Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

You made a very good job :muscle:t2:
Feel free to share here, if you have difficulties… This community will help you.
There is always someone online having helpful words for you. :black_heart:
I know what I am taking about :panda_face::sunglasses:

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I like this a lot. Sobriety has made me a much better human, but I have limits… at the end of the day I’m still me, still flawed, and that’s not only okay but also normal.

It’s so good to have you back here.


Will do

My condolences.


It’s hard losing a dad… coming up on a decade for me, still sucks. Hugs


Checking in. Day 19


Sounds like things are piling up. Insomnia, persistent exhaustion, irritability, pressure in your head and a foggy mind are often signs that you’re spread too thin.

Any chance to take a few extra days off? Could you think of other ways to give yourself a time out?


Day 9 checking in after work. Really struggled to focus at work today. Getting overwhelmed and stuck. Managed to do the most pressing tasks. I am thankful to have a job I like and that is flexible when I need it to be. The headache got better this morning. But this depression is really weighing me down. The simplest things seem impossible. At least no desire to leave the house to buy booze. I’d be tempted if I had something here, but it seems to hard to get in the car and go anywhere. Just need to get through the next few hours until I can go to bed.


Even after this long my mind still thinks I could go to a concert buy 1 bottle have little sips and make it last all day. Insane. I’ll give it a miss just for today. Well done guys and gals👍


@Wakikki Well done! :purple_heart::muscle::purple_heart:

@Brl81 Great job! :clap::purple_heart::clap:

@KrispyMac Grief will never be diminished by drinking, just delayed. Just gotta deal with those emotions.

@Bixanu01 Perfect :blush:. Just do that again tomorrow.


Yes, spread to thin that’s it! Seriously pulled in so many directions at work and everyone just sending everything to me instead of handling it themselves. Granted I appreciate the fact that people feel they can come to me but dayummmm they need to chill out. Set some boundaries today so it’s going to be better. And yes I’m heading to the mountains early tomorrow morning to get there at sunrise to start my hike. I love it there and it will reset me for sure. Thank you for caring @Olivia!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


You got this!!!

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Good evening all. Just wanted to say hi. Still here, still sober. Life’s been pretty humdrum for me. Just work school n such then repeat. Been tired a lot lately, but my diet has kinda sucked :man_shrugging:. Gotta tighten some things up in November i think. Maybe meditate more, idk. Just feeling low on many levels. Hope all is well for everyone.


Hi everyone! Checking in my 30th day sober! Feeling proud and hopeful. Have a wonderful day :blush:


Congratulations on 1 month!!! :smiley:

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2nd check in today

I am honestly so glad that my day will soon be over. Today has royally sucked. As I was getting ready for work, a sheriff’s deputy knocked on my door and served me papers from Magistrate court. My credit card company is suing me. Late in the summer of 2021, I maxed out my card. I have not made one single payment because I haven’t been able to function like an actual human being until just a few months ago. It’s been on my mind, but I’ve done nothing about it. This is totally my fault.

I was fairly busy at work, but of course everybody wanted to talk about it. At least a little. And I found a voice mail from my stepdad from this past June that I had saved for some reason. It was the sweetest message telling me how much he loved me. Hearing it absolutely crushed me.

I can’t get in to see my therapist until next Thursday. So I went to an AA meeting. I don’t go often. But it is part of my toolbox and I’m glad I actually used it when I needed it. I had a conversation with Mom and my boyfriend about today. Now I’m having tea and about to read a book. I’m praying that tomorrow is a little easier.


On my 3rd night. Still very early in my sobriety journey but I love that there is this huge community!
Can’t sleep at night, very grateful I found this app to relate & support people throughout their journey as well.
Stay strong everyone
We got this


I promise you it will get better. I think it definitely was meant for you to find this voicemail. Keep using your tools. Well done.


Day 62 of clean time and I think tonight is by far the toughest yet. The ex is in town and I feel the anxiety kicking into high gear. Nothing but memories are flowing through my thoughts and no matter how wronged I was by her. I still care and it’s driving me nuts. I want her out of my head so I can live peacefully and clean.


I’m sorry you’re having a rough night, you’re definitely not alone! Sending hugs