Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

OK, thanks for the background story. :+1:t2: Much appreciated.

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Day 35
Iā€™m still sitting here on my couch, sipping my tea and scroll through TS.
Every story shared helps someone who struggles. Everyone is nice here, no harassing or gossiping. No sugarcoating.
Iā€™m happy that I came back, not happy about why I came back.
I felt awful and was afraid to not make it.
As suggested by a dear fellow here I changed some things this time, because the last time it didnā€™t work out as it was planned. Iā€™ve been to some dark spots inside me that I did bury under a fluffy coat of perfection. Theyā€™re still there, Iā€™m aware of them now.
I donā€™t know if I have it all figured out this time, but Iā€™m doing my best to stay sober. There is no ā€œmaybeā€, only do it or donā€™t do it, right?
Okay, time to get up and start the day. There is a lot of laundry, I need groceries and this apartment needs a good clean.
Have a beautiful sober day friends :kissing_heart:


Day 876 clean and sober. Todayā€™s my Monday and thatā€™s ok lol. I hope everyone has an amazing day and congratulations on all of the milestones and positive changes you all are making, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


You have just put the finger in the eye. Absolutely agree. So do I.

Letā€™s continue in the path of sobriety!. Regards.


Congratulations to 2 sober month! :tada:

Absolutely yes :muscle::fire:


Thatā€™s really cool and nice of you! :+1:t2:

I hope, you donā€™t have to hear Macklemore all day long. :wink:

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Hey all, checking in on day 874. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 62 :raised_hands:t3: Officially two months sober.

Off work today until Iā€™m on call later. Going to get to the gym and find something outside to do- itā€™s so nice out.

Found my partner lying about drinking again (itā€™s not a surprise anymore- I always know he is but I still hate catching him). I got off work an hour early and told him I was going to (so I didnā€™t have to see him drinking) and came home to him passed out on the couch with wine.

I donā€™t really have reactions to it anymore, aside from being emotionally cut off from him at all times. Just working up until Iā€™m ready to end the relationship, but lots of stuff I need to be ready for like deciding what to do with the house, potentially moving, figuring out what to do with pets, etc. Iā€™m talking about it in therapy so Iā€™m starting to get there, but itā€™s a process.

Anyway, just a little vent with the morning check in. Have a great sober Saturday comrades!


Congratulations to 2 months of soberness!:boom::tada::boom:

Sorry to hear about your actual problems. I hope theyā€™re will be solved in the near future!:confused:


Checking in on day 40.


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 265
Morning TS fam! Had a rough sleep last night. Having strange dreams that are all recovery related. Not using dreams anymore but still related to recovery or past treatment centres or old people in recovery or people who have passed on due to addiction. I always seem to dream about things related to recovery or addiction. i still managed to get to work on time. Busy morning initally when i got here but its calmed down. Nothing much to mention at the moment.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Day 72 checking in. Being grateful for staying sober, and chosen family, and yarn. Happy Saturday friends.


Sorry things with your partner are rough. I canā€™t imagine how hard that must be. Youā€™re really strong for staying sober and doing what you need to do to be well and safe. Bravo on 2 months.


@Tyland this is the thread I was talking about :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 86
I finally feel like Iā€™ve officially divorced alcohol!
Yā€™all my divorce is FINAL!!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely sober weekend!


Day 6 again chill night binge watching Disney :muscle: happy sober bonfire night bad nights sleep inbound haha


@juli1 wow, you are a very fast swimmer and burn so many calories! :astonished:
@hayleylujah Iā€™m so happy for you :blue_heart: and congrats on your smoke-free month :tada:
@EFountains congrats on 60 days :tada:
@DHkid71 welcome back :blush:
@Brl81 congrats on 40 days :tada:

817 days no alcohol.
282 days no cocaine.
50 days no takeaways.

Not as sad today, it has lifted. Managed another episode of Stranger Things in the lounge, and then the semi-final of The Voice UK, without eating during, and planning to watch the final after posting this. My addict is telling me it would be okay to eat crisps because itā€™s the final but Iā€™m trying very hard not to listen. There was also a PokĆ©mon event on so I played that too.



@CATMANCAM Congratulations on your sober times your doing amazing!!
When i first started swimming i would be out of breathe just swimming one end to the other, so i would stay in the deep end and tread water and then do a lap then tread water and slowly im able to keep going.
@Juli1 does have great swimming stats and that something im working towards i get inspired to keep going swimming knowing even though im going alone theres others here that are out swimming too. Now i am so much better in the pool (still have a lot to learn).
I also found that walking helped me to build my stamina and to be able to breathe properly, the more i walked the first 20mins id feel like i was going to pass out i was very over weight then this rush of energy just comes and i could jog. Your doing amazing just getting back in the pool, we can all share tips and tricks and encourage eachother.
I await the day i can keep up with @Juli1 and she motivates me without even knowing it when i try to talk myself out of going :rofl: you have us for support totally.
I feel like just snacking out tonight so im going to make some broccoli and potatoes with fish as thats filling. Then maybe later some toast with a topping. Have a lovely evening :hugs:

@Bones_80 Nice to see you back congratulations on your 6 days, yes the fireworks have already started here !
What are you watching at the moment ? You have some good suggestion in the past im looking for a good series to grip me to the chair :smiley:

@Lovelylisha Have a lovely sober weekend too and congratulations on your 86 days your doing so well :slightly_smiling_face:

@Imcrafty 72 day Congrats and Happy sober Saturfay to you too.

@Butterflymoonwoman Congratulations on your 265 days, maybe its something to do with the changing weather or the moon like @Rockstar24777 mentioned before because my dreams have been so weird the past few days some using and others just completely weird !
I just want to take a moment to say Girl I am so proud of you :purple_heart::purple_heart::hugs::hugs:

@Brl81 40 days Yayyy congratulations :grin:

@MooseTracks Congratulations on your 62 days.
Sorry to hear about your relationship, im glad you have someone to talk to about it and ehat to expect for yourself and how to helo yourelf through although i can imagine its still a very difficult time for no matter how much you plan :hugs: im here if you need me.


Good morning sober friends!

I am checking in on Day 40 today. I have slept another night as a sober person but for some reason I am feeling flat today. I think it is because I struggled so hard yesterday with the temptation and urge to drink. I am fine each day as long as there is no sighting or access to alcohol. Having it so readily accessible yesterday sent me straight into deception mode. How can I get my hands on it without anyone realising and then drink it? But I didnt take any and I didnt drink any so that is a win. I will shake this off and treat it like my first time lifting weights at the gym. I worked my will power muscle yesterday and it was hard. But I will keep working it til it gets easier.

I am working today and I enjoy working Sundays. There are no executive staff and it is just our team of doctors and nurses and our patients and family. No meetings to attend just doing our job. We even play music on Sundays. I love music in the ward. It lifts everyones spirits in such a serious environment. I have become the unofficial DJ and spend hours making the perfect playlist of new and old classics to suit most peoples tastes. I am told I pick good songs so it is something I like to do for my Sunday shifts.

I hope you have a good day friends

Ree :heart: