Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Day 879 clean and sober. Counting down the days till I leave for a much needed escape. I leave Thursday for a 4 day camping trip and I think it will really help balance me out. My energy has been so heavy and yucky lately and it’s been exhausting doing things like going to work etc. In my experience on my path the moon has a lot to play in the way my energy feels at times. Blood moon/Lunar eclipse here in the states today and I’m hoping that the energy will start to dissipate as the moon begins to wane… anyway, things have been a shit show inside my mind and body lately but I have been doing all of the necessary self care things that I’ve learned to do at times like these. Sometimes it just is what it is and I wait for it to pass as it always does. I hope everyone has a beautiful day today and I’m so proud of you all, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Checking in day 65. Been pretty tired lately (also I think the time change is affecting that) so really hoping rest a good bit today. I’m going to vote, go to the gym, and I have one client for work. Otherwise, goal is to recharge.

Have a great day all!


May I ask what medication do you take for your addiction?

It surprises me, that a lot of people get medicine for their addiction and nobody (psychiatrists etc.) has ever ask me if I needed some. Probably they think I don’t need them. :thinking:

It’s nice to read, that yor friends recognise your change!


The dreamcatcher looks really nice. The leather band is a good idea! :+1:t2:


Yes sir, 50 sober days! :tada:


Day 130 AF

I am really trying to stay positive. My finances are a wreck! I have cut every corner I know to cut. And now Christmas is here :unamused: I LOVE the holidays, and I know my family completely understands that I can’t spend like I normally do. But this is depressing. I haven’t lived day-to-day financially in a long time. I’ve applied to a few PT jobs on Indeed but nothing has come of it yet. I am finding myself really kicking myself in the ass for almost completely destroying the career I worked so hard to build. Redirecting my thoughts is getting more difficult by the day. I am almost 49 years old and should have my shit together by now. Not only is this depressing, it’s humiliating and embarrassing.

Just needed to vent for a minute. I’m not going to drink today.


Hang in there! It will get better. 10 days was when I started to feel better.


Welcome to the double digits! :confetti_ball:

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Thanks for nice picture Menno! I hope you enjoy your holidays!


Checking in for day 43 AF.


Im sorry ur feeling so down about ur financial situation and just where u feel things are at right now in ur life. I can relate in maybe a sense, just with the amount of debt we incurred bcuz of our drug use and honestly thinking that we should be ALOT farther ahead than where we are. I often compare myself to others which doesnt help either :frowning:
Honestly though, im proud of you for staying sober and improving ur life. We canf change the past. Whats done is done. But things WILL continue to improve, sometimes quickly and sometiems slowly, but they always do if we stay clean and sober. Im praying something comes up for u work wise. It will eventually :slight_smile: im hoping before xmas so that it can relieve some of that xmas stress. Ive been making alot of my xmas gifts this year. It helps with not having to spend so much. Hope ur day improves lady… hugs!


Congratulations on 10 whole days! Great work :clap:

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:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 268
I had an incredible sleep!!! Felt so good! Was sleeping so heavy that i woke up super disoriented thinking i had to work lol. My son and I are waiting for his bus so he can go to school. Today is quite cold (-30°C) so will need to dress well for it. Plans for the day are prayer, workout, doing my nails, cleaning, finishing a dreamcatcher, & a couple errands and phone calls. Thats about it :slight_smile: Grateful for another day :pray:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day


Day 38
It was a stressful day, worse than yesterday.
But I decided to not let it consume me fully as it almost happened yesterday.
The worst case at work is there, we’re missing 50% of our staff.
It is what it is.
I didn’t drink today and I don’t want to do it in the future.
So, it still is a good day.
I won.
I wish you all a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart:


Checking in with 45 days sober. :relaxed:


Look at you with 45 days :boom::boom::boom:
Congratulations :boom::boom::boom:


It will get better if you stay sober. I quit my job and didn’t work for five months when I got sober. Best decision ever. Hang in there. You are giving your family a great gift by being sober.


Day 7. Been a long time since a day 7.


My first creation :heart: