Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Day 3 checking in, waiting for the hard times to come as have felt quite motivated so far.


Iā€™ve thought about rehab but not sure how to manage the logistics. I canā€™t afford to go that long without a paycheck. And I live alone with pets that need looking after. But itā€™s still an option. Thanks!

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This is a great list of drink options! Thanks! Itā€™s almost cold enough for hot cocoa, and thatā€™s a good treat.

Iā€™ve been meaning to check out podcasts. I already have a list of options. Whatā€™s your favorite?

There are several detox places here. Iā€™m hoping Iā€™m over the worst of it. I meet with an addiction counselor today so Iā€™ll see what he recommends.

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Day 1 and feeling happy to be back with TSšŸ«¶šŸ», doc this time was weak beer 4% ,mixed with lucozade so havenā€™t been to points of awfulness as with the cider but still was drink abusing. Lots of love :two_hearts:


Day 6. Been up since 3:30 after a bad dream so been reading and responding here. I have such vivid dreams that when they are bad, they leave me shaken. Head hurts again/still. Last time it took until about day 10 to feel better. Trying to hang on. Iā€™ve really been struggling at work. I feel like Iā€™m barely keeping my head above water. So much is getting neglected and Iā€™m getting behind. It would be nice to take a few days off to take care of myself, but thatā€™s not really an option right now. Iā€™m about to start training a couple new people. Honestly Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m going to manage that. Iā€™m just keeping my fingers crossed that I feel better by Monday. I guess everything is stressing me out right now. Iā€™ve been reading about mindfulness and trying to stay in the moment, but itā€™s a challenge.
Hope everyone is doing okay today.


Hello all,

Checking in for Days 1,565 and 1,566.

God Bless!


Sending best wishes

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The last couple of days have been intense. Iā€™ve had very strong emotions coming up that are all about the solo parenting experience and how much I miss my late husband. My teen boy has been getting into mild trouble at school, really nothing that bad but dealing with it has been flagging up my aloneness. I think I started crying four times yesterday.
My daughter has also been feeling very emotional about her dad. She came through an hour after bedtime and cried and needed a hug. She tells me that she has recently realised that sheā€™ll never see him again. Sheā€™s almost 11 now so there has been a big developmental change in her understanding.
Overall things feel very healthy and open and that there is space for this emotion. Iā€™m glad I no longer feel numb to the pain, although that was what was needed at the time of course.
Wishing everyone a good addiction free day.


Nearly a sober week! Keep going! :+1:t2:

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Really beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Maybe this is also something for you:

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Day 347

Checking in, not that itā€™s worth anything, got nothing interesting to say so I suppose Iā€™ll just leave it there.


Ah, interesting. Thanks!

Where the hell do you live? :astonished: :wink:

In the Rockies or Death Valley?

This old fart 13,204 days


Checking in, day 733. I have been sober for 2 years! Actually the milestone was on Sunday, but I missed it. I really appreciate the help and wisdom this forum gives, thank you all!


Congratulations :tada::clap::tada:.Hope things are going ok otherwise.

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Thank you @CATMANCAM i appreciate that! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 880 clean and sober. I donā€™t think itā€™s going to be very smart of me to go tent camping in 30 degree weather for 4 days so Iā€™m going to switch my days off and rent a cabin for the next weekend instead. I did not do well hiking when it was 26 why the hell would I stay out in that kind of weather overnight??? Sounds like a dumb idea to me :rofl::rofl::rofl: Itā€™s been raining like crazy here in California but is supposed to clear up tomorrow. Going to do some local hikes and try and reset that way. Have an amazing day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 878. I hope everybody has a good one!