causes a shit ton of problems.


Checking in day 55. About to go to the gym, then have a friends wedding today. The couple is sober so that’s good- I know there will still be drinking, so gonna plan to always have a non-alcoholic beverage in hand and allow myself to step out for moments if needed. Feeling prepared and set on sobriety. Have sober Saturday to all!


Checking in again now that the morning activities are out of the way. The Halloween party was good last night although I wasn’t too enthusiastic about socialising. I stayed in the really noisy disco room partly to avoid speaking to a particular parent that I have a difficulty with. It was the first social event at the school in three years and I found it quite overwhelming to see how much all the kids had grown. I was kind of glad when it was time to go but I wasn’t really uncomfortable. My daughter had an amazing time though, so that’s great.
On the return journey we encountered a very unwell woman at the bus stop. She was buzzing gas and holding a can of strong beer and talking quite loudly to herself. I slowly realised that she was one of the other women in the psychiatric ward when I was in hospital with psychosis about 2 and a half years ago. I was saddened to see how unwell she is now and also reminded of how unwell I was back then. I had been alcohol free for six months at that point and stress that I would normally have coped with by drinking got on top of me. It just shows that you can’t just take away alcohol without developing healthy coping mechanisms in its place.
This morning we were all super tired out but between now and Monday morning we get to relax. I usually make pizzas on a Saturday night and I’m just going to do some puzzles and Duolingo.
Have a good weekend everyone.


i have talked to a few other teachers, I saw the co-director about it but my main director is out until Monday. I gotta remember to talk to her. if he can’t stop being so aggressive we won’t be able to keep him in our school. thanks for the advice you have a great weekend as well :heart:


Thank u my friend :heartbeat: i appreciate that!

Welcome Tyler :slight_smile: congratulations on 4 fays sober!!!

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A really big congratulations on 5 days! What did u buy if u dont mind me asking? Every so often i go on little spending sprees too haha


Your doing everything you should be and your doing it really well :hugs:
Hopefully its nothing serious and with a bit of extra support and you recognising this early he may get some early support.

Day 394
Hi everyone,
Today i have had some really strong cravings, really imaging the situation that i could have 2 glasses, nothing stopping me but me, i can just have 2 glasses and leave the bottle there for a week to show everyone im fine, even saying to myself i can drink and once i show everyone i dont get drunk or do anything stupid they will see im okay to drink, that i made such a big deal out of stopping thats why everyone thinks its a problem, il be fine everyone does it.

:woman_shrugging::joy::rofl::rofl: who am i fooling!!

Telling everyone " i may have a glass or two of champagne at xmas "
Like im all ready preparing THEM for my relapse.