Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Well, September didn’t go as planned, but Sober October did! And now Im doing “Just say No-vember” - just in case it’s the silly puns that are helping me stay on track!

The Sober Awkward podcast has been a huge help, and keeping physically busy. Im usually so tired in the evenings, I can’t wait to get into bed. Waking up without a hangover is such a wonderful way to start the day!

I’ve had more sober days than this, so I know I need to remain vigilent. But, Im also proud of my 32 days.

Hope everyone here is making progress regardless if it’s your first hour or 1000 days.


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,559.

God Bless!


@Minatasha sorry to hear that u had a bad day at work. And that is soo brutally early to begin work :frowning: im sure over time it will become 2nd nature for u tho to get up that early. Takes some getting used to. Hope ir day is better today.
@Mermaid2000 huge congratulations on ur sobriety! Keep doing what works! :slight_smile:
@Sirluca welcome back!! Glad ur here :slight_smile:
@Rockstar24777 Have a great day Rob urself Rob!
@KarenKW DBT definitly helped me :slight_smile: it helped me to change how i think and mamage my emotions. I hope it helps u too! Sounds like ur doing all the right things to get urself on solid footong with ur recovery. Take it one day at a time, one minute at a time if u have to :slight_smile: we are all here for u!


Oh my goodness!!! Im am SO proud of you!!! Ah!!! This made my morning :slight_smile: congratulations :confetti_ball:


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 262
Morning TS fam! Starting to feel like im getting my sleep back. The increased dose in my med has helped with that thankfully. Winter is finally here. Its -15 today and snow all day. Plans for the day… leg/glute workout, then prayer and daily readings, dreamcatcher making and cleaning. Thats about it.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


There were a few times over the past 11 days that I questioned whether I’d make it to this milestone. But I did it!!! You guys have been one of my accountability sources and I truly appreciate all if the support.

Thank you @Twizzlers and @CATMANCAM for the sweet messages yesterday! I’m glad the funeral is over and we can start moving on.

Back to work today and will be back on my regular schedule with my daughter this Saturday. I’m welcoming back my routine because I missed it…and I need it!

I’m not going to drink today. And I hope you don’t either. :v:t3::star2:


Checking on day 59. Off work today- going for a hike. Will probably grab some good food, and run some errands. Supposed to be nice weather today so it’ll be nice to be out and about.

Have a great day everyone!


Congratulations on your 4 months :hugs:
Im glad your routine is back on track, you have done so well :slightly_smiling_face:


Big, BIG congratulations on 4 months! This is huge! After all uv been thru, uv proven to urself that u CAN live a sober life :slight_smile: im excited for u and ur journey!


8 months is amazing im so proud of you !!
Im so glad you got through the difficult time earlier :hugs:
Im so glad you get to celebrate 8 months, you have come so far.
I am and enjoying seeing your art work too it makes me smile and want to get creative too.
I hope the rest of today is calm and peacefull for you.
Your stronger than you realise … actually i think your realising how strong you really are :hugs::purple_heart:
Super proud :grinning:


thank you❤️


thank you :heart:

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Thank you for ur supportive post :slight_smile: im sorry i didnt get back to u sooner. For some reason i thought i responded to u but then realized i didnt. My attention span is not always the greatest, especially when i have alot on my mind. How are YOU? Hope ur well girl :heartpulse:


Thats okay, theres no pressure. I find when we arent ourselves or for me i find it hard to reply to all the support as im not mentally able at the time but reading the support helps in the moment.
Im doing good thank you, cant wait to get back to swiming and eating some harder foods since my tooth was pulled out but i cant complain.
Just in bed watching movies all day so bit bored but apart from that im good.

Im glad you managed to get your meds sorted and they are heloing with the sleep.
My dad always says Sleep is the key to everything and since having sleep problems i realise this is so true !!

You have snow wow, it gets cold over here but the part of UK im in doesnt get too much snow often.
Hope your day goes well :hugs:


Cool! 8 months without self harm! I’m proud of you! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:


thank you :heart:


I’m so envies! :wink:

Maybe, I’m going to eat 1 kg of walnuts this evening. :grin:


I saw the teaser on Stephen Colbert. It has subtitles, because of the heavy irish accent. :grinning:


Day 32
I feel like I ran a marathon today :weary: The first day after a workout I’m fine, but the second? :face_holding_back_tears:
Anyway, I made it through this day.
Looking forward to my couch, food and iPad. I’m full on being creative again, I have so many ideas what to paint next. I hope I’m not too tired later.
I was so happy this morning that my diet and weightloss are working really good, but no one at work noticed or was happy with me. They’re all busy with their own stuff I guess.
Now the depressing time of the year starts. When going to work it’s dark outside and it’s dark outside again when I go home :expressionless:
Okay guys, have a beautiful sober day.
Stay strong :kissing_heart:


I would try a hand full :smiley::sleeping::sunglasses: