Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Welcome HBT to TS and congratulations on the sober days! :+1:t2:


Wow, that’s tough, to have your own party so early in sobriety.

You can be proud of yourself!

I hope the costumes were good and that you had a good time!

I’m glad you’re back and even happier to see you making progress friend. Congrats!


Dude it is sooooo good to hear from you and how well you are doing now!!! I love how I would see you in my notifications and thought it was so cool how you were taking the time to catch up on everyone’s posts, you’re such an awesome person!!! I am proud of you for so many reasons @CATMANCAM thank you for caring about all of us so much, love you!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 872. I hope everyone has a great day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Yes, thanks for asking!

Got my fourth SARS-CoV-2 shot this morning and I’m waiting for some side effects. But I don’t think there will be any. :+1:t2:


I’m glad, that your hiking went fine!

Be careful with your ankle, please. You don’t want to go from holiday into sick leave. :wink:


Hey all, checking in on day 870. I hope everybody has a good one!


Wowsers, that’s a lot you’ve been through. I’m so glad therapy has helped and you plan on to continue.

It’s awesome you’ve been able to go to the gym AND swimming!!! That’s winner material right there!!! Again, so great to have you back! :hugs::orange_heart:


Hopefully there won’t be any side effects.
Keep hydrated, thats what im doing sipping water slowly through out the day.
I know im really missing food already, crunchy food like a nice crispy pizza never mind i guess i can look forward to that in a week.


Why do you have to wait so long?:open_mouth:

Does the Dentist told you so?

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Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,558.

God Bless!


Day 58! Worked my 12 hour shift yesterday and then had a on call shift (which is just phone work) last night. Didn’t sleep great because I kept wanting to make sure I didn’t miss any calls, but now that I have the swing of it that should be better moving forward.

With that said, feeling tired today. I’m off, going to relax. Haven’t been to the gym in 2 days so I have to go but not feeling the best for it. But it’s only 9am now so I can work up some energy later.

Also going to get to the store and make some food. Have a great sober Tuesday all!


Day 123 AF

Last week was hard. My boyfriend and I went to the mountains with another couple for the weekend. And it was exactly what I needed. I spent the majority of the weekend outside meditating, reading, going for a walk, and just sitting with the quietness. I came back refreshed and with a clear mind.

Today we finally have my stepdad’s funeral. I am ready to get this behind us so my mother can start grieving and figuring out what life is going to look like for her.

I haven’t seen my daughter is several weeks because of all that has happened. Her birthday was Sunday and I called her dad, not intending on actually talking to her because I knew she would get upset. (She is blind and severe/profound autistic) He insisted and it didn’t go well, as I suspected. She is confused and misses me so she had a huge meltdown when she heard my voice. I ended up just hanging up the phone because she was escalating. It was heartbreaking. I wish I could explain to her everything that has happened and why I missed a week seeing her. I miss my kid.

As soon as I got back into town yesterday, I immediately had a drinking thought. And again last night. I downloaded the In The Rooms app so I can get a meeting in at times when I can’t go to one in person. I think I’m going to buy some more coloring supplies today, as that seems to really help keep my hands and mind busy at times. But I just have to make it through today. So that’s what I’ll focus on
just for today.


@Imcrafty thats about how many putts it seemed to take me each hole this time.

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I am also glad to share that
I can try to change language to English in my health app :sunglasses:
You need goggles for sure.
I just ordered hand paddles and a Pullboey

What is your favorite style?
Mine is freestyle crowling and backstroke
with fins. :muscle:t2:


No they actually told me i could eat soft foods and to swish salt water after.
As my appointment was at 5pm last night i kind of came home and slept and thought the best thing to do is not eat so i doesmt become infected.
I worry quite alot sometimes and i even made another appointment this morning at 11am hoping to get antibiotics but they said its healing okay i dont need them and to make sure i eat.
I slept sitting up all night as well :see_no_evil:

I dont mind the sleeping sitting up as i have proper pillows and a memeory foam travel pillow to support my neck and its comfortable.
But the food im worried it will get stuck.
But i decided im going to make a creamy mash with tin spaghetti hoops on top - my dad used to make me this when i was younger.
And that should help fill me up too.
I really fancy scrambled eggs but i think soup and then mash and tomorrow maybe some eggs.
I am sipping water though.
Im like a big baby i was litrally crying and shaking in a panic attack before the dentist even opened my mouth i can laugh now but i was very shaken by the whole situation and dissapointed in myself that id ruined a tooth.


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 261
Things have been hectic. I wanted to check in last night but was too anxious and worried and trying to focus on getting myself out of it.
-Yesterday my son had 3 appts at the hospital. Even tho all appts went well, it was 5 hours of being there which was exhausting for both of us.
-My cab driver tried to rip me off on the way home saying i had “cargo” when it was my sons formula :unamused: Not once in 4 years of monthly formula pickups has any cab driver ever charged me for that. Basically I wasnt in a mood so bitched my way out of it. Then decided to complain to the supervisor of the taxi company who actually agreed with me that it wasnt cargo and he shouldnt have tried to charge me $10 extra for that. Anyway after the fact, I realized I may have gone to extremes and couldve handled that better
-Then (and here is where my anxiety comes in) i get the November homecare schedule for my son and this fri, sat, and sun as well as next fri, sat, sun are all blank. No one is coming in. The scheduler is trying to figure this out but theres a time crunch. I think shes trying to train another floater nurse to cover these shifts. Not only would i have to be awake for over 3 days bcuz i have no choice but to work sat and sun mornings as well as stay awake overnight, but it makes it difficult to take my meds which i just started. I have faith tho that God will get me thru this somehow. Either with a good nurse to come in and train or give me strength to overcome bring awake for 3 days and 3 nights. Anyway
 i may have noticed something else in my behavior towards the scheduler that i find interesting. But ill write a seperate post on that.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Hugs lots of them :hugs::hugs:
Lets hope the schedule will be sorted out, i understand if itd someone new you probably wont sleep much anyway.
Your prepared and you can manage this i know you can. If worst comes to worse i know you have the strength to get through this.
Its still Tuesday so take some slow deep breaths and try not to get worked up (although you have good reason too) it won’t help you feel better.
Hopefully now you have noticed and mentioned it that it can be sorted out.
Your very good at advocating and making sure things run smoothly for you son, and im sure this will be sorted out, it may not be today but they must have to do something im sure legally they cant just not come not without other specialist stating he doesnt need the care anymore which hasnt happened so have faith :pray::pray:
I hope this gets sorted quickly so you know ahead of time the plan.

I hope so xx


You dont have to change the language for me :hugs:
I think i can understand it with the pics and the numbers.

I like freestyle but i keep my head out the water, i inagine im swimming to rescue someone keep my eyes in the same spot get there as quick as possible but keeping my technique as strong - I want to get the breathing right and have my head under, i can do it but im not comfortable so im practicing getting confidence there.
I also do alot of backstroke so switch between the two.

Cant wait to swim again jusy have to wait a week i think it is.