Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Good. Yes that is how relapse starts lots of times. It starts getting built up in the mind. Over and over and over. So it’s good to halt that. Get back to the beginning basics of quitting and bolster yourself with the meetings. That sounds good. Big hugs Twizzle. I am so proud of you.


This is what I woke up to this morning!
I had a great sleep and enjoyed the extra hour this morning. I’m currently sipping my coffee in bed. I have a little laundry to do today and I think I’ll head to the supermarket and get some Halloween squashes and treats. I fancy making toffee apples :apple:
When my step daughter visited this week she mentioned that she’d been using a clothes shopping service with a lot of success. I’ve decided to give it a try as I hate shopping for clothes usually and I have a little extra money floating around that I’ve saved from not drinking. I’m excited to see what comes in my delivery.
Have a good day everyone.


1 hr again this needs to stop feeling horrible shaking why do I keep doing this to myself


Congratulations on your 6 months :slightly_smiling_face:

@Alisa thank you for the kind words and encouragment it means alot. :hugs:


Congratulations on your new 6 month chip. :clap::clap: I like that colour blue. Im intrigued to hear more about your clothes shopping service your having a go at.

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Back to day 1 again. Trying not to be too hard on myself. But feel bad enough that I’m recommitted to my sobriety. Trying to sort through what was going through my mind last night that led to me drinking so I can be better prepared next time. Overall, the fact that I only drank one day over a 2 week span is something I can be proud of.


Thankyou :heart:
Yeah, I will absolutely be making sure I stay present on here all the way through Christmas. It’s funny because I did let the voices of others get in my head about drinking at the Christmas party and once I let that idea take root and the just one thought sink in, it just took off.
We can get through it this year. Because we know one is never just one.
Also I’m crocheting a blanket. I really like the repetitive nature of crocheting. I learned from online videos, it chills me out a bit :blush:


Day 870. I hope everyone has a fantastic day today. Congratulations to all of the milestones celebrated, proud of you all!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 3

Slept like a baby again :relaxed:
Whole day watching movies and documentaries in bed. It’s been long time I did not chilled like that and have zero of that nasty irritation to get the “next drink”. Since you take that first one there is no real relaxation. Same with sleep.
And to my surprise lack of sleep is usually the main reason I get drunk. It’s like the infinity cycle! It keeps up spinning and spinning with no ending. Who said there is no perfect engine? - I almost invited one :joy:


Hey all, checking in on day 868. I hope everybody has a good one!


I found a place, where they sell Schweppes Zero - ginger ale and russian wildberry. I will try it on ice, like you did. :+1:t2:


Try to distract yourself with things you liked before you started drinking. Maybe some binge watching or nice walk in autumn?

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I’m hoping the rain will stop long enough to get a walk in. I need to start doing that during the week after work. That is something I enjoy and there is a nice park nearby.

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Congratulations for half a year of sobriety! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:

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Today is the second day of my second year of sobriety. At this point I am very glad I made the decision to become a person who doesn’t drink. If I had made the goal of going a year without alcohol, it is likely I would have made my goal. It is also possible that I would have manipulated myself to change the goal.

It is extremely likely I would have celebrated my year goal by drinking. I did not do that because my decision is to be a person who doesn’t drink. That decision is definitely made every day with an eye toward my identity, not toward what I cannot have.

I’m a person who teaches in a school.
I’m a wife and a mother.
I’m a person who doesn’t abuse animals.
I’m a person who takes care of my health.
I’m a person who doesn’t do a lot of housecleaning.
I’m a person who eats candy.
I’m a person who enjoys some books and movies.

I make that list to say that making a decision about what is and isn’t in my life has been an important part of my sobriety journey. Building an identity is hard work, but overall it is more pleasant and rewarding than operating from a place of self denial. I am what I make myself to be.

I hope you all have a great Sunday!


Checking in day 56. Had a great time sober at the wedding, and have lots of great memories. I did get a quick craving at one point when my partner kept ordering drinks. But it passed quickly, and seeing him become the drunkest one there was a quick reminder that that would have been me if I was still drinking.

Might allow myself a lazy day today (feeling pretty tired). Will at least get out for a walk if I don’t make it to the gym.

Happy sober Sunday!


If you feel like showing a pic when the blankets done id like that :slightly_smiling_face: if not i totally understand.
Yes keeping that thought from growing is hard but it really helps me to know im not alone and we are all here.
Im here for you too so if you need a chat over xmas or some encouragement you know where to find me - anytime not just xmas xx


Day 6 check in, headaches, toothaches, and just general discomfort.
I have been sleeping through the night the last couple nights though
Having a super lazy weekend then getting myself into PHP as soon as I can.
Also, the new Mountain Dew flavors are pretty good, especially when I don’t pour vodka into them lol!


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,556.

God Bless!


Those drinks look good! I love all the AF options out there.

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