Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Oh, I heard many times, that every disorder which affects the pancreas is extremely painful. So I wish you all the best!


It was a horrible day :weary:
No cooking today, Iā€™ll order some chinese goodies and have a nice relaxing evening.
God, sometimes I hate people :roll_eyes:


I dont actually. I use my cold brew container and just lift the grind container out. And its left with whatever coffee it made. I do add creamer to it tho lol am i supposed to dilute it? I never have haha


Day 688

Emotional day, little bit triggered by movie. Therapy is hitting the core, which literally makes some chakraā€™s pop-open. Started crying, for a short while uncontrolled then I just let it go when it needed. Glad I could do it again. Things seems to start flowing again. Although the tears are mostly linked to the feeling of what I missed out due my addiction and emotional neglect. Feel like Iā€™m soften and more and more let go of tensions.

Found back my bracelet I was given by my son 5-6 years ago or even longer. Couldnā€™t find it for a few weeks. Somehow that needed to be, to make me realize I need to walk beside him and not force myself on him. The past is the past, Iā€™m there for him unconditionally and Iā€™m there for him now and he knowsā€¦:pray:


Sending you some love and healing hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:


@Bomdhil i am super happy to hear youā€™re still on the path. Congrats!! This is awesome. Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t respond sooner, I have not been on this app in a couple days. I am only day 52 myself now but I can tell you, at least for me, it gets easier as you get stronger everyday. Every temptation you overcome makes you a little stronger. I am proud of you. Keep it up!!!


Day 52, still here. Everyday has gotten easier. I wouldnā€™t be here without you all or this place. Truly. Thank you all and God bless.


Haha nevermind. I brew mine for 20 hours. 12 hours is fine without dilution :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: but 20 hour brew has to be. Hmm. Now Iā€™m gonna look into why mine says to dilute and yours doesnā€™t :sweat_smile: ( Iā€™m a coffee nerd :relaxed:)


Please let me know! I mever tried a 20 hour coffee brew :hushed: Im tempted now haha


I hope the rest of the day turns around for you.
Sending you love and healing hugs :hugs::hugs:
I know we hear it all the time ā€˜one day at a timeā€™
And ā€˜just for todayā€™ it took a while for it to click in my mind how that works but now i use it for lots of stuff daily in my life, especially my mental health i tell my self its ā€˜just for todayā€™ and it helps to look at just the day in front of me.


No I didnā€™t drink, but the day was still horrible.
Now Iā€™m home, time for me, to eat and relax.


Coming back home from work by bike. I enjoyed the fresh air after this long day. I am getting mad of my boss, I asked for more money more than 1 week ago and no reply yet. I am hoping, that this isnā€™t a bad sign.


Hard one today just dont want to be here it went from summer to winter fast wish we could recover that fast lol


I found this online and admittedly I do usually keep it going a full 24 hours but the brewer I bought suggested 20 hoursā€¦
Iā€™m gonna go look at 12 hour brewers vs 24 hour ones and see if thereā€™s a difference in the grind or something

This is what I found on Google


For me itā€™s like finding a piece of puzzle I wasnā€™t even looking for.


Wow thatz crazy! I know mine dose suggest a courser ground coffee but i dont always use that bcuz its more expensive. The fine grind is okay but its bitter i find. Thanks for the info! Im going to try for a 20 hour steep :slight_smile:


Struggling hardcore today.

Need to leave my job and find something that doesnā€™t trigger me to want to smoke.

I reset my 30 days this weekend but proud I made it that far. Any little bit is progress.


I have so much free coffee itā€™s crazy. I get a free pound every week and i drink as much as I want while I work so I donā€™t go through the coffee i have at home anywhere near fast enough. :sweat_smile: French press grind is best for cold brew so grinds donā€™t make their way into your cup but itā€™s not the worst thing to use a fine grind

I sent you a message. Forgot to ask first :grimacing: sorry

Exactly! And your message reminded me of that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ok I made the dayā€¦

But have to reset the timer for
ā€œimperfect regular eatingā€ to day 0!

After this night of destroying thoughts,
morning with tears and hopelessness,
I hurried to work and made my job!

I dissociated during work because of my boss doing too much bullshit decisions and nonsense. No more feeling my body in the afternoon ā€¦
I binged (outing):
1 package of fat reduced chips
1 package of haribo vampires

Breakfast and lunch was a protein porridge with banana each. Not too bad, but I will reset because there is a direct line between my emotional setting, dissociation and binging.

After allā€¦ Still sober. :black_heart::muscle:t2:

Will have a swim against 8 pm with funny equipment of cause and maybe a little Omlette as post workout dinner. :swimming_woman:t2:

Hugs :panda_face::rabbit2::rabbit::hugs: