Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :tada::tada::partying_face: And also congratulations on 7 months! Amazing :purple_heart:


Starting day No8 sober, there was temptation a few times but managed to get over it.
Life seems to be a bit more difficult sober, but thats just life.
Hope to get as far as possible.
Take care all.


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.


Day #72

Good morning everybody :slightly_smiling_face: I hope that everyone is well today, and hereā€™s to a positive & productive day ahead for us all! Day 72 of sobriety for me.

Truth be told, yesterday was a mixed bag. Overall, a fairly positive and enjoyable day - I ended going to watch the Banshees of Inisherin at the cinema which I thought was a great, great film. If anybody gets the chance, Iā€™d highly recommend it. Sometimes, movies struggle to juggle the themes of tragedy and comedy effectively, but this is a film that manages to do justice to both; reeling and reflecting on the loss of friendship, the lengths it can drive us to, and the impact it has on others.

There were scenes in the film depicting people drinking in the pub, which I was surprised at the fact that it seemed to trigger me slightly. Nevertheless, Iā€™m getting better at noticing what triggers me & being able to distance myself from it. Needless to say, once the film finished, I didnā€™t come out and head straight into the nearest pub which is a small win. Instead, in rain and wind, accompanied by dark, British winter nights, I went home, got changed into loungewear and sat by the roaring fire with a cup of tea!

I decided to give AA a miss last night. The weather was partially the reason, but Iā€™m also not sure the meetings are effectively working as well as intended. Of course, listening to others speak & discuss, as well as sharing my own experiences most definitely helps me, but having been Agnostic for most of my life, Iā€™m struggling to totally 100% commit to the HP situation. Itā€™s absolutely nothing against anybody else, Iā€™m just not sure my beliefs align with that. Iā€™ve read AA related material, as well as having read The Big Book. I believe the 12 Step program can be moulded and fitted to each individual basis, and sometimes without the support of a HP. Iā€™d really, really like to believe, but thereā€™s just something (which Iā€™m unable to identify) is stopping me from committing 100% to it. I will continue to go to meetings when & if I can for now, but Iā€™m not sure the religious element works for me.

Alternatively, Iā€™m finding other ways that seem to benefit me more - whether it be exercise, throwing myself into my work, willpower or getting involved in other mediums such as this community on a daily basis; they all seem to keep me relatively grounded, content and happy. I donā€™t knowā€¦ Weā€™ll see how it goes. Just feeling a little indifferent on AA.

Anyhow, have a great day everybody. ODAAT.


Welcome back here :facepunch:
Being here on this check in tread every day the first year of my recovery has helped me loads!
See you around :raising_hand_woman:


#Day 1506 :seedling:
Having the day off :tada:
Feeling solid in my recovery and mental state.
Physical itā€™s another story. Within 2 weeks I see the osteopat for an intake. Hope he can find out why my right hip and left leg are hurting.
Still canā€™t walk as much as I would like to. But very grateful that I manage to find my relief in other things than walking.

So today I will not share a picture of nature, but a picture of a drawing I saw in a exhibition.
I liked it so much! Just so perfect and simple! :heart_eyes:
It made me think, look, think again and compairing my ear to this one.
Thatā€™s what art must be for me: it has to make me wonder and make me curious.
That gives me energy! Almost at the same way as nature does :pray:
Have a good day TS people and enjoy some art of nature if you can on the way!! :seedling: :green_heart:


Well done on your sober days :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 45

Had few super chill days at work due to waiting on things to be done. Nice to have some down time sometimes but also frustrating.

Felt like a cold one after work but didnt, instead went and sorted some supplements to help me body get through the rougher days at work.

Its heating up here to 26Ā°C/78Ā°F today with a warm wind scorching sun most of the day. Getting a bit of colour back.

Happy as per usual not much has changed otherwise, I hope everyone has a great weekend when you get to it.


Congratulations on 72 days :slightly_smiling_face:

When i first went to meetings my higher power was the group it self as i could feel such an energy so powerfull when everyone came together.
You do what you think is best for yourself.
There are other progeammes too like recovery dharma and smart recovery maybe you would feel would help.


I like this time of the year the most. The holidays ( :gift: :christmas_tree: :sparkler: :jack_o_lantern:) are nice and 1 in 1000 cases it snows. :grinning:

Also itā€™s nice and quiet without so many people in the streets


Yes, madam! Congratulations to your birthday and 7 sober months! Huge accomplishment! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:

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I would recommend you ā€œOn big tentā€. Itā€™s a collection of Grapevine articles from atheists and agnostics in AA. In one of them a member did all the steps without a HP.


104 days free from alcohol
85 days free from toxic relationships
21 days imperfect regular eating

Had another night with 7 hours sleep despite of a little break at 3 am :sleeping::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Tonight itā€™s 90 minutes yoga live class :muscle:t2::woman_in_lotus_position:t2:
Hope itā€™s challengingā€¦
Yesterday I had a little Yin session for trauma at home by a nice YouTube channel I just discoveredā€¦ Reaaaly releasing :pray:t2:

My new additional swimming equipment arrived (hand paddles and pull boey :heart_eyes:) canā€™t wait until friday to workout in the pool! :swimming_woman:t2:

I am still in a happy and
relaxed mood :heartpulse::black_heart::white_heart::v:t2:

HUGS :hugs::call_me_hand:t2:


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,560.

God Bless!


I can relate to not being fully submersed in the AA life. My issue is not a HP (but I completely understand why some people may have trouble with that aspect) but the constant talk about drinking. Sitting for an hour and listening to nothing but booze stories/struggles becomes a trigger for me. So subjecting myself to that daily does NOT work for me. Eventually I always end up leaving a meeting and going straight to the liquor store. I go to one on occasion, but finding other outlets and ways to cope has helped me more than regular meetings.


What on earth is going on there? That doesnā€™t look OSHA approved :joy::joy::joy:


Incredible. It makes me feel so hopeful when I see people around here with so many days. :clap::clap::clap::clap:


Hey all, checking in on day 872. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 70 AF af! Currently sitting in the family operating waiting area while my FIL has a very scary spine surgery. I can imagine that a few months ago I would have had some drinks to take the edge off last night and be feeling the worse for wear today. As it is I went to bed at 8 and woke up at 4. Got snacks and lunch all together and Iā€™m tired but Iā€™m firing on all cylinders for my husband and his family. Im so grateful.