Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

I’m glad your are here. :heart:


I am glad to see you back here @CATMANCAM and that you caught up on the posts. :upside_down_face:


Went everything OK? :grimacing:

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Day #70

Good Morning :slightly_smiling_face: Day 70 of sobriety for me today, so I’m feeling rather proud. For the most part, I’ve felt ok, but on occasion when I have felt like lifting up that bottle, I’ve stopped & gave myself a strong talking to. Of course, it is simply a matter of one day at a time, but I’m glad that I’ve managed to make it this far.

Back at work later, and back to the Gym this morning for CrossFit. Exercise has truly been a lifesaver for me since I began my journey of sobriety. It’s getting difficult to wake up and motivate myself to head out early in the morning here in the UK due to the dark mornings & dark evenings, but I’ve been forcing myself out, and I’m pleased that I have, feeling the full benefits.

I didn’t end up doing too much for Halloween - I stayed in and caught up on some TV that I’ve been meaning to watch. I’ve been feeling tired recently, but I think that’s more down to the clocks going back as opposed to any other aspect of my life. God help me when I go to the US next year for Chicago Marathon - I’m going to be wiped out due to the time difference! However, there is something quite peaceful about winter days - I enjoy getting up, sitting, having a mug of tea and just watching the world go by. At this time of the morning (6:20AM), it’s so peaceful and quiet.

Have a great day everybody. ODAAT.


I rarely check in here. Some days away from 4 years.
I have no idea how to put it into words. I am grateful. I am grateful for moments when I realize how much has changed in many areas. I realize more and more that there are main topics I struggle with again and again. I can think about it, write it down, put it in other words, turn it around upside down. I cannot change my past, what shaped me. I can allow new experiences to shape a new past. Like this morning when I wrote my friend that visiting me during the week would be too much for me atm but the weekend would be fine. Her reaction: yeah, sure, that’s fine. I was wondering, I was amazed. I need to integrate this into my portfolio of possible and healthy reactions to me setting boundaries. It’s these tiny things that I can now see and work on in recovery. Before, I was in therapy, I analysed day in and day out. But that was it. Admiring the problem. Doing therapy in recovery changed so much. Maybe not on the outside but inside.


Hi :blush:

Yes it went okay im scared to eat so fasting for 24 hours to help it heal.
Just sipping water atm.
Thank you for aksing.
Hope all is well your end ?


Day 31
I’m awake since 8 but decided to stay almost 1 hour in my bed because it was so cozy :blush:
Time for breakfast now and then? I don’t know :thinking:
After yesterday’s workout I feel much better than I did yesterday!? Isn’t it mostly the other way around? I’m not feeling any bodyache. Much less pain than expected. Awesome :sunglasses:
I hope those of you who celebrated Halloween did it sober :muscle:
Have a beautiful day fam :kissing_heart:

Edit: I have to tell you this guys!
When I was at my lowest in my diet and while drinking, my belly size was almost 98 cm (38,5 inch), now it’s 93 cm (36,6 inch).
I didn’t do much sports, yesterday was the first time.
It’s the diet!
I used to want that others feel sorry for me because I have Hashimotos disease and I told everyone that it’s impossible for me to lose weight.
I didn’t try the hard way, working on my diet. I mean really working on it.
I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t get this damn gastritis, wich is gone now btw.
But I still eat like it’s still there.
I’m so happy :heart:


How did the tooth extraction go? I hope you’re not in pain?
Edit: just saw your post. Get well soon :face_with_head_bandage:

I’m very grateful to have seen big progress in you over these years here, amiga. 4 years soon!!! Amazing. You are one of the people that first helped me understand that being sober doesn’t solve all our problems, that it is a prerequisite to working on ourselves. Thank you for being my friend. :heartpulse:


Day 406 alcohol free odaat :pray:t2:


I needed another relapse to understand this the hard way. I thought staying sober will solve most of my problems. No, it didn’t.
Shadow work does, journaling does, being here and talking does, being brutally honest with myself does.
Being sober is the first step, there is so much more to work on.
I finally understand that :heart:


Coffee. Glad I did a good walk yesterday as there’s some real autumn weather coming in. My ankle did well although I do feel some reaction now. Will take it easy today. It’s my holidays after all. Sober and clean.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober. It’s why we’re here. Love form my hike yesterday.

@CATMANCAM Thanks friend. I saw you catching up. Hope you’re doing good. Hugs.


You said it! I had a heck of a pink cloud bust after my first longest period of sobriety, a slip and slide, and some hard truths in my face that woke me up. Since then, a couple years ago or so, I’ve had to keep my eyes open and learn to stay curious about myself, what is lying beneath the surface, and try out tools to rely on. I’ve also had to learn to manage what feels like backslides in my mental and emotional well-being without turning to numbing, most importantly without turning to alcohol. Took a few more slips but I’m grateful the tools I built up for myself helped me get back on track quickly. It’s a process, absolutely. Glad your eyes are open, too. :heartpulse:


@anon53116147 congrats on 5 months! :tada:
@KarenKW sending strength :blue_heart:
@Imcrafty good luck with the RV inspection :pray:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@coaltrain sending strength :blue_heart:
@HBT welcome :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada: good luck at the AA meeting :pray:t2:
@AEGFletcher congrats on 70 days :tada:


Day 2 early morning. Proud of myself for getting through yesterday without drinking. You all helped with that. I have therapy at lunchtime today. Lots to talk about. Unfortunately I have meetings all day at work today and I’m already exhausted just thinking about it.


@olivia hey, good to see you too :blush: thank you :blue_heart:
@rosacando thank you :blush: :blue_heart:
@butterflymoonwoman yes, I’ve read through 7 months worth of check-ins! Can’t believe I got through it all, but my brain said I had to before I could start posting again. I’m doing better now than I was, thank you, and its amazing to see you doing so well :blush: :blue_heart:
@misokatsu hey :blush: I’m doing well now thank you. I hope you’re doing okay despite some issues with children and spouse? :blue_heart:
@dazercat thank you :blue_heart: yes, I’m all caught up on this thread now so I’m allowed to start checking in again :blush:
@soberwalker that would be amazing! :star_struck:
@anon74766472 happy to see you too, thank you :blush: I’m pleased therapy has been helpful to you :blue_heart:
@mno thank you :blue_heart: enjoy your well deserved holiday from work :blush:

812 days no alcohol.
277 days no cocaine.
123 days no sex.
45 days no takeaways.
13 days no crisps.
10 days no PMO.

Once I’d finally caught up, where to start with my own check-in was too overwhelming, but I will today…

So I was very unwell mid-April-mid August, I spent most of May in hospital with Urosepsis, I genuinely thought I was not going to make it, the whole experience of being in hospital, and the overwhelming amount of pain I was in, was extremely traumatising in itself. I wasn’t much better by the time I was discharged, but things were going in the right direction. Then I had to move home early July, and had my gallbladder removed the following week, and due to my ongoing infection, and having diabetes, my wounds took 7 weeks to heal, it was frustrating.

I was celibate for 3 years until June this year, I’m way to ashamed to give details but for that month, it was way out of hand and quickly became a transferred addiction. Happy to now be celibate again will a clean sexual health status, luckily.

So, with all my numbers, I’m working on a lot of addictive behaviours, and it is hard work. It has also been 50+ days with only using replacement nicotine, but I will start counting days once I’m no longer using the inhalator and lozenges.

I have been having Psychodynamic Psychotherapy since December last year, it helps a lot, but it is coming to an end in 6 weeks time, and theres still a looooong way to go and much to work through. I’m anxious about finding a new private therapist and finding the right one, but I will :pray:t2:

Some of you will remember that in 2021 I returned to the gym and swimming after many years of feeling too insecure from gaining all my weight from my eating disorder, but after a few months there was an incident with 2 men in the changing rooms, that triggered my ptsd and I wasnt able to go back…well, in the 15 months since then, I’ve been to the gym only a hanful of times, but not swimming because I was too afraid of going back in the changing room…but, yesterday at 16:00, I WENT SWIMMING :grin: I absolutely loved it, despite anxieties, and I really hope I can continue to go. My plan is to go swimming every day that I can, and build up to start going to the gym beforehand as well :muscle:t3:

It’s good to be back :blush:



So so proud of you Cam! You have been through the wringer and come out the other side triumphant. Well done, amigo! Super exciting to hear about swimming! Way to go! :heartpulse:


Congratulations on 5 sober month! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:

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I really like we can share our swims like this :grin: you help motivate me.
I see your in a bigger pool mine is 25m from one end to the other and yours is 50 !! Your doing great, i have recently purchased some goggles to start to swim under the water and practice my breathing techniques.
I find it amazing when i first started i was so out of breathe just doing 25 meters and i kept going swimming and ecen just treading water for 20 mins then do a lap and now i can go for longer and my body handles it.
Its so nice to have someone here that we can show eachother and help push eachother along.


Im so glad to hear your doing better and out of hospital. Also im happy your wounds healed although it took a bit longer than expected its definitely great they manages to heal this is good news.

Your milestones are great too :slightly_smiling_face:
Congratulations to them all and also for wuitting smoking. I also used the lozenges and inhulator with the patches good on you for be strong enough to quit through everything you had going on.

As for swimming its nice to have another swimmer with us here, im glad you went back huge well done to you :hugs::hugs: im glad it was a positive experience too and your going to keep going.
I have lost alot of weight through swimming- weight that needed to be lost and its also a good boost for my mental health, your confidence will improve too. I found i lost more weight when i made lifestyle changes instead of over exercising and dieting so just eating healthy, so i could still have a big meal if i was very hungry just with an extra peice of fish or more vegetables stuff like that and cutting out sugar msde a huge difference, and adding in swimming and exercise and it didnt happen quickly the scales stayed the same for months no matter what i did but i stuck with it, and i still would eat some u healthy food but in moderation and then slowly with just lifestyle changes i am managing to lose the weight safely whilst also keep giving my body nutrients it needs.
Its great to see you doing so well with everything im glad you have came through the other side