Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Don’t worry! Yes, they are!
And others often see you as a whole person and not the body weight…
Or they are not able to make compliments…
Or Insecure if a compliment is right placed, as there might be other reasons for weight loss.

I am happy for you, if that’s one of your goals and it’s working :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


103 days free from alcohol
84 days free from toxic relationships
20 days imperfect regular eating

Just checking in…
I am in a happy mood :heartpulse::black_heart::white_heart:

Will do some Yin Yoga now and afterwards cooking dinner and listening some podcast.


HUGS :hugs::v:t2:


Congratulations @KrispyMac on achieving 4 months sobriety! That is something to be so proud of :blush::pray:


Congratulations on your 4 months Kristi.
You been kicking ass like Wonder Woman.
Very impressive :pray:t2::hugs:


Day 826

Hello friends. I have been having a weird reoccurring dream on and off through October. My younger sister and I normally talk about our dreams — frequently throughout our lives we share dreams or at least similar dream themes even when hundreds of miles apart. This recent dream I’ve been having I didn’t talk to her about, taking it just as a sign for myself. I was proven wrong in this.

This dream is of my wallet being stolen. I have upcoming trips planned so have been thinking I just need to be careful while traveling and watch my accounts & budget more closely. I had my wallet stolen when I had moved to Utah in 2017 and the details of dealing with my bank and the week waiting for it to be resolved replay in this dream. But in the dream I am on a set of stone steps at a museum entrance and it all happens so quickly.

This morning I find the dream wasn’t about me but was about my sister. She texted me to ask for help with rent because her atm was skimmed this morning and all of her money stolen. I told her about my dream and in talking about it realize the museum steps in my dream are the ones at a museum near her apartment in Minneapolis. Feeling oddly anxious and a bit shaken by this.


Good morning @Butterflymoonwoman I am so happy to hear you are getting better sleep! I feel like i can deal with so much more when i have managed to get some good sleep.
Snow! Over here in Australia :australia: we are headed into warmer weather and starting to get our little white legs out for some sun :sun_with_face: It is my favourite time of the year. Not too hot and not too cold. Early mornings starts are not so hard and the sun is still up until nearly 8pm so I see the last of the suns rays as I head home from a 12 hour shift.
Have a blessed day my new friend :yellow_heart:


Checking in.
1035 Days Alcohol Free AF!!
78 days no added sugar.
5 months 10 Days Al-Anon

Keeping sober is the most important thing in my life. The most important decision I ever made was my decision to give up drinking. I am convinced that my whole life depends on not taking that first drink.


Checking in on day 25! Still sober. I feel clear headed. Life really does get better sober.


Good morning friends!

Checking in sober with another clear head again and good nights sleep on day 37 :pray::heart:.

I have found that I am coping so much better at work the past couple of weeks. And people have noticed! The work is still challenging but my ability to cope under pressure has improved so much!

My colleague turned to me last night and said how much happier I seemed to be and how good I looked. I told her I had given up drinking and she was supportive but asked me what brought me to that decision. I told her that my drinking had become a big problem and that I needed to address it. She was so happy for me and my decision. She said she has always enjoyed working with me but had noticed a real change in me lately and to keep bringing all my good energy to the ward as I was lighting the ICU up :blush: The educator also asked if I would consider taking on a more senior role as a resourse person for new staff as a mentor to facilitate their introduction to Intensive Care Nursing! She said my skills and bright personality would be perfect to welcome new nurses to our unit. It is something I have been considering for sometime but never felt that confident in being a role model for new staff but I am starting to feel differently about my self worth these days. I begin my training next week! :muscle: :blush:

I am having my hair coloured today for my best friends baby shower on Saturday. I have been helping to organise this event with the mum to be’s sister and have put a lot of effort into making sure she knows how much she means to everyone close to her and how excited we are for her impending motherhood. It has been a hard pregnancy with trouble conceiving and then cardiac issues. She has still managed to be one of my biggest supporters. This weekend she will be the one feeling the love and support she freely gives to everyone around her. I am so excited!

Thank you everyone for helping me everyday with your stories, experiences, kind words and encouragement. I look forward to reading your posts each morning and throughout my day. They help me take it ODAAT and remind me of why I decided to get sober.

Have a beautiful day everyone

Ree :heart:


From today’s Medscape. Perhaps something helpful for you.

“The study, conducted in Switzerland, enrolled 36 participants with nightmare disorder. All 36 participated in a daytime lesson of imagery rehearsal therapy that taught them to redirect their nightmares to positive dreams. Participants were taught to recall a nightmare, change the negative story line toward a more positive one, and then rehearse the so-called “rewritten dream” during the day.

Half of the participants also had a special sound played while they practiced reimagining their new positive dreams. At night for the following two weeks while they slept, the sound was played during their REM cycles.

Those who heard the sound reported significantly fewer nightmares.

“This difference displayed a medium to large effect size and was sustainable at the 3-month follow-up,” the authors reported.

They did note that both groups showed improvement, likely because the lesson to reimagine nightmares into positive dreams is known to be effective. However, the authors allowed that other factors may have contributed in ways their study design could not control.

“The result should be replicated,” Morgenthaler said. “But I was a bit excited at this new possibility.”


Current Biology: “Enhancing imagery rehearsal therapy for nightmares with targeted memory reactivation.”

CNN: “New treatment for nightmares holds promise, study finds.”


You’ve been through a lot of stress lately, and this sounds like a “stress dream,” for sure. I get them also and they can be so vivid and real seeming! I think since that area of the brain has been activated a lot it makes sense that it then comes through in dream scenarios. It helps me to listen to a sleep story from the Calm app or read some lovely poetry before bed rather than anything that would further stress me out. Hope you find restful sleep tonight and sweeter dreams.


I just officially signed the contract to be the lead teacher for my class. ive been promoted within a month of working here. I’m so proud of myself. I told my assistant teacher and she went on her lunch break and came back with flowers and candy

I am so lucky to work at this incredible place with such incredible people


still sober

Yesterday took the good lady 2 hours on the train to London to see some sights, tommorow 2 hours in the other direction and waking up to mountains. These things didn’t happen whilst drinking and drugging and TBH I don’t mind if they don’t now but sobriety has taught me not to live a life that suits me so I’ve planned all this for her.
Unfortunately although we’ve been together over 20 years the day before we’re going up a mountain I’ve just learnt she’s scared of heights, I said “I thought you were only scared of flying”, she said " Yes because they can drop from a great height". Seems obvious to me now :joy:
Well done everyone keep em coming :+1:


Well done Megan im so proud of you :hugs::hugs:
You are making such a big difference to your own life but also to the children you are working with.
I was just about to log off to read in bed and fall asleep and im so glad i didnt miss this

Congratulations on your promotion :dizzy::clap:


Day two. Still here.


thank you❤️ I really avoid saying I’m proud of myself but I truly am


Checking In Day 5. Made it to my 2nd meeting tonight. They have a small group that meets at 7am for breakfast near me Saturday. Told them I would be try to make it.
I have a Wedding this Sunday for close family I would be expected to be at. Kinda worried about that but right now I’m 1 day at a time so :crossed_fingers:
My plan is basically to show up, make my rounds of Hello’s to everyone. Eat and make an excuse to leave.


Day 509 done. Time to sleep. Goodnight, friends.


Day 215

Made it to seven months on Halloween. Yesterday was my first sober birthday and was a pretty great day. I’m thankful for everything that’s kept me going this far and further. I’m honestly exhausted from today but wanted to share since I’ve been somewhat absent lately


Congrats and Happy Birthday!