Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Congratulations on your ten days HBC


Day 31 for me.


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from Texel.


Day #77

Good Morning :slightly_smiling_face: I hope everybody is in good health today.

Another day of gratitude today. Thereā€™s no need for me to ramble on social media like Iā€™m seeing a lot of ā€œfriendsā€ doing. Since Iā€™ve started this sobriety journey of mine, Iā€™ve been spending my time focusing on bettering myself, both physically and mentally. Whether thatā€™s through outlets such as exercise, or just engaging in exciting activities on my days off from work, Iā€™m no longer finding the urgency to notify everybody on social media of what Iā€™m doing, when Iā€™m doing it, and why they should even know in the first place. Thereā€™s something quite gratifying about taking my life back.

Iā€™m definitely no Saint - alcohol has well and truly ruined my life, but I saw a quote that a good friend mentioned in a post that really stuck with me: ā€œPeople will notice the change in your attitude towards them but wonā€™t notice their behaviour that made you changeā€. This really was something that made me stop and thinkā€¦ Iā€™ve burnt bridges through my addiction, and I cannot change my past, but I know that I am a better person now, and thatā€™s all I can focus on. I gave up everything in order to gain one thing, but now, Iā€™ve given up one thing in order to gain everything.

Sure, Iā€™ve lost friendships and I feel like I canā€™t turn to many people in real life to speak to about how Iā€™m feeling, but thatā€™s ok. Although Iā€™m nearly 3 months into my journey, the raw emotions are still there and Iā€™m still learning about myself. That is also ok. All I can prioritise is attempting to better myself one day at a time. If people want to remain friends; great. If not, then that is also fine - they were clearly nothing more than a short chapter in my book of life.

Have a great day everybody - ODAAT.


Absolutely gorgeous Menno :heart_eyes:


Enjoy Menno! Texel is a good place to be! :green_heart:

  • 109 days free from alcohol
  • 90 days free from toxic relationships
  • 0 days imperfect regular eating (restart)

Today I will just try my best to:

Wishing you the same :white_heart::heartpulse::purple_heart::black_heart:



ohyes itā€™s so important to be prepare with food and make little plans, especially if we have to work. I am trying to plan easy meals or prepare something like soups or banana bread that can be freezed. Porridge, protein shakes or Omelette are also my life savers!

But I just seem like a proā€¦ Big fake :roll_eyes::rofl:
Had to set m back my regular eating timer this morning, as I had a binge yesterday in the afternoon while working, in a dissociated mood. So letā€™s go on today. ODAAT. :pray:t2::muscle:t2:


Well i made it a week


Iā€™m sorry to hear about your struggle with yourself and your stressfull boss.

I hope your better today!


What are you reading? Do you know about the reading thread?


Did you buy an extra bicycle for this? Normally I get mad when the running bicycle season starts, because there are many dangerous situations every time.


Day 5 early morning. I had weird disturbing dreams all night so not feeling very rested. I still have a headache but it isnā€™t quite as bad. I really need to have a productive day at work today but also know I need to go easy on myself and not push too hard. Iā€™m trying to focus on self care as I deal with withdrawals. Iā€™m looking forward to my appt tomorrow with a new therapist/addiction counselor. A bit nervous about it too.


Thank you Matti! Yes I am better today. Itā€™s a process. :pray:t2:


Wow, that is a really cool hobby! Iā€™m to inpatient to do it by myself, but I like to look at such things.

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Day 1512 :seedling:
Every time when I read ore hear about someone who died because of their addiction it makes me sad. But It also makes me gratefull to have been able to push that reset button myself. I know Iā€™m not cured ore fixed, I will never be.
But I will be in recovery, learning and growing every day. As you do!

Rest in peace Aaron Carter :pray:


Iā€™m still reading ā€œThis naked mindā€.
I didnā€™t know we have a reading thread :flushed:


I have 4 different bicycles. For every type of activity a bike :crazy_face: you can never have enough bikes.


Hey all, checking in on day 877. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good day all,
Plan for the day is to stay open minded for the many learning possibilities.
My perspective can influence my day greatly, I can always change my perspective. :heart: