Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Thank you MTB is my passion and I my trying to get back on that path again. It was great to be out with our beginner ladies in our group!! I miss my group of ladies i ride with!!! Girlz Gone Riding!


Thankn you for this. :heart:

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Checking in on day 310! Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve posted life has been opening new doors I never could have imagined when recovery turns into deconstructing of my CPSD . Finding a therapist and working through things to heal fully. Quitting drinking was one of the biggest steps in my journey to recovering and breaking down walls built solid by brick. When you follow your path to true self love and improvement the light that shines is bright and for the first time in my life Iā€™m feeling free! Free from fear and anxiety sadness and despair! There is work to be done still but i donā€™t have to be unsure and walk a rocky road. I can have my feet planted in the ground. One day at a time has truly saved my life! God bless sending positive energy to all!


Day 4 early morning. Yesterday was really rough and Iā€™m bracing for more of the same today. I really donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to get through work. Wondering if I should take a couple days off, but maybe work would be a good distraction. Iā€™ll see how it goes. Iā€™m just barely surviving right now.


183, checking in.


13,547 days living in recovery.
PTSD flash backs raised itā€™s ugly head yesterday.
It has been sometime since I have had any flashbacks.(10yrs. or so)
It certainly was strange, thankfully my reaction to it did not turn into irreparable damage.
Those around me that I Love could not relate to what was happening.
It is always hard to explain what is going on in the moment, since it is a merging of the present and past and the feeling of needing to feel safe first and foremost, even though no dangers are present.
Iā€™m sure those witnessing it are bewildered by the event also. :frowning_face:
So today will be amends day to smooth out any misunderstandings. :heart:


Day 878 clean and sober. Woke up feeling really out of control mentally like crazy random thoughts in and out of my mind along with a feeling of dread and not being grounded in the moment wtf. Have an amazing day everyone, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


ā€œThis naked mindā€ is a really good book! :+1:t2:
It helped me a lot to understand, why drinking never gets better again.


Morning hope you all have. An amazing sober day!!!


I also miss riding in a good group. :pray:


Hey all, checking in on day 876. I hope everybody has a good one!



Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,564.

God Bless!


@Sabrina80 Itā€™s good to hear that you get rid of blockade, even when you have to cry. :wink:

@Butterflymoonwoman Iā€™m glad you just had to do one night-shift, instead of six. :+1:t2:

@KarenKW You will get through it. :wink: You did it once and you can do it again.

@Juli1 I never heard juicy for curved before, but it sounds nice. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Wakikki Thank you for your sharing. I had those thoughts in a similar way, when I was still drinking and had already the bodily symptoms of alcoholism.


You got it! Huge congratulations! :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada:


No, itā€™s a huge victory, because you didnā€™t drink on wedding! :wink:


Congratulations to 10 sober weeks! :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada:

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The poor staff! :scream:

I hope they donā€™t start a riot a few days before Christmas.

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Checking in day 64! Was on call last night so a little sleepy. Off today, just have one meeting. Our nice weather was extended a day so going to get out for a walk, and going to go to the gym. Also going to do some plain old relaxation.

Happy Monday!


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 267
Morning everyone! Managed to get thru the night with my son. He was pretty restless for some reason. Just tossing and turning alot. Im just getting him ready for school now and drinking some coffee. Its going to be super tough to get things done today. I refuse to have a nap thoā€¦ but my body may not agree with that lol i want to exercise once i get my boy on the bus and then im supposed to attend my Bible Group via zoom at 10. Then i wanted to go to the $ store and the bank. Probably grab more coffee :coffee: Do some cleaning and work on another xmas gift. This honestly may not happen tho. Ive been awake pretty much for over 24 hours at this point so we shall see lol will try my best to listen to my body tho too.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!