Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

I know I’ve complained a lot today, and I’m sorry.

I’m just having a rough time of it right now… :sob:


Dont apologize. We’re here thru the good and bad of sobriety


Thank you :blush:

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So glad you are here, friend.


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,562.

God Bless!


So at the bottom like this


@Butterflymoonwoman an emotional hangover describes how i am feeling perfectly. My anxiety was so bad the whole day and then when I got home I was so exhausted phyically and mentally that I went to bed at 6pm. It explains my flat mood today. I am trying to remain positive about making it through the day without drinking and not focussing on the fact it was so hard not to.


Ok so to do daily check in??


If i want to make ur own post just press on the reply button as shown in the photo :slight_smile: its the white button that says reply.


Hey everyone, havent been checking in. Going to work on doing more daily. Smooth sailing over here. Day 193 af. Ready for some snow to hit this week and get the board out. Ive been finding happiness and comforr in simplicity lately. Not working a ton cause it slow season, just taking the dog for a walk, making big breakfasts, watching sports. Relaxation has been a blessing. Started doing some light workouts, progressing a little more each day and also starting to get into intermitten fasting the last couple of days. Going to keep doing that. Thats all i got for tonight, hope you all have a good night/day:)


Did you catch any special Pokémons? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nice digits! :star_struck:

Get all 6! :mechanical_arm:

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Congratulations to 8 sober months! Well done!

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Oh no, day 1 after two big nights. I heard this Finnish phrase tongiht about defensive drinking and realised that is what I’m doing this weekend. I was nervous for events next week and didn’t want to get too drunk so I cruised through the booze this weekend and I feel awful.

I wish I could commit to the sober life.
I don’t know how to. I need to build from the bottom up. So inspired by the people on here. I am following lots of sober accounts on social Media and I always look at them thinking OK THATS LOVELY but I know I can’t sustain it.

I need to accept that I am allergic to this poison.

Wishing you all a good Sunday

Day 1.

Is there a way I can get a sober app for my phone? This app is a bit rickety and doesn’t work too well so if anyone has tips please let me know.

I am considering sobriety for a year and see how I go.


You mean board like in “snowboard”? :face_holding_back_tears:

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Hi. Thanks for sharing this. It’s going to be ok, my parents never taught me how to cook or clean or do anything and when I was 21 I had no idea. I couldn’t make anything. You will learn and Google and peers and stories will help you. Just like we all learned to walk as babies. You’ve learned a lot already, sometimes the things we don’t know can feel like huge gaps but to someone else you know so much and have an amazing and complex job. Be kind to yourself, your schedule sounds exhausting. Health is number 1 . (I say that and I’m on day 1 after a big weekend of drinking so I feel horrendous!)


Yessir! Resorts opening soon!

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How do people feel about sponsors?

I think it’s the only way I’m going to be able to do a year

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I’m so freaking dirty envying you! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :smile:

We had a discussion about it lately. Some give it time and some start already at the beginning. It depends on you, how you think it would be the best way for you.