Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

I was able to relax. I ate something yummy, did read and now I’ll do some stretching.
After that: shower and bed.
I’m thankful for this place here :heart:


@KevinesKay congrats on 30 days :tada:
@HoofHearted sending strength :blue_heart:
@Juli1 you’re doing all the right things, sending strength :blue_heart:
@Starlight14 congrats on 70 days :tada:
@2JTravNZ feel better soon :pray:t2:
@nerd sending strength :blue_heart: congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Emily123 sending strength :blue_heart:

819 days no alcohol.
284 days no cocaine.

I am feeling accomplished and pleased with myself. I did all the cleaning tasks I set for myself today, all that’s left to do tomorrow is the hoovering and vaxing then it’s going to feel really good in here again. I always forget how good it feels.

I’ve watched 4 whole episodes of Stranger Things today! I’ve only got 2 episodes left now, already feel like watching them tonight to find out what happens, as the back-story is being told

I invested I’m some thermal socks bcuz my feet are always like blocks of ice, best decision ever.



I have been with my group for 6 yrs now and I absolutely love the girlz. We have 8 characters throughout California and one in AZ. We do monthly events and one yearly event. Its all girlz with every now and then a COED. Outside of out club rides we do get together and do other pickup rides or outings together.

It’s just hard for me to get out with taking care of my special needs brother, but when i get out it’s the best THERAPY EVER!!!


Wish i can recover that quickly too. Although I really never let the season or time change bother me.

Ya i dont normally but im a tree climber and its like 40 here and raining just makes days long


Good on you for getting some chores done! I am happy to hear my post helped. I have made myself a routine of one to two chores for each day of the week. That way i dont get overwhelmed but my house stays clean. Then there are things I do everyday. I make my bed, put clothes in the laundry basket and wash the dishes after dinner. Bigger chores get spread out through the week.
I have watched all of Stranger Things and I absolutely loved it!


That sounds amazing. Our group was like 6+ and I was the only woman. I struggled a lot with it but it was still some place of home. Never found that again. Tried road bike group but that’s noooooooo fun at all. :roll_eyes:

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I am sorry to hear your son had a restless night. I pray that he sleeps better tonight. I hope you get some rest my friend.

I am a big lover of good coffee. We have a coffee machine here at home and grind our own beans. We like to try different beans from different places to mix it up. On Saturdays we go and buy new beans and get a loaf of sourdough bread that has been freshly made from the local bakery.

What are you making for xmas? I have just started doing some craft again. I have begun assembling and painting miniture furniture. They come in a little prefab kit with everything you need to assemble a tiny little room. My first is a study complete with desk, chair, bookshelf and all the things that go in a study like tiny books, picture frames, nic nacs for the shelves etc…it requires alot my patience than I have right now but I do a bit each day and have completed the desk and side table and a book.

Have a beautiful sober day :two_hearts:


Good morning my sober friends

Checking in on Day 43.

I have woken a little later today (still 6am lol) after a very restful sleep. I have noticed that my quality of sleep has improved so much in the past weeks. I used to pass out at 9pm til 2am and then wake every hour til I decided to get up, feeling exhausted. Then when I first got sober I couldn’t sleep at all, then it was trouble getting to sleep then just sleep for a few hours then wake then go back to sleep for a few hours and wake again still feeling tired. Now I go to bed and fall asleep straight away and wake once to use the bathroom but go straight back to sleep until I wake to start the day. I feel like the sleep i get is better quality. The dark circles under my eyes are gone too!

Yesterday I went to lunch with a friend I had not seen in a few months and she was blown away by how different I looked and how happy I appeared to be. She knew about my struggles with alcohol and that I had decided to get sober but hadnt seen me since before my sober date. She was so proud of my progress and truly happy for me. There were tears of sadness from us both as I explained how bad things got but then tears of joy when I shared how different things were now. She also shared with me that after 12 years of being single after being cheated on by her ex husband, she had met someone she really liked and she had been on a date with him. It was such a lovely afternoon and something we are going to try to do once a month. We both put a date into our calender for next month while we were there to avoid forgetting or letting time to get away from us and not doing it lol.

My Drug & Alcohol Therapist Sally comes to my house every Monday afternoon so that happened yesterday too after lunch. We worked through how I felt during the baby shower on the weekend. I told her how tempted and distracted I was by the alcohol and I explained how strong my desire to drink still was when alcohol was anywhere near me. She acknowledged that I was not ready to attend social events where alcohol was present and how powerful my addiction was. Due to the fact that I take 2 different meds for my addiction and all the other tools I have put in my life to stay sober like therapy, AA, TS community, yoga, less work hours etc, she suggested trying hypnotherapy and see if that helps my uncontrollable reaction to being exposed to the presence of alcohol (just driving past a bottle shop makes me sweat and shake). I am going to get an appointment somewhere as soon as I find a hypotherapist.

My best friend who is expecting a baby has been admitted to hospital with broken ribs after a fall. She is 32 weeks pregnant and has a heart condition so may have fallen due to that. More tests will be done today. Her little one is doing fine through it all as she had an ultrasound to confirm this. I will spend the day with her today while her husband is at work and looking after his two children (from a previous marriage). She has been admitted to the hospital where we both work so I will be able to check on her tomorrow too when I am at work. I am trying to remain calm for her but I am terrified for her. This has not been an easy pregnancy from difficulties falling pregnant to her heart problems, painful pelvic symphasis separation (where your pubic bone literally splits in two) and now broked ribs. This is her first baby at the age of 40. Something she has dreamed of her entire life. I pray he is delivered safely and that she recovers physically and mentally from this. I am so grateful that I am sober and am able to be there for her in the way she needs me to be.

I will continue to take it ODAAT and wish you all a happy sober day.

Ree :heart:


Hi, nice to see you. How are you?

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Thats the plus living in cali it never rains :rofl::rofl::rofl: we ride 90% of the year. It’s nice but very sad for the environment!

Keep Pedaling :mountain_biking_woman:t2::biking_man::call_me_hand:t2:

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I’m fine, really happy to be back. How are you?


I love ur craft idea!!! Ive never done miniatures before. I think it would really test my patience lol but i bet the end result is fabulous!!
I am doing dreamcatchers and christmas themed cupcakes this year for my sons school teacher, EAs, and other school staff, nurses, and bus transportation staff. They are sooo good to him and i really wanted to give presents to them. I didnt have enough money to buy them something so thought of making/baking stuff. The money i do have for presents is going to family, my husband, and son for xmas. But he has alot of support so there is too many people to buy for. Anyway, this is my project so far. Its a mini dreamcatcher for our pharmacists son. We have a really good relationship with our pharmacist lol she is such a sweet woman and always so helpful to us. She has a 1 year old son and i wanted to make something for her son. Its not done yet but the webbing is. Its literally 2" in diameter. Very small. Will be adding feathers next.


Day 4

Today has been full of triggers. But triggers I couldn’t understand. I felt the symptoms of being triggered but I couldn’t work out the cause.

Having finally sat down for the day I think it’s because I’ve been trying to juggle to much mentally again. Getting back into my writing has been really good but trying to work out a knotty problem with the plot in my head whilst working and trying to juggle all the other things isn’t a healthy way to look at problems. I realise after today I need to focus on one thing at a time. My mind does not deal well with juggling multiple things at the same time.

I find when I do that that my mind seems to go into hyper mode. As if it’s working really fast with lots of rushing thoughts but I don’t get anywhere with the stuff I am thinking about. Like a car stuck in the mud, spinning it’s wheels and getting even more stuck. I have to back off at that point but I find it really hard as I get stuck in my own head.

A cold shower really helped when I got in.

I’m glad I’ve got to the end of a day filled with triggering feelings without giving in to them. I’ve been giving my willpower a good work out today. Time to be thankful for another clean day and recouperate.


And Day 50

Thanks @CATMANCAM I’m feeling a little worse for wear thats for sure, but will get there.

Woke up with a sore throat this morning trying to stay as chill as possible for the next week is going to be hard as I’m usually active all day at work.

Happy as I’ve made it this far!! Feeling very positive about my recovery this time around for sure.


I’m glad you’re doing well. I’m fine thanks, just moseying along :slightly_smiling_face:


Afternoon of Day 4. After a really rough morning of anxiety and panic, I was able to settle down a bit this afternoon and get some work done. Not as much as I would have liked, but it was better than nothing. Still feeling really anxious but it’s not at the level of full panic. Worried it’ll get that way again.


Everyone has been so supportive and I want to return the same energy. :two_hearts:


Oh Dana! That is absolutely beautiful! And so much detail for such a small creation. Well done! And what a great idea to give something from the heart that is affordable too. You are truly gifted my friend :purple_heart:


You are such a blessing to have here!! Thank you all your advice, suggestions and recommendations have truly helped! Thank you for your support and helping me through.