Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

Day 25
Today I woke up with a back pain that slowly crawled up my spine until I got a headache too.
This is the message of my body that I have to move it more! Okay pal, I hear you.
I’m going to get off the train 2 stations before mine and walk home. The weather is beautiful, but too warm for the end of October.
My pants got loose, what is awesome and a great feeling I haven’t had in years! I tried for more than 15 years to loose weight. Finally it happens :relaxed:
I hope you have a great sober day friends :kissing_heart:
Stay strong :muscle:


Congratulations on the 300 days Wakikki.


Congratulations on 1 month!!! Woo hoo!


Day 29. Trying to get over a respiratory thing (not covid or flu) that has kicked my ass this week. Relatively ordinary day (fingers crossed). Be well, everybody


Checking in 117 days AF

Yesterday was a strange turn of events. My stepdad’s funeral was supposed to be yesterday…my mom woke up sick and tested positive for Covid. So we have postponed it until probably Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. I ended up spending most of the afternoon with my sister and her family. We had messy burgers, gelato and cheesecake, and browsed around a few boutiques in our downtown district. We literally ate away our emotions yesterday! :joy: And it was exactly what we needed.

My mother’s fever is already gone and she feels and sounds much better this morning! So hopefully yesterday was the worst of it. She and I talked on the phone for well over an hour this morning, venting, reminiscing, crying and laughing. She’s a tough broad and I know she is going to be ok.

I had multiple breakdowns yesterday. A song popped up on my FB newsfeed that broke my heart. I listened to a voicemail that my dad left me back in June. Hearing his voice literally took me to my knees. I was very tempted to swing by the liquor store. I was trying to justify it by telling myself I’d just buy a bottle of wine instead of vodka. But I didn’t. Instead I talked to my grandmother for an hour, facetimed my mom and sister, colored while listening to a podcast and spent the rest of the evening with my boyfriend. I’m finding myself back to one day at a time, and one hour at a time on occasion. And that’s ok.

To those of you who are struggling, for whatever reason, I feel you. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that this situation, this moment, this day will pass. And we CAN be ok and stay strong. Today I’m sending out many prayers, good vibes and and much love to you :heart::pray:t3::heart::pray:t3::heart:


I definitely find that alcohol makes my meds not work right so I bet that does have something to do with it. I’m SO glad to hear he was supportive and I bet that DID feel great. Here’s hoping your meds, mood, and sleep balance out soon!


I just want to say, I think you are AMAZING :smiling_face_with_tear: the way you are handling all this. Thank you for showing us how it’s done.


@Dazercat Thank you so much!! I don’t feel amazing right now, but knowing somebody else sees me that way feels great!!

@Lorelai I’m so sorry about your dad. I know how hard it is. You’re kicking ass staying sober through it!


Part way through day 2 again, not feeling too bad this time around.
I’ll probably be able to go straight into PHP as soon as I can get an assessment.
Til then, lots of hydration and self care.
I took a nice shower, exfoliated, put on some nice lavender lotion and fruity cologne.
When you’re this fabulous, alcohol doesn’t stand a chance!


So glad things are starting to improve for u! U got this!!!


Checking in day 52. I feel pretty good today. I work all day, so it’s nice to feel pretty rested. I have some hours off I need to use and initially I was thinking Halloween night to hand out candy with my partner, but the thought of it is a little triggering since we’d usually drink and do that. So I’m going to stay working that night and use the hours to get some extra sleep another night. Still early in sobriety this time around so just setting out to make good choices.


Hi all it’s been a little bit since I’ve did a check in here . I’m Brian and it’s now day 81 for me. Just have something on my mind that I have to let go of now I know that AA is to be what is said at a meeting stays there but that does not seem to work in my town.
Now I stay in a recovery house and it seems that a lot of people come in here and get a job right away, but for me I didn’t want one right away. So the one thing that I really don’t understand is like I said I’m in a recovery house and they want you to do recovery work but also want you to have a job in two weeks from the time that you get here.
So now I have a job kind of, this one is a little weird start date was on 10/12 and they called me and said that they had to change that date to 10/26 witch is today so I was looking forward to going in today, now yesterday they called and changed it again for 11/02 a week from today.
I don’t know it’s getting on my nerves cause now the place where I’m staying at thinks that I’m telling a lie, and that bugs the poop out of me right now because I’m not. So the other thing also that they said that also is bugging me is that I needed to humble myself and just get a job there is a lot of fast food places around here and they will hire anybody, yes that’s is right they will. But the thing is I really don’t want to work at a place that I’ll be unhappy at so why would I do that, also there has been 5 to 7 people that have stayed here and have gotten them jobs were unhappy and relapsed…Don’t want that to be me
sorry don’t know if that makes any sence to any of you people out there but for me it does …
Well thanks for being here and letting me share P.S. still Sober


Way to go on following thru with what u feel is the right decision. I applaud u for that! Ur not setting urself up for a potential relapse which in my mind means that ur super self aware :slight_smile:


That sounds extremely frustrating. Did ur potential job contact u via email or anything that proves to the recovery house thar ur arent lieing? I think thats crazy honestly that within 2 weeks u are supposed to get a job. Money was a huge trigger for me in the beginning. Im sure i cant be the only one that experienced that. Getting a job is great, dont get me wrong. But i also think that feeling stable in recovery needs to take priority for a bit lol thats just my opinion. But i do understand that recovery houses have their rules for a reason. Im sorry ur going thru this :frowning:


Well maybe not something special or to be proud of. Not injustice towards others, but to me at that exact situation. Probably it is my own problem, because I let people to “stand on my head” to much by acting too much forgiveful towards others. Anyway, just trying to do it right, act by heart. At the end I am that white crow between others. Thats my problem, as others see it, but I don’t think it is a problem. If acting by law and heart is stupid to others, well then I am and I accept that, because I don’t want to act in a bad ways. Anyway too much to talk here. This time I did not did anything good, just said others to ### off so don’t be proud of me :wink:

Have a Soberthday party!! :tada:
Have friends over or go to a nice dinner and celebrate your hard work!


Passed my first 24 hours without a drink.
Nice too meet you all


Yes trust me I know that they have rules for a reason’ and finding a job is one of them. But for me I also think that recovery should come first. Like we do meetings here also and the last couple of weeks have had a speaker come in and that is one of the things that he had said take your recovery first. But it does not seem that the people that run this house fell the same way, and also they do not attend the meeting.
Also for real it seems to me that the ones that do not make it are the ones that get the job right away after getting out of rehab because they can’t handle it (having a couple of dollars in there pocket) me I’m broke as poop right now but ok with that. Don’t really need anything but my sober time. P.S. don’t get me wrong I’m very greatfull for what they do for us…


Hang in there buddy you can only do it one day at a time . Also you are not alone!!! I’m here for you and my name is Brian


20 days weed sober today!

Didn’t think I’d make it this far without temptation. I feel a lot better! Most importantly, I’m building trust with myself again and working on my character. I’m sober at work (admittedly, I wasn’t before), and I’m taking responsibility for my own bullshit. Grateful to have this community to celebrate each day with🎉