Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Day 41. Longish day at work, so I’m beat. Two months ago, I might have stayed up late drinking, but the idea doesn’t appeal to me now. Now, I look forward to the morning coffee, and I actually enjoy it more. Happy sober days to all and to all a good night.


Thank u so much! That is one of my simplier designs but the tiniest one i have done so far. My all time favorite was this one i did for my son for his 1st bday. Its 20" in diameter :slight_smile: fox themed as his spirit name is fox.


I hear ya lol thanks for the laugh :rofl:

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Such a talent you have! Your dream catchers are just beautiful :heart_eyes:


Your sons Fox dream catcher is beautiful and also his spirit name Fox, i really like this :hugs:
Also the one for your pharmacists son is adorable too!!


Checking in on day 28. :slight_smile: feeling incredible today. Had the energy to start making a real feasible plan for all the debt my addict self racked up :slight_smile: it’s a big number, but so much more doable now that I am running those numbers with a clear mind. Plus, knowing I am saving HUNDREDS a week on booze/drgzzzz I feel confident in my abilities to stick it out.
Proud of everyone for making it another day with me. :heart:


Thank you so much :heart:

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Thank you!! I appreciate that!

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Need some outside input for if i should send this message as is to my partner or edit it


Hi Scorpn,
I only know the basics of what I have read on this app for you and your partner but I will say this, no matter how hard it may seem to do, you owe it to yourself to set boundaries with anyone who is crossing them. No matter how much you love and care for someone, you have to love yourself first. (can’t pour from an empty cup ;))
Whether you send the message to them or not I am proud of you for writing out what is on your mind and making the choice to come here and talk to us instead of throwing away your awesome progress by picking up.
Keep going, you’re doing amazing. Sending hugs.


Day 9 had some mood swings today, but otherwise good. Kept busy doing some cleaning. Read a few books. Getting out of my head some.


Day 819

Feeling a little down and sensitive. And guilty that I am feeling that way when I am very blessed, really. I sometimes feel I just suck at being happy, and appreciating what I have. Should probably get back on the gratitude thread or something. Have a good sober day/evening folks. If nothing else I will be sober today. :purple_heart:


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 267
I am sooo ready for bed lol. All the caffeine i consumed thruout the day kept me awake and i didnt even nap. I think im on hour 37 of being awake. Ugh. Probably for the best tho so that it doesnt mess up my sleep tonight. We have our usual full time nurse in tonight for my son as well as a new nurse training. Will be happy to have another floater nurse around.

Health wise… i exercised well today and even ate well. So happy with that!

Recovery wise… all good here. Except today for some odd reason i ended up replaying a traumatic situation in my head. Like it was a tape in my mind. Had to physically tell myself to stop thinking about it to snap myself out of it. But other than that im okay. Grateful that using drugs doesnt even pop into my mind when experiencing intense emotion anymore

Thats about it for tonight! Hope everyone is doing well! Proud of everyone on here!


I added a bit with help from @Butterflymoonwoman (typed further down the thread this one’s on) and sent it and this is how he responded. I’m really happy that he’s open to talking about this issue with me instead of shutting down or getting defensive. :relaxed:


Ur absolutely sooo welcome but honestly u did all the work on making it sound perfect. Lets hope the best solution comes out of this :slight_smile:


It’s ok to feel down sometimes. You can’t be happy all the time. As long as you don’t dwell on the negative for too long anyway.
I hope something makes you smile today. A beautiful view, a kind word, or a fond memory.

I’m sending positive energy your way :revolving_hearts:


@Scorpn amazing! So happy for you, hoping you guys can talk and work out a solution. Also love that you had some help from @Butterflymoonwoman :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: always helpful having some support.


Hello friends. Checking in on day 514. The days are getting shorter and I am craving some mad carbs :rofl:


Checking In Day 10. Terrible day at work today but thankful I wasn’t hungover or too tired trying to deal with it. Have to learn how to start packing lunches too. I never really ate more than once a day. Now that I’m not getting all those liquid calories I’m actually hungry. And I carve sweets now too. Never ate candy before, but I have been craving Skittles and Snickers bars recently.
I’m really excited for Wednesdays meeting. I missed tonight and most likely won’t make it in time for tomorrow either cause of work.
Really clicked with a few of the ppl I met last week. Hopefully new friends and a new me will come from it.


Day 247

I did Not want to set the timer to clean randomly for 15 minutes but i did. Floor looks much better and did the litter box and took out the trash. Its hard to start but it made a difference.