Checking in daily to maintain focus #50

Day 70 AF. I’m doing pretty good without booze, but the sweets are killing me. I’m going to spend the next 30 days working to cut down on them.


Great job keep up the good work

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137 days free from alcohol
118 days free from toxic relationships
28 days of imperfect regular eating

Checking in after a very long day.

  • Struggling if it’s okay to still eat something today, having trouble with food and eating.

    Having thoughts…

  • if it was okay to break the relationships with the guys not treating me good.

  • if regular drinking is possible.

  • that I am not good enough

Don’t feel that okay today.
Maybe tomorrow will be better!

Sometimes I really would like my brain to stop thinking. Just found articles about my myers-briggs index again. I am an INTJ. So it will be hard.


My own counter thoughts:

  • if there is hunger that is located physically in my stomach, it’s still okay to eat a little to have a goodnight sleep!
  • it was absolutely right to quit with people that really, really didn’t treat me well! It was an act of selflove! And it still is.
  • regular drinking is unfortunately (!) not possible to me as I am an addict
  • i am absolutely good enough with all my imperfectness. Don’t have to work for being good enough.

Checking in with 252 days :sparkles:
I haven’t been on here much, I’ve been reading but not checking in. Still sober. My new job has started this week. Lots of travelling and training which is hurting my brain a bit. It’s going to be tough for a little bit but i feel like I’m where I’m meant to be. After I’ve trained in this position for a few months my hours become flexible and I can work home a few days a week.
Christmas is approaching, I’m still feeling strong in my sobriety. I can already start to hear the happy hour talk amongst my co workers, working in the city I knew there would be a bit of a culture around it. But I’m know I’m not missing out. There’s no way I’d be capable of this role if I was actively drinking and hungover all the time.
Stay sober friends :heart:


If you’re at all interested in a Meyer-Briggs thread we had one on here a while back that I found really interesting. I found the link! And I’m also an INTJ and can relate to what you said about thought processes :upside_down_face: I have found learning about it helpful. There were a surprising number of INTJs and INFJs participating on the thread!


Wow thanks that’s cool as I just dived back into that topic! :smiley:
The detains really helped me accepting and understanding parts of my personality.
A reminder is appreciated these days :grin:


Checking in on day 1435 - just to say “hi” and reassure you that you CAN do this!



I really feel awful. :cry: I guess I’m at least staying sober because I’m in no shape to leave the house. My depression hasn’t been this bad in a long time. It’s not the worst it’s ever been, because I’m not suicidal. But I’m just one level above that. I can’t even always manage the basics like showering. I don’t really have anyone here to support me. I really need a hug.


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,593 Sober.

God Bless!


Day 9 ending. Super tired :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:


Happy birthday! :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:


Sending hugs :hugs: Depression and SAD (both weather-wise and holiday triggered) has been rearing its ugly head in my world lately. Staying sober is the absolute most important thing you can do to start to feel better, from my experience. It’s doesn’t mean we won’t have those feelings that we are prone to, but it helps to keep from sinking lower. Be kind to yourself, as much as you can.


Im sorry ur feeling so crappy my friend. Wish we were closer to grab a coffee or tea or something. Sending you big hugs tho. Whenever i get super depressed i just focus on little baby steps. Focusing on 1 thing at a time, thats it. Be gentle with urself. Please know that we care about u and that we all have ur back and are here for u :heartbeat:
Virtual Hug Big Hug GIF21936858


Huge, HUGE congratulations on 2 months kevin! So proud of you!! Youve really worked hard for this!


A virtual one is coming your way. Chin up this too shall pass. :hugs:


KEV’S BACK ON FORM :wink:well done mate.


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 296
Really exhausted right now. Been such a busy day. Up super early also. BUT… grateful that my sons procedures went well. Everything looks good. Now its mainly to manage the pain and help him heal up quickly.
My eating has been horrible. Its almost like me not working out today, has also set off unhealthy binge eating. I havent eaten like this in quite some time and dont feel good physicslly or mentally but this too shall pass and ill be back at my usual routine tmrw.
Hope everyone is doing well! Juat gonna go back and read up on the checkins now


432 Days
I live on a busy main road thats constantly has queing cars of traffic.
On my way home from swimming this evening at around 8pm i saw this huge canadian goose dodging traffic and not even close to any water.
So the past 4 hours i have spent trying to get help from the correct organisation that can help him. I fist first notice him and thought on my gosh this isnt going to end well. But all is well he has been rescued and is doing well.
I had soent 4 hours keeping him in the large car park across the road and watching him explore, all with my battery dying and the freezing cold weather and he made my heart so warm.
I’m so glad today i was able to help him, he was so well behaved too.

Cant keep my eyes open