Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

221 days :sparkles:
It’s been a nice, productive weekend. Chill times with the family, a swim yesterday, some walks and good food. I finally finished my crochet blanket I’ve been working on too!
I’ve had a few pangs around alcohol, living on the water front and the warm weather beginning… sun = beers in Australia most of the time. And it’s mainly how adults interact with each other most of the time. But my husband and I have been in our own lane and keeping busy. Enjoying some dining out and card games. Just acknowledging the pangs to drink, and remembering all the crap that comes with alcohol. I don’t want any of that bs in my life anymore.
Big love to you all.


Hi Freckles,

I was struggling about quitting for about a year. Had several fallbacks. Some of them were in close connection to toxic relationships, guys that were drinking too or using cocaine.
Some of the fallbacks were just totally auto programmed drinking. Some were “this is the last time”. Some were “if I had a break of 3 or 6 weeks for example, i am not an alcoholic”. Every fallback ended in days and weeks of drinking. I was at 2 - 3 bottles of wine a day.

Now it’s 107 days and my decision is very strong, but I am making it again and again, several times a day. I am not safe.
This time the decision was like “my body will crash soon and my mental health won’t heal”. I needed time for the first 30 days, so I was sick-leave due to recidive depression. Focused on moving, eating and sleaping and of cause passing cravings and a lot of overwhelming feelings. In addition I worked and am still working on an online course for Selflove, healing and codependency. It’s not some self-called coach, it’s by a therapist with 30 years experience.

This course and especially this app and community helped me fundamentally! :white_heart::black_heart::heartpulse:

I quit with the toxic persons in my life, that was a hard part and I had to be clear for it…
My depression passed…
I was able to build new coping strategies…
Able to deal with my emotions with a clear mind…
My fitness level is building up more and more…

Sobriety brought a lot of calmness in my life!

Bit long self-report, but maybe it’s helpful for you. I was really at the end and I gave up all reliability to myself!

I would recommend you to check-in here daily to stay focused and first of all “make a decision”… You are here, so you are not able to drink moderate. There is only one solution :v:t2:


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from the oldest building in town.


Day #75

Good Morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

Day 75 of sobriety, and I’m feeling refreshed & relaxed today. Went to bed on some rather worrying, negative thoughts, but nothing too serious. Knowing that I could more than likely sleep it off helped, and that’s been the case.

Like many will be able to sympathise with, I’m sure, but a lot of my social interactions prior to two months ago involved alcohol. Whether it be just going to the pub to relax, attending a sporting event, a concert or likewise. Anything & everything tended to involve alcohol in some capacity. Since I’ve made the decision to give up on my addictions; something that I needed to do in order to move forward in my life, I feel like I’ve lost a lot - friends mostly. The worrying thing is, I’m not necessarily referring to those I predominantly drank around, but also people who I was close with.

I’ve either seemingly naturally drifted (through no fault of anybody else), or there’s some distance from certain friends (I ended up moving back across the country when my relationship broke down in June). Altogether, I’m perfectly comfortable involving myself in solo social activities, and I still gain a level of enjoyment from it, but there is also part of me that longs for true connection & friendship. I’m not secretive, but I’ve tended to keep my social circle rather small in the past as quality over quantity has always been more important to me when it comes to friendship.

I don’t know - I’m perfectly happy & content with my life, but I’m just missing that spark or link such as companionship (not romantically/relationship based) or friendship. I used to have people that I could just talk to if I felt I needed to get something off my chest, or I needed to rant about something, but I don’t feel like I’ve got that anymore. So ultimately, it just ends up bottled up.

Therapy and/or NHS based treatment is not helpful - I’ve already approached that route and it did nothing for me. So I just find myself in a bit of a rut. Ultimately, I’m happy, but just “getting by”, it seems.

Have a fantastic day everyone, whatever your plans may be. ODAAT.


Day 3. Up early with the time change. Bad headache. I know I’ve just got to tough those out for a week or so. Not sure what I’m going to do today. I should put in a couple hours of work but that’s not absolutely necessary. I’ve downloaded a couple books about recovery and DBT so will do some reading. A quiet Sunday.


Which books did you download?

Day 877 clean and sober. Tuesday for me and up early like everyone else with the time change lol. I am very proud of all of you, congratulations on all of the milestones. Even if it’s a day 1 milestone that’s fucking huge! I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


This Naked Mind and Calming the Emotional Storm.

I think I’m going to check out some podcasts too. I found a list of recommendations on here.


Day 817

Man, I’m getting old. We took a little overnight trip, it was a nice dinner and breakfast, outdoor bath, visit to aquarium and little island you can reach by bridge. All lovely but I am happy to be back home in my regular routine.


Hey all, checking in on day 875. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 63! Work all day today. I don’t normally work Sundays, but I’m thinking it might be nice since there’s no management in and most of the staff at university I work for is off weekends, so less chance of getting a referral. Hoping to even get out of a long walk while there since it’s one of the last really nice days in the foreseeable future. But it’s ok if I can’t- life on life’s terms :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway, happy sober Sunday to all!


Day 36
After breakfast and procrastinating a little I went back to the iPad, I wanted to try something.
And now, some hours later, I did it. I made a new drawing almost without the help of a tutorial.
And now I’m sobbing :sob:
I don’t know why, I’m happy but crying.
It’s like I overcame an inner blockage that lastet many years. Same with my weight and belly size.
In this last month I achieved so much that I almost can’t believe it.
What may I be able to achieve if I don’t stop?
I don’t know this feeling I’m having right now but I love it :two_hearts:
I hope you’re having a beautiful sober day friends :kissing_heart: I for sure do :fire:


@SadMemeQueen I thought i clicked reply to you, but i guess I didn’t. Oops.

Long reply incoming :sweat_smile: sorry i had to answer in pieces.

Would you be able to move out with a roommate? So you could have more freedom, but not be 100% alone if you were feeling unsure…

Also, cooking is trial and error until you get it right. I have been cooking my own meals for 25+ years and I still can’t make everything. If there’s not a rule against it in your house, just head down to the kitchen and turn the oven or stove on and experiment. (Just turn the heat on low/medium to start with, in case what you chose to make cooks fast)

Do you mean your health insurance? To figure out the ins and outs anything you want to know, call the number to the insurance company. As long as you know the company name and your own info (usually just name and birthday) they can tell you what you want to know

I think it’s something you, your mom, and your doctor should talk about. Because if you’re not deemed incompetent then there’s no reason why you couldn’t have control of your own medication.

Do you want to learn to drive? Could you take a driving class (after your other ones of course! You already have such a full schedule!) to learn and get a driver’s license?

With the job position that they promoted to you. Was there a previous person in that role? Did they have lesson plans and projects already planned? If so, could you use them as a base idea. I know you said youve already made the lesson plans, but could you have access to theirs too? So you could get some of the ideas of the projects? Might take some of the stress away :relaxed:

It’s hard for me to eat food when I’m stressed too. I look up, and suddenly i haven’t had anything for 3days except coffee… :grimacing: just if you can try to check in with yourself at least once a day to make sure you’ve eaten.

And finally, when you’re feeling overwhelmed with everything life is throwing your way, you came here to vent. That is amazing! You didn’t destroy your hard work because of a mistake, and you didn’t hurt yourself! I’m so proud of you and all the things you do!


Checking in 52 days sober. Went to a birthday party with my hubby last night. It was great to see some old friends we haven’t seen in years. Had my AF beer, totally content. Nobody was too drunk which was good. I find very intoxicated people to be a trigger for me. Not an I want to drink trigger but it just makes me so uncomfortable.


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 266
Morning TS family! Had a really restful sleep last night. Glad I was able to sleep well bcuz I have to do the awake overnight shift for my son tonight. Im grateful that out of those 6 inital vacant shifts, i only have to do 1. And im grateful that i can be the one tonight to care for my son. I love him soo much :heartbeat:
Im feeling very emotional today. Just one of those days. Feeling full on gratitude for my life and for every aspect of my day. The help and love and support i can give others around me. Being able to share the gifts that my HP has given me to help others. To use my past for something good. Im grateful for the stillness and quiet of the winter season and love how beautiful it is. Grateful that i dont have to do anything in my life alone anymore bcuz my HP is always will me. I love being clean and sober. I wish i would have taken recovery more seriously during my many, many attempts over the past 22 years, but i think I was meant for recovery this time. I feel it in every ounce and fiber of my being. Im grateful to be a recovering addict. Im grateful for the things ive experienced (as weird as that sounds) bcuz it has made me the person i am today… flaws and all :slight_smile: I feel like this check in should be on the gratitude thread haha wasnt planning on it coming out this way on here lol
love you guys! Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Good morning going to try to do daily check in main tain focus one day at a time right feeling like im starting to fall back again like i always have but i do feel like i have people here in my corner guess its because im not sitting in front of you thinking each one of you are out to get me and mess with my head saying things out loud where i can hear you but say Hidden in the Shadows where i can see if you are friend or fowe


Day 7 breaking bad chill day only 2 hrs sleep last night damm fireworks :boom: have a good sober Sunday all :muscle:


Staying open to the healing possibilities in Life today.
Remember that I can turn negative thought patterns around to a positive.


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,653.

God Bless!


Day 20 AF. Haven’t checked in here for a while.

The meds my doc prescribed, helped me get past the first couple of weeks. But now my underlying mental issues have surfaced. He’s put on meds to deal with the symptoms, but it’s tough to stay “normal”. The meds aren’t working as well as I hoped they would.

As Albert Einstein famously said - The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So I decided to change a few things in my life.

I started walking to burn off some of the anger and anxiety. I’ve been clocking at least 25k steps a day (after a challenge with a person I met in a FB group). It’s quite effective. An added advantage is that I am usually so tired that the insomnia is gone.

I also decided on my HP. After being an atheist for many years, I decided to let go of my old beliefs and approach my God to seek his guidance. It’s helping.