Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Hang in there! Take it one hour at a time if you need to. That’s what I had to do the first week or 2. I know right now it seems close to impossible to make it any longer. But it is! And I promise you it does get easier!

You can do this!! You’ve got a huge team of people all over the world believing in you and praying for you!


Hey awesome its hard when it would be very easy to use. I understand how it sometimes gets harder after a few months.

Its different for everyone personally but for me I am going to just keep doing my best for (90 days, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years) until I have some new perspectives. One day at a time really is true.

But your cooking dinner first strategy is a good one and im glad you got to be present for your family and yourself. :heart:


Day 8 is amazing! Its such hard work to do the first week, even first 2 weeks. If you got through the low point last night, you can get through any of them in time.

Cant promise life will get better…some bad things have certainly happened to me and others here that threaten sobriety.

But the urge to use does get easier to manage with practice - it doesnt control your decision making with the power that once felt inescapable, if that makes sense.

We are rooting for you here! :blue_heart:


That is a huge day!! 6 months of hard life saving work :heartpulse:


You have a strong will, that’s really impressive.
Good job for not giving in :partying_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations to so many of you today, i have read all the way up and seen so many great milestones. Im having a slow day today so il congratulate you all together today :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 1551.

Low on faith and spirit today. So just here reading around the forum some for motivation. A lot of milestones, wisdom and strength in you, my friends. Here’s to you.


That would be great. Could you share the link please?


Checking in with 31 days sober!


Checking in on day 29! Slept well and ready to face the day. Have a great day everyone :grinning:


Day 297 nearly complete. I haven’t been on her for some weeks now, but just read through lots of peoples check ins and so many people are doing so well! Well done everyone :clap: my addiction is now firmly on exercise and work, which is great but i am cautious of some negatives coming from my over the top commitment to my new life, I guess it could be worse though!


Checking in. Day 18


Day 8 after work checkin. Took the Naltrexone this morning. Made me so sleepy and lightheaded. My brain just doesn’t seem all there. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe taking it at night would be better. Survived work. I feel lost in the evenings. With my depression I have little to no interest in tv, books, etc. I can’t seem to focus on anything or get into things. I end up playing games on my phone or scrolling social media. (I follow a lot of pet pages for the cuteness and avoid most drama). I haven’t felt like cooking lately. I have a couple veggie burgers and even that seems to hard. Ugh. Sorry I’ve been whining so much this past week. It’s been a struggle.


Day 137 :heart:
Day 21 no smoking
I haven’t checked in on the daily thread for a while so sorry if I missed you struggles and achievements.
I had a bad experience today. I went to see a therapist as she wanted to meet with me before I join the art therapy group. I was so excited about this but she said it wasn’t suitable for me. I feel so rejected. I’m too vulnerable and wouldn’t cope with the intensity. I guess it’s good that she didn’t just want to take my money. I don’t know where to turn now. So frustrating. I will be okay.
Keep on keeping on x


:hugs: Hi Karen

Some of us are struggling with food,
if I have noooo interest and appetite at all,
the suggestion to ‘eat a little bit’ was helpful.
Little tiny bit of something you like.
And especially for me ‘it’s okay to eat a toast… Toast is not a drama’ :yum::sweat_smile::panda_face::black_heart:


day 37

Well last night I went out to get some groceries, bit of hard style in the headphones as i danced through the store haha was a good time, i do it cause they make me anxious AF.

Also checked my back wheels out and have some how curbed them :sob: cant remember doing it at all was extremely gutted to have messed up such a nice set of rims. Must have been my last episode. Glad those days are now over.

Other than that today is another day, backnat work as usual and tracking well


Oh no! Im sorry she didnt think art therapy was a good fit for u. I wonder why tho? I thought anyone could participate in it in one way or another. Ive never done guided “art therapy” but i have just put crayon or paint to paper when im emotional to create pieces. Wonder if this is something you could maybe do on ur own? Idk. I could be way off. Im sure an actual art therapy group is much more benefical. Im aorry this was a disappointment for u. Maybe down the road she will think ur ready :slight_smile:


@adrivdahl Congratulations!

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Wooohoo @adrivdahl 6 months is huge! Keep going one day at a time


@kamj how ya doing today?