Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

@DryIn785 Good for you for recognizing the struggle and being more aware of where you are at. And I know you didn’t spend a lot of time at the hiking trail, but you went, and that’s a win in my book. 40 days is great. Keep in mind that February is a hard month in general for many of us, but it is thankfully a short month. Are you doing meetings, either online or in person? Time to add to that toolkit and up the sobriety/recovery game. So glad you checked in!


Checking in on day 7 of no caffeine. As it’s mostly bound to habits and being in the office 8 hours a day and having free coffee there I need to change this. Like I threw away all my wine related items and glasses over 4 years ago, I present you my new tea mug. I love it. It’s huuuuge (600 ml) :see_no_evil:


Very koel! :cow:


Big day here fam , she said yes!!!
The sober life has its benefits for sure!!
Despite my chaos in life it’s been a wild ride ,I’m totally grateful for this day to arrive :hugs::heart:
**I am truly blessed **to be with this remarkable and utmost patient Buddha together forever​:heart::heart::heart::tada::tada::tada:
Grateful for fellowship and family near and far Love ya babe


That’s great news Owen!!! Big congrats!!! You’ve come along way friend. Thanks for sharing the road. :bride_with_veil: :person_in_tuxedo: :ring:

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Thx Menno , proud to be on this road with you as well. Happy trails friend :hugs::biking_man:

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Hey all, checking in on day 965. I hope everybody has a good one!


Yay Love! Congrats on the engagement @Nowenbrace


I know why I’m here. I’m here to know I’m not alone. To know that we’re in this together. One day at a time. Thanks for joining us :people_hugging:


Day 28. Feeling proud of myself to be getting close to a month. Despite really struggling with my depression and getting really frustrated, I haven’t really wanted to drink. I know that would make me feel worse. That’s a major shift in my thinking. I’m trying to be gentle with myself. I just started a new antidepressant so maybe that will help. There’s also a new gene testing they can do to see which antidepressants someone can metabolize effectively, so that just got sent off. I’ve tried so many over the years. And hopefully now that I’m not drinking, something will work better.


So very proud of you @KarenKW


That’s a HUGE shift Karen!!! Very glad for you, very proud of you. Just keep going. Nothing will stop you.


Thank you and feel welcome!

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Happy weekend everyone, life is beutifull



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What did you do to your gums?:thinking::astonished:

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Congrats to you both! Thank you for sharing!:tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada:

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There is one area where my gums use to become inflamed if I don’t take care of it proberly.
I got a cream that numbs the irritated gum and another kind of floss that expands when it gets wet. Best decision ever! Normal floss was too thin but those tiny brushes (you usually use when you have braces) are too thick.


The mug! :heart_eyes: :joy:
I stopped coffee when I became sober. I now have hot chocolate or tea instead. Or water. I sleep better since that day and my anxiety got better without coffee.


Ty Cup, this weekend is looking good!! :blush:

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