Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Been slacking a bit on checking in here.
Day 16, been very lethargic lately.


Yay for day 6!!! Thatā€™s awesome!!

My favorite podcast that has helped me the most is Recovery Elevator. They interview real people with their storiesā€¦how it started to how it is now. People are anywhere from 30 days to 10 years sober. And there are a TON of interviews. It helped me to hear other peopleā€™s stories that I could relate to. Check it out!

Super proud of you for making it through another day. Itā€™s pretty badass!


Omg its only wednesday?!


Iā€™m so sorry you were struggling. Iā€™m just trying to catch up on this post and Iā€™m way behindā€¦I donā€™t want to jump to far ahead and lose my place but I hope to see some other posts from you and I hope your are feeling a bit better now.
I have dealt with depression and I canā€™t believe Iā€™m where I am today. I never thought I would be in a better place but I am. You can get though this. Iā€™m glad you are taking these steps with your therapist and starting some new ideas for treatment. Thinking of you


Sorry Iā€™m so late. Congratulations on 7 months!

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@BrOKenWolf happy to see you posting richard! Say whatever is on ur mind wether u think its interesting or not :slight_smile:
@kamj glad to see u posting. Love that ur sobriety time keeps going up! All the phsyical stuff will sort itself out overtime. I was super lethargic for awhile in the beginning too. I feel ur pain. It will hopefully sort out for u too.
@Nordique i love that number! 878 has such a nice ring to it! Always happy to see u posting :slight_smile:
@Tomek a HUGE HUGE congratulations on ur 2 years of recovery! Im so freakin proud of you!!!
@Ray_M_C_Laren all i have to say is that my jaw dropped seeing ur sobriety time! I want that for myself too! Really proud of you and im glad ur here. U have alot of wisdom in recovery :sparkles:
@deelzebub big hugs to you :people_hugging: i cant imagine the emotions that are coming up for you and ur kids. But it sounds like ur doing an amazing job working thru it whole being a great support for ur kiddos


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 269
Had a pretty interuppted sleep last night but :coffee: is helping this morning. Not doing much today other than some cleaning, exercise, phone calls, and budgeting for my paycheque tmrw. Thats about it. Going to make time for some meditation also to see if that helps me in the evenings. I think my stress level builds up throughout the day and then by the time the evening rolls around, its almost at max level lol so im going to try and interrupt that pattern with meditation.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day


Checking in day 66! Didnā€™t rest as much as I wanted yesterday, so hoping to do that today. Will also get to the gym and handle a couple chores. I have a full day off with no meetings or clients which is a rarity- Iā€™m actually looking forward to it. Even though Iā€™ve been feeling pretty tired for a few days, Iā€™m somehow still feeling way way more mentally alert and present than I have in a long time.


Sorry for what? For being at the forum, which is exactly for this problematic and on which everyone exactly know about what you writing? :wink:

Thanks for sharing and that you let us help you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™m glad you made it and that youā€™re safe and sound now. :mechanical_arm:

Thank you for the post. I donā€™t know if we already have a thread about non-alcoholic drinks - I believe we have -, but it would be nice to have one.

I try also to buy a lot of different non-alcoholic drinks to get in a better mood.

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I miss(ed) you friend! Huge congrats on your anni! Awesome work!


Northern California :heart:

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Congratulations to freaking 2 sober years! :birthday: :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball: :birthday:

Sober and FREE today.
Free to make the choices I desire and to keep learning from them. :dizzy: :heart: :dizzy:


Thank you! :heart:

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@Sigurdurerik congrats on 6 months :tada:
@Hazy welcome back :blush:
@Deelzebub grief is hard :cry: sending strength :blue_heart:
@Tomek congrats on 2 years :tada:

821 days no alcohol.
286 days no cocaine.

The professional was here for 45mins, he tried everything but the stain could not be removed. I felt so sick about it, so I emailed the estate agents straight away, I offered to sign something saying Iā€™d replace the master bedroom carpet when the time came that I leave, but they replied thanking me for telling them and said weā€™d deal with it on check-out, so to say Iā€™m relieved is a massive understatement!

I was mentally and emotionally exhausted after the guy left and Iā€™d dealt with telling the estate agents, so some cravings came up for my vape (that I havenā€™t used for 6 days) ((Iā€™m on NRT only)) and also for a takeaway (that I havenā€™t had for 54 days), but instead, I forced myself into a nap, it took forever to fall asleep but I did eventually, and the cravings had subsided when I awoke.

Iā€™ve now started the new season of Peaky Blinders, so thatā€™s exciting as I love this show.

My brother is coming in a couple of hours to collect some items I ordered on his behalf for his wifeā€™s bday this weekend, and Iā€™m going to ask his advice about a DIY project my landlord has agreed to with strict conditions, Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s going to be possible but my brother will know, for sure.



Day 3. I want to write, but I donā€™t know what about. Day 3 is the very beginning, I did it so many times. This time I donā€™t want to focus on the counting. I focus on my moment here and now and how my feelings are. Today they are wavey, I have to admit. Quick up and downs. Itā€™s difficult to admit this because I want to be tough and stabil. But thatā€™s me, this crazy feeling human being.


Day 8ā€¦ feel very weak and shakey today. Going to slow down and job search. I wonā€™t go back to my high stress insane work anymoreā€¦ it drives me to numb myself out. I am not mentally or physically equipped to handle the amount of stress ls or hours anymore, but I am also broke and have 37 cents to my name after the last two years of downfall. So Iā€™m searching for something more meaningfulā€¦ problem is cost of living is sky rocketing here and all the ā€œmeaningfulā€ to me stuff Iā€™m finding pays less than a living wageā€¦ so Iā€™m searching. Very confused on what to do. Still sober.


Checking in for day 44.