Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

I forget how soothing making one is. I tend to just sort of zone ont and plug away it :slight_smile: my goal for this week is to make one for a friend! Im almost done my sons teachers one for her xmas gift. Ill get that done tmrw and take a pic


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 258
Feeling quite a bit better today. Im currently at work. Had weird dreams tho but nothing too distressing. On my way to work i prayed to my HP. Gave thanks for all thats in my life and asked for guidance throughout my day and the ability to follow thru with the next right step. I am determined to eat well today. I cant exercise but will do an at home workout tmrw since i dont work. Yesterday was obviously an off day for me. Im grateful that i never tend to stay down too long. And im grateful for everyone here who shows their support and lifts me up when im down. I REALLY appreciate it.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!
Beautiful skies this morning and saw a toddler bike on the fence lol


Checking in with 35 day’s sober!! I haven’t had the desire to drink and I feel great!!


Ooh! What language(s) are you learning?

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Checking in on day 505. It seems to be shaping into an unseasonably warm October day, which means that I have no more excuses against raking leaves. We have a huge maple tree out front so it’s always a big job. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


I’m sorry to hear this. Never heard about Morbus Hashimoto. Could you supplement it, like insulin?

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Scots Gaelic and Japanese!


Welcome to TS and congratulations on your 4 sober days! :+1:t2:

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I have to take hormones for the rest of my life. Besides that a healthy diet and lifestyle is the key. I avoid gluten, try to eat light without much fat, no added sugar and no alcohol.
Not easy when all of those are constantly around you and all the time someone wants me to have a piece of cake or cookies. Same as with alcohol :joy: But I feel so much better living like this.
Not easy tho.


Sounds though. Especially if you have to reject so much stuff. :confused:

But it seems like you know your disorder good and can handle it. :+1:t2:

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Yes, I have it since 22 years. Mostly I was ignoring it, didn’t help and made it worse.
With becoming sober I thought “all or nothing” and adjusted my diet too. I had to bc I also had a gastritis.


some music software
i used to make techno and house music on my computer all the time
felt like doing that again, and figured if i actually feel like doing something for once then i may as well act on it.


Checking in for day 33. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Your stomach surely is thankful for this change. :wink:

Mine definitely is. :grinning:

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I know that feeling lol I wasn’t sleeping anyway so I picked up a night job. Lol

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Thats very cool! I used to listen to alot of techno! Still do on occasion :slight_smile:

Haha funny storry! Sounds like a cool location…
You would find me in the pool too, definitely.
And I am sure the real Twizzle style looks also very good :pray:t2::heartpulse:

I had a coach a few times in summer (one of the guards) at a pool near where my parents live. He gave me few tipps, that increased my speed. He took it very seriously, watched how I implement the tipps and what I am doing each lane, corrected and praised me for doing it well…
:rofl::muscle:t2::sunglasses: So I was motivated.

Do you have a watch? I have one since a few months and I love it.
Since summer I have short fins and I ordered some hand paddles and a poulyboy, as my training partner has these too and I am using his stuff sometimes. With him it’s also cool, as we both push each other’s pace. :sunglasses:

Keep on swimming! :muscle:t2::heartpulse::two_hearts:

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:smiley: Sounds great… You are doing very well :muscle:t2:


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,555.

God Bless!