Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

I’m having a mini breakdown/ panic attack sitting here trying to work (from home, so I can take a break). I don’t even know what’s wrong. I’ve been feeling exhausted and unmotivated all morning. Suddenly got very overwhelmed and agitated. Crying. Hyperventilating. Trying to calm my breathing. Distracting myself on social media. As soon as I try to pay attention to my feelings, I just feel overwhelmed and start crying again. I really am thankful I work from home so I’m not crying in an office bathroom.


You’re not alone. Glad you’re here Karen. Maybe this can help a little bit.


We are here for you. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be overwhelmed. All is okay at the moment. Just breathe like :point_up_2:

Feelings won’t kill you. All is okay. You are okay.


I love that! Well Done you! How did you do at the tournament?

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Small blessings huh :joy: I’ve been there. In the office bathroom sobbing my face off I can imagine that it’s way more relieving to be at home. I’m so sorry you’re feeling terrible. I hope this little tidbit helps. My therapist told me that the longest your body can sustain a full blown panic attack is 20 minutes. So although (and I know) if feels like you’ve been panicking for hours and will be stuck like that forever just know you’ll top out at 20 min. Here are some other TIPS for you:
:star:Tip the temperature- put a bag of frozen veggies across your eyes or fill a bowl with water and Ice and stick your face in it
:star:Intense exercise- do high knees or jumping jacks at 110% for a few minutes or run up and down your stairs.
:star:Paced breathing- in for 4 hold for 4 out for 4 hold for 4. Nice and slow and deep
:star:Squeeze and release- lay in the floor. Curl your toes as HAAAAARD as you can. Then release. Flex you foot as haaaaard as you can then release. Now calves, thighs, and keep going all the way up your face doing each part of your body.

These are some activities that can help you put the brakes on a panic attack. I know it feels just awful. I’ve had gobs of them. I’ll be thinking about you!


Day 67- checking in. It’s therapy day and I don’t really know that I did anything but vent but I guess at least it’s out of my system. Grocery shopping time then back home to work on the RV. It’s finally in our hot little hands and tomorrow night it’s going in for a back up inspection cause we have serious doubts about the place that did the bulk of the work. We want it double checked. So if y’all pray or send vibes or do whatever I would t mind some of that action coming my way for a hood rv inspection so we can get on the road if you have the time and inclination. Thanks friends!


Im 6 days sober but i had a major personal Family issue that has me wanting to drown myself in a bottle to wash away all my pain, disappointment and disgust. I know it wont solve anything but make everything worse but the urge is so strong its physically making me thirsty and drying my throat. Idek why im typing this but i have to get it off my chest…i just want to be numb and escape :pensive::pensive::pensive:


You’re typing it because you don’t really want to drink Tyler. You’re here because you want to stay sober through this. The addicted part of your brain is seeing it’s chance to get you back. Don’t let it win. We’re in this together and together we can win this. Thanks for sharing. You’re not alone. Vent away all you want.


176, checking in.


morning check in

typically don’t check in until night but I wanted to share some art that I’ve done.

I’m not particularly fond of the windows in this one

this one I love

I’ve been so excited about the art and I showed it to my parents (bad idea on my part) and they just kinda shrugged. trying to not let that kill my vibe


Thanks @Mno @anon74766472 and @Imcrafty
I’m starting to feel a tad calmer, but crying at every little thing. Trying to at least get the bare minimum done at work. At least it’s me and a computer and don’t have to deal with people other than an occasional email. And no meetings today. I have therapy tomorrow which I hope helps some. My mood has been crap the last few weeks.


That’s good to read. I hope you can make sure that you don’t have access to any alcohol. I avoid giving advices, yet making access to alcohol difficult can safe you in early sobriety. To get some time between the craving and the drink. You can do it. You can stay sober: just for today. And tomorrow will be an new today, tomorrow.


Went to a Halloween party this weekend. First real party that I’ve gone to since I got sober six months ago where there was heavy drinking involved. I never realized how much the entire vibe of a party can change once everyone is a few drinks in. Makes me that much more thankful for getting sober


@Leveller Thinking of you and Fern friend. Hope you’re sort of ok. Under the circumstances. Hugs.


@Imcrafty very badly. :joy: but I only play once a year or so. I had fun though so I’m happy.


Day 101 free from alcohol
Day 82 free from toxic relationship
Day 18 imperfect regular eating

I calmed down yesterday and was able to sleep whole night without a break.
6 or 7 hours… Outstanding.

I read today that walnuts are good for sleep… So I bought some ecological at Aldi :sunglasses:

Office was stupid… Will use some time tomorrow to get focused on what I want todo with my carrier future. Many optiions… But I have to take care about my energie and my needs and private life.

Glad I had a swim! :pray:t2:


Hi Twizzle…
This evenings workout :purple_heart::heartpulse::two_hearts::muscle:t2:


Evening check in. Got through the work day. I’m committed to not drinking tonight. Just not sure what to do with myself now. No energy to exercise. No interest in books or shows. Depression sucks. Particularly when paired with anxiety. Not sure what I’ll manage for dinner.


I like that sooo much!
Is it okay to save it on my mobile? :grinning:
SadMemeQueen Art :purple_heart::heartpulse::two_hearts:

of course!