Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

You’re such a great mom to stay up all night after being up since 6 just to make sure your little one is ok. I’m sending you lots of love :heart::heart: it’s just past 2 here and i stayed up late to see my fourth week start… your late night is for a much better cause :heartpulse:


Honestly they are BOTH amazing causes :slight_smile: im so freakin proud of you girl! Honestly. Im glad ur here and being an amazing mom to ur kiddos too! Ive seen the change in u already!


It’s pretty great honestly!! :heart: You’re taking care of your little and I’m taking care of me so i can take care of my littles

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How old is your little one?

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Hes 6 :slight_smile: hes one of my biggest motivators to keep on this path of recovery. Urs?


My biological kids are 13, 12, and 4

My bonus kids are 21, 16, 15, 14, 12, 12, 11, and 9


70 days/ 10 weeks… cant believe ive actually done this


Big family :slight_smile: ur kiddos must be proud of you!


Wow!!! Huge congratulations on 10 weeks!!! Im so proud of you & the hard work u put in!


Only 5 live here. 21year old moved out in June. 3 in Florida, and 2 more in the state I’m in but they live with their mothers

But i think they’re noticing the difference in me :relaxed::relaxed:


Thanks lovely couldnt do it without you guys on here :heart:


Day #76

Good Morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

Day 76 of sobriety and feeling tired :sleeping: I slept really well, but I must have woken up in the middle of a REM-cycle because I’m feeling a bit groggy. Nevertheless, I’m not at work till later this afternoon, so plenty of time to recuperate and rest thankfully.

Not a lot to report today, other than I’ve had a nice, relaxing weekend. Managed to catch up on some sport and TV yesterday while drinking tea by the log-burning stove. With Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night now out of the way here in the UK, attention begins to turn towards Xmas. Albeit give it a few weeks - I walked past a shop on Saturday that was already playing Xmas music :see_no_evil: I felt sorry for the staff.

Cravings wise, I’ve been fairly good these past few days. Had a bit of a moment last week, but I noticed the trigger, ate and within an hour, I felt ok again. The big test (for me personally) will be Christmas and New Year next month, I think. However, I’m planning on stocking up on ice cubes, sugar-free Coke & Hot Chocolate - little treats that I can have over the holiday season that will also hopefully stop me from wanting to go near alcohol. This will be my first sober Christmas in at least 13-14 years, so it’s quite nerve-wracking. I’m aware it’s over a month away, but I’d rather prepare myself mentally now so I can head into it feeling as though I’m ready. Without preparation, I may come undone.

Anyhow, have a good day everybody. ODAAT.


Kids are smart and very observant! Im sure they do notice :slight_smile: and are proud of their mom


Im sure ull do well during the holidays. Sounds like u have a good plan. Stay close to supports during that time especially. Imagine how proud ull be of urself to get thru it! Hope u have a good day!


I have to say tho but ur daughter is such a cutie :slight_smile: she looks so happy!!!

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Oh thank you, thats my Sofia, im very proud of her shes the sweetest little thing… so kind, intelligent and a real dry sense of humour…and those eyes…im so unbelievably lucky :sparkling_heart:


Shes lucky to have u too :sparkling_heart:

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Your so kind, thank you :blush:

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Day 49

Have managed to catch covid from a work mate,
Currently doing ok, bit fevery and fluish so far.

Still om the straight and narrow, thoughts of drinking here and there I think because the warmer weather is here and thats just usual for us here in NZ.

Its definitely so much nicer waking up hangover free,
Knowing im going to get through covid without drinking is also a good thing.


Your doing great! Sorry to hear about the covid i hope it passes very quickly for you, congrats on 49 days…hey your 50 tomorrow :grinning: :partying_face:

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